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Big Boy Moving and Storage

Big Boy Moving and Storage reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Big Boy Moving and Storage from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Big Boy Moving and Storage – 2 (calculated based on 28 reviews).

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Big Boy Moving and Storage

   28 reviews

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  • Company: Big Boy Moving and Storage
  • Location: 8131 NW 91st Terrace, Miami FL, 33166
  • Website: www.bigboymoving.com
  • Email: relo@bigboymoving.com
  • Phones: (954) 854-7418||(877) 989-2442

28 Reviews: Add Review

  1. My Stolen Items

    I paid for my personal items that I didn’t receive because they were stolen. There was over $4,500 stolen & I’ve worked hard to invest in my stuff. Please don’t use this moving & storage unless you want your stuff stolen & never returned.

  2. Parker.

    Please do not use this moving service under any circumstance. They showed up 3 days earlier than they were supposed to so I had to rush and pack. Of course when they loaded the truck they went up on the price. The guys were nice enough while they nickel and dimed me. It took me almost 6 weeks to get my belongings. They destroyed lots of my things. There was also lots of mold on my things that I had to throw out. It seems as though they had my boxes sitting out in the elements. My shelving unit was also destroyed and had to be thrown out.
    After paying them so that they would take my belongings off of the truck they told me I had to pay more for steps that they did not have to use and they said that my apartment was more than 75 feet away so I'd have to pay more for that also. One worker did not want to bring my stuff in the building. The other worker who looked to be about 80 years old talked the other man into bringing everything in the building to the elevator. My son and I had to take everything to the second floor and to the apartment. I have bad hips and after doing this I was not able to walk for 3 days. They waited to come after 4:00 when they knew the office was closed. The driver was very rude and was yelling at me because I asked if he had a direct number for me to call. I didn't have time to look at reviews before using this company. That is one mistake I will not do in the future and definitely will not refer anyone to this company. They just see how much money they can get out of you with no regard for your belongings. Once again please DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!

  3. Horrible.

    Quoted us a reasonable price than the movers told us twice that. They took advantage of us because we had to move in a hurry because we're military. It took 21 days to recieve our furniture. Which we had to pack most of it ourselves. They went through our boxes and broke a lot of things. They lost the legs to my dining room table. Broke my washer and dryer, a couple of bookshelves and all our floor lamps. I'm not sure Esau what is missing yet because as they went through my boxes they put some of the wrong things back in the boxes. We found stuff that's not even ours in our boxes. The guys that dropped our stuff off we're extremely pleasant, helpful, and apologetic.

  4. Worst experience of my life.

    They were late to pick up. They were late with delivery. They took apart a swing set and a step 2 kitchen that was supposed to be reassembled upon delivery. Never happened. All the boxes were smashed. My washer and dryer were damaged. My atv was damaged. I got absolutely nothing that I was promised for my 4200 move from Indiana to Florida that took almost 5 weeks.

  5. Verbally abusive moving staff.

    I am the move in coordinator for a large senior living community. One of our new residents hired Big Boy moving and Storage to move her items from another state. I was verbally abused from the driver of the truck. Everyone who overheard the interaction was appalled. Even his co-worker stood there shocked. He was upset because I asked him to not block the drive, so ambulances could get in and out. He refused to move the truck at first and began yelling at me. If this is how they treat customers, people need to avoid this company at all costs.

