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All American Movers

All American Movers reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company All American Movers from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating All American Movers – 1.7 (calculated based on 6 reviews).

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All American Movers

   6 reviews

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  • Company: All American Movers
  • Location: 515 Fannin St., Beaumont OH, 77701
  • Website: www.allamericanmove.com
  • Email: Customercare@allamericanmove.com
  • Phones: (800) 833-2977

6 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Customer Service

    I ended up having to cancel my move but both Darren, and the dispatch manager Alexandra, we’re nothing but professional, courteous and friendly during all my discussions with them. They tried everything possible to accommodate what was an ever changing situation with my mom.

  2. Do not use AllAmericanMovers DOT1189842

    (Match the DOT - there are two with similar names) Bad bad bad. First, do not use a broker such as Gateway to inventory. They take your money and never advocate for you when things go south. All American's PRESIDENT said to me on the phone, oh yes, TN to WA, no problem, 10-14 days. Guess what? That's weekdays and for over 1,000 miles or so, it's 21 weekdays. Does not matter. THey picked up on May 25 and delivered on AUGUST 6 - through a 3rd (or 4th or 5th) company they hired! They just lied and lied along the way. Finally after 3 weeks of daily calls, they told me it never left TN! It was in storage the opposite direction! AND - they (and "Heaven on Earth" movers)lostseveral big boxes -all my socks and underwear, summer clothes, work pants, a bundled-and-bubbled pack of artwork, all my lamp bases, shoe rack - they delivered my ironing board but not the step ladder it was plastic wrapped to! Insurance is useless - by the weight. All that would have been maybe $100 if I stretched it. I offered to come to Nashville and pick up my belongings myself, and... never answered. Just lies and loss. They did not blame it on COVID until 3 weeks beyond their expected arrival date. "We do not do any deliveries to the West Coast" they said (Well, WHY did you accept the job from Gateway?) And the cost - it just kept going up the closer they got to actually delivering. I paid 1000s. Do not use them. PODS and such did not come to my small town, but...stick with self-moving unless you are paying big bucks for a private move.

  3. Help each other.

    HORRIBLE and CORRUPT company - all that is said negatively is true- and more. I am missing precious antiques and items from living overseas.

    IDEA There is POSITIVE evidence that some things have been delivered to the wrong people-maybe as customers we could try to help each other out with items delivered that our not ours-and help some people get things back.

  4. All American Movers.


    Horrible, rude, fraudulent, lazy, incompetent, greedy company and workers.

    Had contract agreement with estimated charge of $4,500, after providing a very detailed inventory, that at most underestimated 2-3 boxes, with all furniture included. Price raised by 125%, after what was able to fit of our possessions was loaded to the truck, then ultimately after further issues of fraud.

    Moving truck too small and no second truck sent which was promised in original agreement if this happens, especially when our inventory list was accurate to within a few boxes. Truck not even from their company as promised but said Allied National, with hole in door noted to be covered by cardboard to keep items dry.Possessions left behind-patio table, end tables, lamps, child's toy kitchen, other multiple bins.

    We specifically asked how much to put for down payment, were told none necessary, we would have to pay 40% up front. Had certified check made for 40% of the initial agreed-upon price. After items were loaded to the truck, they requested 60% of the increased price, stating we were supposed to have put a down payment, and since we didn’t they need said down payment & 40% of the new estimated price.

    Contract Agreement for a direct trip; our items would never be on a shared flatbed, instead they would pick up items &drop them off on specified dates. After items were loaded, were told they would move them to a flatbed & the earliest possible date of deliver would be a different date, but we could have to wait up to 30 days from that date.In order to get the direct trip, I had to beg and agree that I would be there when the truck arrived (thereby changing my initial plans and needing to pay for a last minute plane ticket) and also had to pay an extra $2000 to accommodate them not using the larger flatbed truck.

    Many of the conversations involving the increase in price were discussed with Alex, who we were told is supervisor there. He was rude enough to insinuate we didn’t have the money to make the trip, said we are ignorant, brought us to tears with his harsh words, he was overall unpleasant and difficult to deal with. At some point he implied that they needed the money up front to pay for the trip, but when I questioned that he backpedaled to say I was insinuating things he never said. He refused to speak to me, noting a supervisor named John would call me. When John did, he basically said there was nothing he can do, as Alex is above him. When I asked to speak to a person above Alex, I was laughed at, told that would only be the owner or president who "does not deal with customers" DO NOT DEAL WITH PEOPLE WHO TREAT YOU THIS WAY!!

    We were promised 3 workers to load our furniture in Chicago, and the same 3 would unload in Florida. They were also responsible for taking apart and putting back together furniture. 2 of the 3 workers arrived in Florida, and they never had a third person. I witnessed may issues where they were poorly stacking our furniture. At some point a small filing cabinet was literally thrown into the moving truck, and I saw the wheels snap from it. Many of the furniture items were put together poorly, with screws that were stripped, and I had to correct all of it after the fact. There was also an entire desk that they left in pieces, and I hadn’t gone in to the room that it was in to notice it before the movers had left. Left with cracked wood, broken table/wheels, broken glass.

