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Allstates Moving & Storage, Inc.

Allstates Moving & Storage, Inc. reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Allstates Moving & Storage, Inc. from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Allstates Moving & Storage, Inc. – 3 (calculated based on 33 reviews).

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Allstates Moving & Storage, Inc.

   33 reviews

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  • Company: Allstates Moving & Storage, Inc.
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  • Website: www.allstatesmovingstorage.com
  • Email: info@allstatesmovingstorage.com
  • Phones: (954) 332-7280||(866) 940-0001

33 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Fraud!!


  2. WORST company from cust service to quality of pkg/ transport.


    I received my shipment 1 month after the scheduled delivery date. The front office LIES about what they can do and gets you to sign an agreement for a discounted price after telling them exactly what you have.. then the mover put items on the truck and say.. it will cost an additional 2-4K based on cubic feet. Then on the scheduled delivery date you have to talk to the WORLDS worst idiot in dispatch that tells you it is just the "open" window date and they have up to 30 days after that to deliver. When I actually received the product they thru (literally) everything in the boxes they packed. Damaged thousands of dollars of items and I haven't heard from them regarding my claim. I will be suing this company and quite frankly we should have a class action lawsuit because the list of customers they scammed is unreal! They need to be put out of business!!

  3. God Awful Company.

    We had the worst experience dealing with this company. There was no communication, many of our items were destroyed and they outsourced everything to third parties. They packed up our items in one truck, unloaded them into another and then re-packed them in a third truck, which caused tons of damage to our stuff. The couldn't give us a date on delivery, they movers that unpacked the truck tried to give us items that belonged to another family, and many of the boxes were not labeled at all. This company is unreliable, unprofessional and picking them was a disastrous choice.


  4. From Pick up to DEL.

    Go Elsewhere They are just wrong from price to misplacing your Boxes I am Still missing Items and Stuff Is Broken.

  5. Move from Florida.

    The original quote was $1440. But was changed at my house to $2100. At that point , if you want to move your stuff you are out of luck. After the move, I talked with Mario who admitted I was overcharged and promised me a refund. Mario is a liar and can't be trusted for anything he tells you. I never received the refund he promised and after many phone calls I gave up. You have a choice of moving companies, find one that is reputable. Allstates moving and storage is not an honest company. You can do better. I documented everything and proved I was overcharged. Mario agreed but then was dishonest when following up.

  6. Do Not Hire This Moving Company, They Overcharge And Steal Your Stuff!

    This moving company was the worst experience I have ever gone through in my life. They still to this day have not provided me with an outline of what I paid or what I got charged. I had to move all of my stuff into my place myself because their driver would not carry my possessions up four small stairs when 8 were included in the move for free. I have an invoice that I can provide that says I was overcharged $414.15 and I was only refund $210.I also paid $70 for a plastic mattress cover that was never put on my mattress and they got my $500 memory foam mattress wet and ruined. As I said the driver left my possessions outside in the parking lot of my building, did not go through my inventory list with me and just drove away and left before I had any idea of what was accounted for. From what I know because I was not given any record of what they moved besides my initial inventory, they neglected to deliver a $900 Roland XP-80 keyboard, $300 Gibson Guitar, $1200 Kirby Vacuum, $100 coffee table. Several boxes of stuff with books and video games totaling approx $300. This moving company has done nothing but make my life a living nightmare. I relocated for work across the country and it has been a very difficult transition because of this. All of my lost and damaged possessions total over $3000 and I just want this disaster to be over.. The owner and customer service people have been so disrespectful and dishonest with me telling me they would mail me a check which I never received and eventually stiffing me on what I was overcharged. I am a good honest customer and paid $3100 to this company to deliver my possessions and they have failed in every way possible.. I am appalled that anybody would run a business in this manner.