  6. Absolutely every aspect of my move was the worst-case scenario.

    I contacted All-American Moving and Storage based on their quote for my move, and it was subcontracted to Big Boy Moving & Storage. They quoted my move for my truck and all my belongings for a little over $7000 from VA to WA. When they showed up, they packed up my stuff and then quoted me about double the price due to "more volume than anticipated" even though I had been very detailed with the original estimate. After speaking with their dispatcher and telling them to unpack my stuff, they agreed to $7800 for the whole move. I called the following day to ask why the truck-shipper hadn't shown up yet, and they told me (after they had shipped all of my belongings) that they don't ship vehicles. I had to jump through my butt to find a shipper last-minute because I was to report to a duty station 3000 miles away in a few days, and it costs more to do a last-minute shipment for a 6000 pound truck that is too wide to fit on most vehicle trailers. Also, I almost forgot to mention that the movers left a whole room of stuff for me to move alone with a little economy car, my wife, 2 month-old son, and 2 dogs. It was not fun, and completely avoidable had they done their job properly.
    Once we arrived in WA, base housing was full, so the shippers held on to my stuff for a couple weeks extra..for $637, non-refundable and never negotiated.
    Once my stuff was delivered, almost everything I owned was damaged, albeit most of it was cosmetically. I got estimates and took lots of pictures, as did the delivery drivers. The damages totaled around $8000. I filed all the claims exactly as they directed me to.
    About 7 months (!) later, I received a claim resolution of $76. That is not a typo. $76. I am getting Navy Legal involved today, but no one is optimistic. This is only a small part of the story, not including things like how they destroyed my house in VA while unpacking to the point of needing a professional cleaner and a carpet company to repair their damages (which they refuse to compensate). They also lost my wife's elliptical exercise machine and loads of other things, which they won't compensate because their shipping papers were filled out so poorly that almost nothing was itemized unless I expressly required it (like my motorcycle, which they almost didn't even list). After I speak with Legal, I plan on going to the BBB about them, as well. They have cost me over $10k between damages and non-refundable charges that the Navy will not compensate me for. It also took months to get the weight tickets required for me to be compensated by the Navy for my move..with me calling them literally every day.
    TL;DR : DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LET THESE PEOPLE TOUCH ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT BROKEN OR LOST. This company is malicious and opportunistic and uses underhanded and deceptive means to get as much money out of people as possible with no regard for their well-being. Absolutely no part of any interaction with them over the last year worked out as anything besides the worst-case scenario and their customer service is unprofessional and useless.

  7. Most Rude & Disrespectful Company Ever!! do Not Use!!

    I don't know how I missed these review sites but wish I had seen them. I have never worked with a company that cares less for their customers. This company has been nothing but false promises, extra fees and HORRIBLE customer service. They under estimated my load significantly, did not inform me that cash/check was needed AT pick up, straight lied to me about charges for my mirror and glass table and can take up to 21 days from your requested date of delivery to drop off your goods. Everything revolves around moving a full truck and their timeline. Zero care for customer receiving goods. Even with all of these mishaps what frustrated me the most was their blatant disregard to respond to email an voicemail. I asked for delivery and didn't hear anything so I called 4 days out and left messages and email. Then again two days out. Then called the day before on a different number and reached someone who hung up on me before I could reschedule the date of delivery! I feel completely scammed as though they said anything they could, to get my business. I warn anyone from believing what they say or dealing with their rude customer service. This company should not be allowed to operate. I feel for anyone who has to go through what I have gone through, and I still have not even received my goods. I pray things are not broken like many of the other reviews.

  8. Do Not Use!!

    First delivery date was 2 WEEKS AGO for a 400 mile move-
    STILL DO NOT HAVE FURNITURE. Customer service NEVER answers the phone. Now they WILL NOT HONOR the discount promised to me for late delivery. CANT EVEN GET SOMEONE ON THE PHONE.


  9. Do Not Use..

    Stay away from this company. They pull last minute stunts that are beneficial to them but cost the customer additional monies. You have no option but to pay the monies or they won't deliver your things. The owner doesn't even have the courtesy to reply to any phone calls or correspondence. The claim for the broken items was never settled. Their delivery men were rude and lazy. My people basically unloaded the truck. They were 13 hours late in arriving at the destination claiming every couple of hours that they would be there shortly. How they stayed in business this long is beyond me. No conscience people.

  10. Not worth it.

    Pros- very nice people doing the actual move.

    Cons- read the fine print on your contract--- these things will happen.

    Extra charges for a long carry -my neighbor said she did not care if her house was blocked by the semi but movers said they could not legally park there and therefore I got charged for a long carry.