  5. All American Movers.

    4203 Bay Beach Lane

    Condo 7 B

    Ft Myers Beach, Florida, 33931

    The Moving Horror Story

    In Mid September 2019 I began soliciting bids for our relocation from Mishawaka, Indiana to Ft Myers Beach, Florida. I chose Gateway Express Moving based on the cost, their understanding of 2 pickup points in Indiana and 2 delivery locations in Florida. I paid Gateway $984 as a deposit.

    I was never told that Gateway was a broker; that Gateway owned no trucks or moving personnel. Gateway priced my move with a detailed inventory and knowledge of the two pickup and delivery points. They promised pickup early on October 28 and delivery in 5-9 days. The Friday before the promised Monday morning pickup, I again reviewed the inventory with Danny and Ryan and pointed out that we had sold or given away about 1000 pounds of furniture and goods. He assured me that the price would be based on actual weight and my cost would go down once the truck was weighed.

    The movers—All American Movers from Dayton, Ohio called mid-morning to say they were on the way with a half full truck. I told them they were going to need an empty truck. They called back, said there had been a mistake and they had to deliver the truck to Lafayette, Indiana and would return around 3. They called later and said they would pickup around 6. We gave up and traveled to my daughter’s house to spend the night and assumed they would return in the morning. At 10:00 pm All American Movers called my cellphone and said they were ready to load. I told them it was too late and they should come back tomorrow. However, I could hear them banging on our apartment door thinking we were inside. After arguing back and forth, I finally gave in and said we would travel to our apartment and let them load. I was tired and intimidated by their insistence. They loaded our apartment and we traveled to our storage facility for the rest of the items. At the apartment they insisted that we had not packed a large TV and several pieces or art properly and they were going to charge me for packing these items. This seemed to be the catalyst they needed to begin wrapping everything with packing tape—sealed boxes, tubs, etc. This wrapping spree cost me about $800!! As they were packing the storage space, the leader indicated he was re-writing the contract and demanding $3504 in immediate payment! I tried to call Gate Express Moving several times. At this point I found out the 24 hour customer service line was not really a 24 hour service line.

    I had now paid $4488 for a move that was contracted at $4044! I did not get a copy of the new contract, but I was forced to sign their copy which I did noting that everything was subject to change. I was told the truck was heading to Chicago and that it would not be weighed. It never was (and that is the only promise they kept!) They would not confirm delivery!!

    On the 6th of November, I was able to find a number for Emily Sanchez who was supposedly the Customer Care Manager for All American Movers. She said my belongings would be delivered on November 9 or 10, that we would have to be home, and that another $3962 would be needed in the form of cash or postal money orders. In at least one of our conversations, she indicated she did not know of Gateway Express Moving!

    I explained to her that when we contracted for the move we indicated the furniture would need to be delivered by November 6 or after November 12. She indicated she did not know anything about this, that if we could not accept delivery on the weekend the items would be put in storage necessitating additional charges of several hundred dollars.

    I was hopeful that this was the end of the story, until we began discovering the broken and damaged items. Several of the damaged items had been noted by City Movers.

    I began a list of items and took pictures of each item noting that some broken glasses were part of sets, that the vacuum was completely useless, and that several pictures had broken glass. I contacted All American Movers via email and was told to file my claim. I sent all the descriptions, valuations, and pictures to All American Movers. I had to file two addendums as we kept finding broken items and smashed plastic bins. In January when I inquired as to the status of my claim, I was told that everything should be filed with their insurance company, not them. I asked who their insurance company was (they told me) and what happened to the material I sent them (they didn’t know). I filed all the descriptions, pictures, and forms with the insurance company requesting approximately $1000 for damage. I was forced to accept $50.

    I was truly scammed by Gateway Express and All American movers. These two companies can perpetuate this type of activity in an industry which has little or no regulation. They don’t have to pay to replace or repair damaged items.

  6. All American Movers.

    I agree with others who say DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!! I had the same experience others have detailed. Price quoted on phone and detailed on original contract doubled. When movers arrived, we walked the guy in charge around and showed him everything that was to be moved. After loading the truck halfway, he comes back and says the price has to be increased. We finally demanded he get a supervisor on the phone (James) who took our quote from $3600 to $10,000. When we kept objecting, he then dropped the price to $6500. By the way, James would not give us his last name. We had no choice but to continue with the move because we had to be out of our house in three days because of sell of the house. The 1st truck could not fit everything so they had to call in for a 2nd truck which had to come in from Jacksonville, Fla. Then they transferred everything to 2nd truck and took it to storage.

    When truck arrived with our goods, there were only two guys and my husband ended up helping just to move things along. We had furniture that was broken, dented and scratched. Missing a piece of art.
    Wardrobe boxes came off truck smashed on top and one was split on side with items falling out.
    They claimed everything was in that condition when they picked it up from storage. I saw how the truck was packed when they opened the back doors and it was one big mess. I demanded they call someone at All American but they claimed the only number they had was for Dispatch and they didn’t work on Saturday. As I was in the process of noting damaged items on All America’s paperwork, they drove off without signing or taking the paperwork with them

    I tried getting someone at All American on the phone the next week. All I got was being transferred to a voice mail with no follow up response. I finally found the name of the company who handles their claims on the original paperwork but wonder if it’s worth the time to submit a claim which is what they are counting on,

    By the way, a box of someone else’s things were left here even though we told the movers that it wasn’t
    Ours. If anyone out there is missing some sofa cushions, we have them.

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