  7. Save yourself the headache..

    My husband and I were shopping for the best rate for cross country moving when All States Moving & Storage Inc. gave us a call. With the lowest rate we had received yet, we chose to go with them. With a deposit of $447 and total quote of $1425 we were hoping this would be a good experience. We were told we would receive a call the day before with a time frame of when the truck would be there. We never received the call, so we assumed they would be coming the day after ( which we were told was a possibility).. the next morning I get a call at 8 AM saying they were about 2 hours away.. thanks for the heads up.. and they showed up in a Budget, truck as if it isn't sketchy enough trusting a company you'd never heard of before with your personal belongings. We were not informed, however, that there was a fee for pickup. The driver seemed a tad disappointed when we didn't have the cash he was expecting and we knew nothing about. We told him we would give him the balance at the time of delivery and he understood. Two days later I check my bank account as we are driving across country and find that they took out a much larger payment than anticipated, or at all for that matter. No one consulted us, no phone call, no warning. Just boom. $715 gone. The way their payments work is that the total is divided into thirds. Your deposit being the first 33%, the pickup fee, and the delivery fee. The $715 they took out was much more than what should have been the second payment. Best yet, when the delivery guys called (again 1 hr before delivery) they said my balance was not the $260 we owed them, but the $997 we owed after the deposit, because they had no record of the $715 they took from my husbands account. A rep called me (from a restricted #) to get this squared away and told me he would handle it. I never received a call back and obviously could not call him being the number was blocked. To my displeasure, the delivery guys, who drove a semi we had never seen before (that's not the truck we watched our stuff load into and we weren't told these details..) were surprisingly nice, but also had no record of our involuntary $715 payment. I tried to call customer service to speak to our rep Victor and of course, he was unreachable. The customer service lady ( I WISH I had taken down her name..) was extremely rude and impatient and had no understanding for our situation, repeatedly telling me she could email my rep for me. We showed the delivery guys our bank statements and they understood and took the remaining balance we know we owed. They were very nice about it, disappointed obviously but agreed we shouldn't be charged more than what we were told. I am honestly not sure whether or not these guys were a separate hired company to transport our stuff or if they worked for who we had hired.. I really couldn't tell you.
    I received an email asking for us to fill out the credit card auth paper for the no warning payment they had already taken. In the email, the credit card auth was not attached, so I responded asking that they attach it and send it back to me so we could fill it out. Well obviously, no one read my email because they replied telling me I must have forgotten to attach my completed credit card auth.. seriously? I responded asking them to reread the email and send it again.. I have yet to hear anything back. And that was almost 2 weeks ago.

    DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY! and don't give them your credit card info.. the only thing I was happy about was that my items arrived within time frame and unharmed. But as far as the service and organization of this company.. you would expect so much more when your spending $1425 to use their services. Save yourself the headache. Sorry for the novel..
    Rant over.

  8. Horrible service.

    This company is very unreliable. They act as thought they are doing us a favor and we are paying thousands of dollars for a move. Their phone and customer service sucks. They picked up my furniture on October 12th and I was suppose to receive is it on the 21st in Nevada. Come the 21st and this guy Joe that works in Dispatch talks to me like he has no clue of anything and tells me that the truck in leaving south Florida today the 21st or tomorrow. I feel that I gave them more than enough time to get this shipment correct. After that I kept call ing to see what the status was on the driver and they have no idea on the driver. What kind of control and support for their clients is this? Well I will tell you that this company is very unreliable considering that I have 2 small kids and no furniture in my house for over a week. They pretty much have everything I own. On the 28th, they come to me and offer me a discount of like 5% which is about 150 off. That is caring for their clients right. well I think that is a slap on the face when it comes to service considering they completely dropped that ball. Communication with this company is horrific and if the owner is reading this he should be ashamed of the service they are providing their clients. By the way my bill was 4,200. HORRIBLE COMPANY! DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM AT ALL!

  9. Lieing Brokers.

    My opinion is this mover is the most inept and unprofessional mover in the industry! While they claim to not be brokers, they are! Once they pick up your furniture they demand full payment even though their contract states differently! They schedule delivery 4 times and 4 times they didn’t show up, all the while the office staff lie about where my furniture was! When they delivered the only items that were not damaged were the ones they lost. They completely destroyed hand made wood furniture which I purchased in march this year (2015). My temper-pedicab bed was missing the legs and the electrical components were damaged! To top it off the mattress smelled of urine! The only thing I did right was to purchase full replacement insurance from a 3rd party insurance company!

  10. Don't Hire Them.


    This is the worst experience I've had. I used this company assured that I would be treated correctly since they were a "real" moving company and not a broker. WOW, was that wrong.