    -it took a month to get my things.

    -multiple things were broken- I am in the process of filing a claim.

    -I got pressured to move early to accommodate the mover's schedule.

    I would not use this company again. I would sell what I could and do the move myself.

  11. Worst Experience, they are crooks and scammed me.

    I made moving arrangements a month in advance with Best Price Moving and Storage who told last minute they were not available for the day of the move and that someone else would be picking up my stuff. When Big Boy Moving and Storage came to pick up my stuff, they charged me $180 extra for stairs, which was something that was already worked out with Best Price Moving and Storage- I told them the amount of stairs I had and he gave me a price accordingly and now this new company decided to charge me extra. I paid it because I needed to get out of the apartment and moved that day and then I planned on calling the company to explain the situation and have them charge me less for the delivery portion to compensate for the extra amount charged, They said how do we know you didn't make a deal with the driver. What kind of company is this that they don't honor their customers because they are concerned about shady deals like that. I waited 2 weeks for someone to respond to my phone call about getting my stuff back, I honestly didn't know if I would even see my stuff again and if this was a scam and I needed to file a police report. Best Price Moving and Storage wouldn't help me with anyone of this. I made plans with them, they contracted my job out to someone who would do it cheaper and took no responsibility. That is a scam. My stuff arrived after another couple weeks broken and missing. The drivers made me pay them in cash and wouldn't let me see my stuff ahead of paying them which I knew was a bad situation but they had my stuff hostage. They also didn't warn me before taking my money that stuff was broken and that 5 boxes, a desk chair, a plastic tub full of pots/pans/kitchenware was missing. I should have called the cops to be there. Additionally one of the boxes had a mix of mine and another persons' stuff. They had clearly gone through our stuff and took out what was valuable and threw into this box what was not. I had a horrible experience with both places and would strongly recommend not using them.

  12. Nightmare.

    I have moved 7 times in the past 11 years and this move was a NIGHTMARE. I hired All American moving and got a quote with them on the phone and some how a truck with a different name showed up at my door: big boys moving. All of my paper work had big boys moving written on it even though I never hired that company. This joke of a company showed up at my door after I had already put the $600 down payment so I was stuck. For starters they changed the move day 24 hrs before the move and my husband lost 2 days of work as a result. But fine. I forgave that. On moving day mover walked in the door and said I owed them 700 more than the quote in his hand. He said if I want my stuff packed professionally then it would be 700 more and that it had to be cash. (I'm not sure why I would hire movers to move my stuff unprofessionally when I can do that on my own.) After 2 hours of phone calls and arguments they agreed to do it for originally qouted price but made me sign a paper that said if any glass broke they were not responsible since I refused the professional packing. The driver was very angry and was arguing with the salesman and his supervisor because he didn't want to honor the quote even though I heard them tell him to honor it. My guess is the 700 was his cut!! I then watched them pack my stuff in ways I have never seen movers handle my stuff ever before. It was devistating to watch. When the mover was leaving he let me know that my stuff would be going 5 hours south to miami for a few days and would get switched to a new truck before it made its way back up to me in Virginia. Nice. A few days later when my stuff arrived at the new location, the driver started by saying I owed him an extra $120 because he could not pull his truck up to my street. (So they are also incompetent drivers who can't even drive their own trucks.) After arguing with the salesman and supervisor on the phone, they let me know that they would wave the fee out of the goodness of their hearts. Finally I thought it would be over but no, the driver threw a fit and said he didn't care what any of them said, he wanted the $120 and it had to be cash or else he would leave all my furniture in the middle of the street. He was shouting like a maniac and harassing the neighbors (who I did not even know) so I called the cops. When the cops arrived I said to him in front of the cops, that I didn't even care about the $120, that he could gladly have it if he just gives me my furniture and leaves. I was so done. I told him I'd call the office and make the payment with my credit card. He again went ballistic and said it had to be cash. I told him he was being sketchy and the cop agreed. He finally told me not to worry about the money and that he'd move the stuff. He didn't want my credit card payment. If it wasn't cash he wasn't interested. He started unloading the truck and the cop stayed because the man looked angry and I was frightened to be with him alone. He then proceeded to literally SLAM my furniture onto the road. He was throwing my nightstands face down on to the road. I was horrified so I took out my camera and started recording everything. He walked over and asked me if I was filming him then refused to work and went and sat in his truck for 30 mins. The cop told him if he wasn't moving my furniture he had leave because he was blocking our entire road off. And he threw a fit about me recording. He finally decided to keep working. They didn't finish till past 11 pm. And he was insulting and laughing and making a mockery of it the entire time. Best of all he broke the majority of my furniture. I am beyond devestated. They tore my mattress, broke my bed, broke my daughters dresser, and left tape marks and dings all over my coffee tables and end tables. I am horrified. Not to mention how rude and unprofessional the supervisor was on the phone. She does not let you speak and keeps talking and cutting you off and was very insulting and belittling. I will see them in court!! RUN! ZERO STARS!!

