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Champion Movers

Champion Movers reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Champion Movers from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Champion Movers – 1.4 (calculated based on 25 reviews).

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Champion Movers

   25 reviews

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  • Company: Champion Movers
  • Location: 4420 Andrews St, Indian Springs NV, 89081
  • Website: championmovers1.com
  • Email: info@championmovers1.com
  • Phones: (702) 876-2343||(877) 419-6683

25 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Very bad - a nightmare

    This company should be renamed from Champion Movers to LOSERS Movers right off the bat. If you choose them, your worst nightmare will come true, and you will lose your peace of mind for a long time. We hired them for an out-of-state move. Initially, they told us delivery time is 3-7 days. We called them to inquire and changed delivery to 10 days. On the 10th day, they told us ten business days. At this point, we were ok this company is being unprofessional and playing games. On the 10th business day, we inquired again they said that "they still have time as delivery can take up to 21 days". At this point, we told them this was not what we signed up for and we need them to honor what they agreed on their contract. They laughed at us and told us to refer to the pick-up paperwork where it states with tiny font letters that delivery can take up to 21 business days and they guarantee it within 30 business days. Are you kidding me? 3-7 days for delivery is hugely different than 30 business days (45 regular days). We would never hire them with these terms. Who reads the fine print on the pick-up day that the driver gives after the truck is loaded? Imposters!

    This company is dishonest, it is run by con artists that will trick you into a huge mess. I still have not received my belongings. That has caused incredible strain on my well-being, my performance at work, and my relationship with my spouse. This is a real nightmare. Reading reviews of other people, we are not the only ones having such a bad experience. I don't know how these pathetic company employees' go to bed at night affecting the well-being of so many customers. I wish them well, but karma will get them. Too much headache, trouble, anxiety, and mess have been caused by this pathetic moving company. We told them that we will get a U-Haul of our own to go to their storage unit where they left our belonging without our knowledge/permission and we asked for a full refund, and they laughed at us. They said we need to pay the full price to give us access to our belongings even though they are not being able to get the job done as they promised on paperwork. On top of that, they want a convenience fee to have one of their employees be present at the storage. Go figure! We talked to a lawyer, and he said that this is a hostage situation. We filed a complaint with the department of transportation and Las Vegas police where they are based on. Champion movers pretty much told us reporting them will not help us get our stuff sooner. This is blackmail and held us in a hostage situation.

    Save yourself the nightmare and do your due diligence and research and do not fall into their trap. If any of my belongings are missing/stolen as other customers say we will press charges and file a lawsuit. Someone must step up, talk, and make this company face the consequences of their horrible scam game.

  2. Throw my couch

    I walk in and I see Mario and John trying to throw my couch out of the window! I’m very upset with such childish behavior. I’m expecting between 10k and 15k in compensation. My couch is 35k, made from one of the worlds rarest species of fur.

  3. Money

    Where is my money? I’ve been waiting for 8 months. The amount of items you broke is unacceptable. You Smashed my windows with rocks and eggs. Never using again

  4. Late, broken items, poor customer service

    HORRIBLE experience! Started off being over 3 hours late at pickup, although every time I called they said they were on the way. This meant they didn't get started driving until the following day. They assured me I'd still get my stuff the following day since that date was what the move was based on and I could have had them pick everything up a day early if they thought there would be delays.

    Day 2, they notify me they are about half way (seemed to be good timing) around 11:30am so should arrive by 4pm. I ask if they have plastic to lay down and they said no, so I had to go buy plastic from Home Depot. I was told I would be reimbursed, but no response after I sent the receipt. At 4:30 I call the driver and they say they hit traffic and are still a few hours away but will still make it by 7pm. 6:30-they say it's too late and will have to come in the morning!! We were upset because we literally had NOTHING our 1st night in the house, slept on the floor etc...

    Day 3, I'm thinking, okay they are here just need to drive to the house. I message them around 9am and they say they are 2 hours away!!!! WHAT?!!! Finally arrive at 11:30 and sit in the truck for 1/2 hour. Only 1 of the 2 wore a mask, and that one I assume to have been sick (maybe the cause for the delay on Saturday?) because he was in the bathroom over a half hour (didn't ask to use it) and I kept catching him sitting down on OUR furniture throughout the day!