    I moved from North Carolina to California and have had nothing but trouble. The price DOUBLED and I'm now paying over $3,000 to move a studio apartment. I don't even have a kitchen table. Three weeks after securing them, my belongings are being held hostage in Florida. All kinds of extra fees have been added including fees for stairs that don't exist.

    I'm sure the price will only increase upon delivery, IF that ever happens. I've now been sleeping on an air mattress and had to purchase so many things I wasn't planning on.

    Whatever you do, DON'T HIRE THIS COMPANY. They are absolutely horrific. I don't have enough space to tell you how awful they are.

  11. Promises of customer service are false.

    Moving company made promises on how they were going to give customer service. Promises on how they were not a broker company and how since they were the real company that was going to pick up the goods, they were better than the rest.   I asked for a specific time to move and the person on the phone agreed.  He said the scheduling department would call and confirm.  I never received a call.  When I called back two days before the move, I was told everything was fine and they would call me at the end of the day. No call came. This went on til 19 hours before the move.  I was then transferred to the manager who said he was cancelling the move and refunding me the money.   When I informed him that this puts me in a worse situation, he said I was my problem.     Beware of the promises this company makes.  They seem to double and triple book then try to slide your move.  They left me in a lurch.  Buyer beware!

  12. Reliable like you won’t believe.

    Allstates moving & storage did such an amazing job moving our belongings from Hallandale Beach, FL to Glasgow, MT. We hired them after a friend gave them a glowing recommendation. My husband is quite fussy about moving companies. He has trust issues clearly! But he felt much more confident after talking to the company on phone. They seemed friendly and reliable. The real proof came during the move. The movers were all very experienced and they wasted absolutely no time. Their packing skills were amazing and they carried everything with ease. They were literally in and out of our house. We couldn’t believe how fast they finished the job. It must have saved us a fortune. The delivery was made sharp at9:00 am on the scheduled date. All our valuables traveled excellently and we couldn’t be happier.

  13. Cross this company off your list.

    They actually came a day early to pack up. Not enough people for the amount of packing to be done.  Estimate they gave me was completely misleading - from under $5000 it went up to $8300 - shocked to say the least.  Packers were very respectful but just overwhelmed. So tired at the end that last boxes were badly packed.  Was promised delivery for the following Monday (6 days later).  They changed delivery time 3 more times and actually arrived Tuesday at 7pm - just 2 guys to unpack a whole 3 bedroom house!  They did not assemble any furniture or even remove the blankets off the furniture.  We did this ourselves.  11 pm and we were still at it.  Mattresses were dragged on ground (one arrived with 2 large tears on it). So we definitely did not get what we paid for.  I have insurance ($800 more) and have submitted claim.  Too many things broken, scraped and banged.  A whole cabinet of my tools (aprox $450) did not arrive - insurance does not cover missing items!  Spoke to Xiomara at Allstates and she was very polite and listened carefully.  However, they have not taken responsibility or any action to remedy or compensate for all that happened.  Very very disappointed.

  14. Best of breed.

    I didn’t have a lot of stuffs to move out of my apartment in Hallandale Beach. But I was quite concerned about a few pieces of assembled furniture. I know how much they cost in NYC so I would have rather brought them along with me. That’s where Allstates moving & storage came in. They gave me a really good quote. I gave a timeframe for arrival between 2-7 pm but the guys arrived sharp at 2. I wasn’t quite ready and they didn’t start the clock till 2:30 pm. I was very grateful for this gesture of goodwill. The couch bed I was worried about got stuck at my front door. But the crew kept trying in different ways and they finally got it out. I am writing this review sitting on that couch. Thanks Allstates moving & storage.

  15. Good service at best price.

    Most movers these days quote such ridiculous amounts giving excuses for their professional men! In most cases, as it turns out, the only thing professional about these movers is their uniform. The same cannot be said for Allstates moving & storage. Their men were very well uniformed and they really delivered. Moreover, the price was absolutely fantastic, no overpricing for their shiny offices or customer service. They really are the best in their field as my move from Hallandale Beach to San Antonio was smooth and inexpensive as it could ever be.

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