  13. Worst company ever.

    My total cost doubled by the end of it all with no warning!

    Worst customer service ever! Melissa screamed (literally) at me for trying to get her to remove 2 charges that were put on by mistake, THEIR MISTAKE! They added apartment stairs which I don't have as it was being delivered to a house. I was also told I would get free tv crating and they charged me for that as well.

    Maganger James, NEVER returns calls or does what he says he will.

    At pick up, the driver was incredibly rude and also very difficult to understand when he spoke.

    I found it suspicious that several company names were used while working with them. Initially it was David & Goliath moving and then it was Big Boy Moving and storage and at delivery it is Jordan River Moving Company.

    Overall This company is fraudulent! Do not use them!

  14. Disheartening to say the least.

    If being overcharged would have been the only thing that went wrong, I could have eventually gotten over it. But I have never experienced such terrible and consistently awful service from a company. Here are some examples of what we have endured:
    1.At time of pick-up movers privately asked if we could pay them their tip (instead of giving it to the driver) so they would be sure to receive it. This was really unprofessional and an awkward interaction.
    2.39" Vizio flat screen was wrapped by movers and placed in the "free" crate we were granted in the estimate..and then it was left off the manifest (stolen)
    3.Rubbermaid containers were apparently rummaged through as a $250 cordless speaker disappeared as well (stolen)
    4.1 of 4 wheels missing from bed frame
    5.Lamp broken and unusable
    6.Entertainment center broken and unusable
    7.Mirror broken
    8.Dining table severely scratched
    9.Calls are not returned from customer service (Melissa)
    10.Customer service representatives are rude (Connie)
    11.During the initial down-payment process, I had to provide a copy of my credit card and drivers license. I provided this on 4/26/16. Fraudulent credit card charges from California ensued within 2 weeks. Coincidence..maybe.
    12.Upon delivery we could not use a credit card or a check and could only give the driver a money order from the US Post Office. The movers requested more money in order to bring the items upstairs. I was told that the first flight of stairs was included, but apparently on 7 steps were included. After being overcharged almost $1000, we were not paying another cent. Hence, the truck was unloaded on the curb.
    13.Several times during this process there were different company names involved (Big Boy Moving & Storage, David and Goliath Moving, Swift Moving Systems, Swift Moving Van Lines)

    Overcharged $956.87
    Truck unloaded on curb and inventory not taken to the apartment
    Almost every piece of furniture broken or damaged
    2 items of significant value stolen (TV and speaker)
    Unprofessional customer service.

  15. Awful. Stay away.

    These guys are awful.. don't believe anything they tell you. We had a horrible experience moving with them this summer from IL to CO and now I feel like I need to post this review on every moving review site I can to hopefully help someone else from dealing with them.