    When unloading I noticed they had boxed some loose items from our storage, and none of it was packed with any packing material and a few things were broke (glass, an air purifier). Also we had several other broken items: ripped upholstery, broken wooden support for a bed, hole in a bed drawer....the list goes on. Plus they did not wear gloves so all of our white furniture was black and filthy! I also had to yell "STOP" when they were unloading from the truck, as a long glass dresser top was sliding out of a packing blanket and about to snap if they kept tipping the dresser it was on. If I had not been watching, that would have been in pieces.

    Before the final items were unloaded they requested the remaining balance (this was supposed to be calculated based on time spent and they had incorrect numbers and did not take off my upfront deposit). Why is there not someone in the office to handle this? I would think most moving happens on weekends and the drivers/movers should not be the ones doing the accounting. They had also told me on their drive up that I needed to have exact cash or a cashier's check. This was not relayed when I arranged the move. How was I supposed to have exact payment when it's based on how much time it was going to take them??

    Overall, everything that could go wrong, did and we would never recommend this company to anyone! We've gone through a 3rd party settlement company who wants to offer us pennies (almost literally) for the damages, however the company has not responded and we have not received our measly check.

    So it is my mission to make sure no one else has to experience what we did during an already stressful time!

  5. Smashed, Broken, Missing & MIA

    They were 3 hours late picking up all of my beautiful things from the Martin high rise in Las Vegas (the elevators had been reserved for another move right after mine and their move had to be rescheduled due to this companies unprofessionalism) Instead of bringing my belongings to my new place in San Martin Ca they dumped the load off at a sketchy warehouse in North Las Vegas. My load sat for weeks while they told me that they had no trucks or drivers to finish the move and that I couldn't send another moving company to pick ups my things. When I said that my necessary medical equipment was in the load, they changed their story and informed me that it was in a truck but that they didn't know where it was located because the drivers had not been reachable. When they did arrive weeks later it was a different moving company, different truck, and one smaller local guy was pulling everything off the truck. There were multiple things smashed and broken, both of my instapots were crushed and my $1500 Mirror Trainer was missing. It was obvious by the condition of the boxes that my boxes had been opened and gone thru. Read the fine print, they only pay you back .60 cents per lb for damaged or lost items and their insurance even finds a way around that piddley amount! (See attached photo of the denial for any kind of settlement 6 months later, WHAT A JOKE) This company is super shady. They pick up your stuff and then dump it off in their warehouse and when you call they tell you that you should have read the fine print, that to save money they condense other peoples moves with yours and that you won't get your stuff until they sell a move to your area, total nightmare! Buyer beware! The other movers I called to help me try to get my stuff back from their warehouse said that I wasn't the first one to call regarding this warehouse and mover. Total epic disaster

  6. This is the absolute worst lying company.

    I still have no furniture after 48 days, these people I can't say enough bad about them, they have ticked me off and ripped me off, inflated their bid, took advantage and will bleed every dollar they can. then the only 5 star is their manager in dispatch to deceive you even further, read about Tonya Everson and then call them, anything to get a haul by deception. These people need a good lawsuit, and I'm the one to teach them a lesson

    They lie about delivery dates, they don't answer their phone and all they can say is read your contract, Fraud nothing but fraud.

  7. Move west from Minden Nevada to Richfield Washington.

    This was the worst move I have ever had!! They lost a painting worth 7k! They use lots and I mean lots of tape. They told me they just use the tape to start with then they turn it upside down and keep going. I had pussy willows which were not wrapped in paper and then secured with tape the tape was all around the pussy willows causing a lot of damage. We have lots of missing items also. The person that did the audit for our move underestimated it by half then we are on the hook because all our boxes are packed. He said that they had underestimated how many days it would take for them to do our house they thought it could be done in one day but it took them 20 and by the way all of our stuff was so heavy that was the reason for more money. They don’t transport your items to your new home they put them in the truck then they put them in storage then they transport them up to your home. The washer has a big scratch on it they put things in the dryer that We’re not secured It now has all sorts of marks inside that I’m not sure we can get rid of. We also had an antique mirror it went with a Chester drawers that was completely shattered. None of the boxes were marked so you would know what was in them or where they went. I gave them the Carpet rollers to roll my rugs up with but they didn’t do that they just roll them up tape the end and then folded them in half I’m still trying to get them to straighten out. I would never use this company if I would’ve known this is what they do we had a long distance out-of-state move and it was the worst move I’ve ever had I know I said that once but I was in the Air Force and I know what kind of moves can be done the correct way. When we tried to call back and talk to the lady who she would not take our calls and would not return our calls she had her secretary do it. I want someone there to realize that the painting that I had was a huge sentimental emotional attachment my cousin painted that and it was hanging in the Utah Museum of art it was a beautiful painting and I have no hope that I will ever see it again..don’t ever use this company if you don’t have to.