    Summary: 1. They will increase your quote by a lot after packing your items. 2. They outsource the entire move without telling you. You think you hired Big Boy to handle your stuff, but all of our items were transferred to a central dispatch which handles multiple moving companies/trucks/moves and Big Boy is pretty much out of the picture. 3. The delivery dates promised by the salesman were lies. Our stuff showed up 15 days later. 4. The sales people stop answering your phone calls and will not return emails when you call to check on the move status. 5. A lot of our stuff arrived broken. 6. A lot of online reviews are positive, but after going to the bottom of the page almost every review is negative. 7. They also charge a deposit, which I read is a red flag on moving scams after the fact.

    They gave us a great quote based on the size and distance of our move. It beat all the other quotes by a long shot, so after looking at some yelp reviews, the website and talking to the sales rep on the phone we decided to go with them. Big mistake. We were hoping to have our stuff delivered on or around August 1st, so the sales rep said they could pick our stuff up early and it would get to our destination between August 1st and the 5th no problem. We scheduled a pick up for July 26th…super early so it would arrive on time. Three men showed up and took almost 5 hours to move a 790 sq ft apartment into a moving truck. After they loaded our stuff they said it was more stuff than originally quoted and our new quote was over $1,000 higher than before. They also tried to pull some additional charges with "extra steps" and a second flight of stairs that we had to fight over. Then they asked for a tip. We kind of knew we were screwed after this.

    We arrived in Colorado on July 31st and called the moving company to check on the status of our move, anticipating a possible delivery on August 1st. We get transferred to "dispatch" who tells us our items haven't left Illinois yet. OK, looks like it won't be here until the 3rd, 4th or 5th then. We call to check on the status for the next several days, each time we get transferred to dispatch and are told it hasn't left yet. Then we are told by dispatch that they technically have 21 business days from the first date of delivery to get our stuff to us! So our stuff might not show up until August 31st! August 5th comes and goes.. we spoke to Big Boys several times who told us our stuff should be arriving any day now.. even though dispatch tells us it hasn't left yet. Eventually the Big Boys sales rep stops picking up the phone and will not return calls after messages were left. We email several times and get no response. The dispatch person who is dealing with us tells us to stop calling because they don't have any updates. The whole time we are transferred to dispatch I realize they never say "Big Boy dispatch" once, just dispatch, so I call and ask what company the dispatch works for.. silence. Then dispatch tells me that they are central dispatch for several moving companies and they take items from all over and schedule moves based on truck availability, etc. I had no idea our stuff was going to be handled this way.. because Big Boys never tells you.

    Fast forward to August 16th and without any warning or notification at all, we receive a phone call at 4pm on a Sunday from a truck driver saying he is en route and will be delivering our stuff the next morning. We've been calling these people for weeks and haven't been told anything at all and the night before our stuff is going to be delivered we get a random phone call. We didn't plan on this at all and didn't have plans to take off of work, so we asked if they could deliver that night. (The one positive experience of this whole thing was that the guy said he could stop by that night and drop our stuff off). Three guys who obviously don't work for Big Boy start unloading our stuff. I even asked if they worked for Big Boy and the driver told me no way, they contract everything out. Surprise surprise. Again, we are told too many steps and it is going to cost more, so we have to fight again. Our stuff gets unloaded and many pieces were broken. Headboard, book shelf, side table all had big pieces broken off. Other furniture had noticeable scratches. One box was ripped open and the contents were a mess inside. It was bad. We argued for a while about the condition of the items and wrote them down on the bill of lading. The guys weren’t super friendly either. Part of the deal was that they would reassemble furniture that was taken apart and we had to argue to have this done. We are still dealing with the complaint process two month later for the broken stuff. Can't wait to see how the rest of this goes.

    I'm probably forgetting some of the other stuff we had to go through when dealing with this company, but writing about it is just making me mad again so I need to stop. Long story short, stay away from Big Boys Moving & Storage. Read the other negative reviews…they’ll tell you the same thing. I will be getting a U-Haul and moving myself from now on no matter how far I have to go after dealing with these guys. Should have done more research, now I know.


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