  8. Overall.

    I'm not going into a lot of detail because I don't have all day to write this review. They are a bunch of liars and crooks from the estimator to their so called insurance company. For your own well being and your furnitures, stay away from this company!

  9. Champion is The Mohammad Ali of Moving Companies.

    Mohammad Ali was a fantastic boxer. He beat the crap out of his competition time and again. He jabbed, he hit, he destroyed and he pummeled. He threw punches with speed and accuracy, dropping his opponents to the ground mercilessly. That’s what made him a true champion.

    And that’s exactly what you can expect from Champion Movers.

    Treating your possessions like a powerful opponent in a boxing ring, the workers at Champion Movers will rip your boxes to shreds, scratch and mar your furniture, and go out of their way to damage, destroy, bend, break or smash everything you own with reckless abandon.

    Just like a prize fighter, they will purposefully seek out your weaknesses – boxes marked “fragile,” for example – and toss them into piles or drop them on the ground. They’ll take your area rugs and bend them in half, knock the legs off your furniture, cut electrical cords, scrape and puncture your leather furniture, and crack the screens on your TVs.

    Don’t bother complaining or protesting, though, as you watch the Champion workers mishandle your stuff. They’ll tell you “Don’t worry! It’s no big deal!” And from a prize fighter’s perspective, it really isn’t a big deal. That’s what they do. They destroy stuff.

    And when you write to the corporate office to report that you’re missing boxes – but you found a box belonging to someone else – you should expect the same consideration and concern than Mohammad Ali would offer if his opponent were to complain about a headache after a fight. In other words, there will be no concern whatsoever. They’re Champion, after all. It’s their job to rough things up.

    The bottom line is this: If you’re looking for a moving company that will treat your belongings with the same care, respect and consideration that Mohammad Ali demonstrated to his competitors in the boxing ring, then Champion Movers is the company for you.

  10. Nevada to WA state. STAY AWAY FROM CHAMPION.

    I picked this company because they said they had secure storage that was climate controlled. I needed storage until I could find a home in WA. 4 cases of wine from all over the world, a box of expensive wine glasses and a shelf all not delivered to me. The goods were there less than 2 months. There is no recourse from this company. I threw out 2 waste cans of broken glass. The woman that quoted me a price was either fired or quit 2 weeks after I signed with them. This is the second time I posted a review and guess what--I can't find it.

    Oh yes, they claimed the goods were placed in a locker and secure. Whoever was in charge of the key had a field day. I'm sure as I look for an item, it will be lifted by someone there. This company can not be trusted!!

  11. Stay Away From This Company!

    This was THE worst experience I have ever had with a company bar none!
    The guys that came to pick up my items were great after that I have nothing good to say unfortunately!
    They told me 14 days for delivery which is one of the main reasons I went with them since they were not the cheapest option. "We are professionals not middle men". After 2 weeks I called to see where my positions where and if they had a delivery date for me yet. No-one seemed to know where exactly me positions where and could not tell me when the delivery was going to be.
    30 days later they finally managed to figure our a delivery date so I had lived in my apartment for 2 weeks with NOTHING!
    Then comes the payment..my company was paying for the move and this should have been simple however they couldn't seem to figure our how to bill them instead of me and ended up calling me at 10pm on Friday night the day before my delivery to tell me if I did not pay the final balance over the phone immediately I would not receive my delivery the next day. So I was forced to use my credit card to pay them.
    Then comes delivery day. The driver was 2 hours late and exceptionally rude. the came in with papers that he had me sign and said "I've been calling you!" which was not true. Then he left and I never saw him again. Then 2 different guys, no uniforms or anything start moving my stuff in. The first thing the strange man with all my belongings says is "You're gunna tip us right?" To which I told him I already paid one the phone the night before and there was a service charge. HE was not happy with that and said that's for the driver not us. The continued to move my items. I paid for unpacking of the larger items and furniture assembly. The did none of that and when I asked them to, the man took the headboard into the bedroom and while trying to cut the tap stuck his knife into the fabric head board. The also dropped all my plates and smashed almost all of them, their open back truck in Florida was not a controlled environment as promised by the company so my candles were all melted to liquid. The even delivered a box which had my books in it open top and bottom with a few bits of paper left inside. I was a 28 year old woman alone with these 2 men while they moved my belongings, they made me uneasy and upset in my new home and basically damaged or destroyed all of my belongings and then followed me down stairs to the ATM so I had to tip them. Their tuck was outside old and rusted and one was drinking while he waited.
    I called the company immediately and the lady that answered was very helpful and apologetic but that's as far as I got. The claim company was a joke, all my larger items that were damaged some how managed to get excluded from the compensation, it took a year for them to send me a check for $184.00 for all my damages. I paid for a service I did not get and was never reimbursed for this and they have stopped answering my calls and emails. I have been in contact with them over the year constantly and no-one was willing to help me and now they have completely stopped answering. I was promised that once the claim company settled their amount then Champion would add money to that amount since I clearly did not get a professional service or what I paid for and this was such a bad experience. This never happened!
    Every box they delivered was damaged, every piece of furniture damages, they lost all my book and the service is disgusting.

  12. Avoid!

    Quoted $1850 to move my 1 bedroom.
    Somehow this ballooned to $3063.

    Now it's a week after my planned delivery date and I'm still waiting for my belongings. First Solomon promised me I would have my stuff last week. That didn't happen. Then Monica told me this Tues or Wed, and that didn't happen.

    They don't bother to call or update me so I'm just sitting here waiting every day.

    I will say the actual movers are good guys and did a great job. Of course that doesn't do me a whole lot of good while I'm living in a new town with no belongings.

    These people are deceitful and disrespectful. Avoid at all costs.

  13. Buyer Beware!

    The moving company did show up on time and pack our furniture well, no issues there. Luckily because of previous issues with moving companies on different moves, my husband accompanied the truck to the weigh station while it was empty and then again after it was filled with our items. We received a copy of both weights. Our move was June 10, currently we have been advised the Movers will not be able to make it to deliver our items until June 23rd or June 24th. That is within the timeline defined in the contract, so while that is inconvenient it’s not a problem. The problem is they are trying to charge us for an additional 1200 lbs, which works out to $800. I probably would not use this company again because it takes so long for delivery and customer service is bad- giving attitude and not calling back when they said they would, and trying to overcharge us.
    Update: The driver Alvin (that was tipped $50) lost our paperwork apparently that had the weight for the truck on it. So we sent our copies to Tonya, who passed the issue on to Tracy, her supervisor. With that un refutable evidence, they decided to change the price per pound from 0.66 cents to 0.69 cents. Summer, the customer service rep that initially took our quote, assured us multiple times it would be 0.66/lb. This is a sheisty, dishonest company- buyer beware!

  14. Excellent service.

    Very happy they could service my move on last minute. Everyone in the office was very professional very courteous on the movers that came to my house did an excellent job.

  15. No attempt to resolve the issues!

    Not only did Champion movers/Winston Romo not complete my schedule move, they also left my apartment in complete shambles and lied about their willingness to complete the job! They left behind at least 50+ items and wanted more money just to talk about a resolution.Their exact text response to me after asking to talk about the issue was (NOOO!) refusing to mediate-refusing to talk and demanding more money was the only route they would consider. I have filed a formal complaint with the BBB,FMCSA,and DMV. Champion movers/Winston Romo refused to address my issue one on one, I only wanted them to finish the job they promised to do. After sending them pictures and almost pleading for help- they turned a blind eye! If I can protect the next person or family experiencing these unsavory business dealing by champion movers/Winston Romo I feel it is my duty.


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