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Classic Van Line

Classic Van Line reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Classic Van Line from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Classic Van Line – 2.1 (calculated based on 10 reviews).

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Classic Van Line

   10 reviews

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  • Company: Classic Van Line
  • Location: 19390 Collins Ave, North Miami Beach FL, 33160
  • Website: www.classicvanline.com
  • Email: paul@classicvanline.com
  • Phones: 800-225-1502

10 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Beware!

    After filing my claim with their Claims Department I was denied any coverage for repair and/or replacement. This process took nearly 3 months. Not only did they deny coverage (of which they are fully responsible for damaging my items) they offered $6/item ($12 total) for me to release my complaint and remove all negative reviews!! BEWARE!! They denied my claim stating that the item was particle board and designed to be disassembled prior to shipping. Really? They couldn't tell me this before wrapping it in blankets and loading it on their truck? Not only did this move cost me 30% more than the estimate I also lost $350 speaker stands! DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY!!

  2. A Rogue Moving Company.

    On Classic Van Line’s own website they warn again “rogue” (dishonest, fraudulent and unaccredited) moving companies. Ironically, classic Van Lines’ own description of a rogue moving company fits them quite well. The website lists a number of “red flags” to identify rogue moving companies. They include the following: (1) “The mover doesn’t offer or agree to an on­site inspection of your household goods and gives an estimate over the telephone or Internet — sight­unseen. These estimates often sound too­good­to­be­true. They usually are.” When my wife and I contacted Classic Van Lines in May of 2015, they neither offered, nor agreed to do an on-sight assessment of our household goods. They gave us a very low (compared to other moving companies) estimate, which they later doubled (more about that below). (2) “The moving company demands cash or a large deposit before the move.” Classic Van Lines demanded a large deposit before the move – over 50% of the total bill. (3) “The mover doesn’t provide you with a copy of ‘Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move,’ a booklet movers are required by Federal regulations to supply to their customers in the planning stages of interstate moves." Classic Van lines provided a link to a “Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move,” website, but they did not supply us with a copy of the booklet. (4) “When you call the mover, the telephone is answered with a generic ‘Movers’ or ‘Moving company,’ rather than the company’s name.” I called classic Van Lines a dozen times and they never answered with their company name. Most times the only answer I got was a generic “hello?” It was incredibly unnerving and unprofessional. Not to mention the fact that I was put on hold almost every time I called. Twice I was left on hold for over half an hour. (5) “On moving day, a rental truck arrives rather than a company­owned or marked fleet truck.” Please note that this company is a broker (though they never mentioned this to us). Moving brokers are sales teams that book your move and sell it to an actual moving company. - See more at: http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/protect-your-move/how-to/faqs#What makes a move an interstate move? I don’t even know the name of the “company” that actually moved our stuff in. The truck did not have the name of the company on it, and the driver was not wearing a uniform. I have no idea who he was. On their website, Classic Van Lines also makes several suggestions that I wish we had followed (like the above list, these recommendations are originally from the legitimate website:http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/protect-your-move). Here are few we wish we had followed: (a) “Make sure the mover is registered with the proper authority and insured. For moves from one State to another, a U.S. DOT number is required by FMCSA. You can double­check a mover’s registration on www.protectyourmove.gov. For moves within a State, requirements vary. Check with your State, county or local consumer affairs agency or your State attorney general.” Classic Van lines is not accredited by the BBB Code of Business Practices and has received a D- rating from the Better Business Bureau for the incredibly poor service that their business provides.  (b) “Check the mover’s complaint history. Contact your local Better Business Bureau and consumer protection agencies.” Classic Van Lines has had numerous complaints filed against them with the Better Business Bureau, including a number that are currently “unresolved.” (c) “Remember your priorities when choosing a mover. If you hire a mover based solely on the cheapest price, you may be sacrificing other things that are actually more important, such as getting your possessions moved and delivered on time. And remember, movers are required by law to deliver your goods for no more than ten percent above the price of a non­binding estimate. This is known as the 110 percent rule.” Classic Van Lines originally gave us an estimate of $3645.00. However, after we gave them a $1181.00 deposit, they raised their estimate to $7,000.00 - almost twice the original estimate. I was able to negotiate them down to $5,000.00. Still, that’s almost a $1,000 over the “110 percent rule.” I have documentation from Classic Van Lines to prove these numbers. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, it’s pretty clear to me that Classic Van Lines broke the law by charging us as much as they did. Considering all of the above, there’s no doubt in my mind that Classic Van Lines is a rogue moving company masquerading as a legitimate business. To make matters worse, and to add insult to injury, our belongings arrived in a horrible state. When the driver opened the truck we found most of our belongings strewn about in haphazard piles (we took plenty of pictures as proof). Several pieces of furniture were damages beyond repair and we are still uncovering the extant of the damage. Before he left the driver pressured me into signing a liability waiver stating that I had received all of our belongings in satisfactory condition. Needless to say, I refused to sign.    I feel like an idiot for being duped by this “company.” Don’t make the same mistake I did.   .

  3. Poor, Not Worth It!!

    Terrible. Just Terrible. I have no idea how this company has 5 stars or who they're paying to give them the 5 stars.
    Customer service was terrible, only person who is worth talking to is Paul and that's probably because it's his job to do so. Everyone else could careless. The guys to come pick your stuff up are fast and attentive yet mislead you into thinking your things are in good hands. They came  2 days early because, as they put it, "we'd be doing them the favor" yet when it was our turn to get the favor no one would answer (except Paul.)
    As a company they should know that when the "truck breaks down" with your belongings on it and is already late (by the estimated time), it would be a good idea to call the customer and explain to them the situation & not wait for the customer to call them to find out. 
    I tried to keep my cool, I didn't even want to write this review, but when I saw my stuff in the condition it was in when the delivery truck finally arrived 29 DAYS LATER, I just had to.
    The boxes are mashed up, I haven't even checked to see if anything's broken yet (I'll be to upset if stuff is). 
    We were quoted by Jake (our Rep) that the estimated move would be just shy of $2000.00. When the movers came and picked up our stuff (all things accounted for/ nothing added) and everything was packed into the truck it was then told that our total would be $3100 and change a thousand dollars more than the original quote. Luckily we talked to the guy in charge of the operation, Paul, who was our only good experience with this company. He got our price down enough to where it seemed reasonable enough considering they already had our things sitting in a warehouse. 
    I'd like to thank is Paul for understanding and dealing with the situation.
    The problem is they have your stuff and they wont give it back to you till they get paid. The company itself doens't even see it all the way through. The 18 wheeler our stuff was delivered in was unmarked and the driver almost didn't except the money order because it was made out to "Classic Van Line" (the name of the company we were suppose to be using) and that's because they just gave the job to someone else and that was it.
    Never using again, next time it's PODs or Uhaul. My trust is gone in the moving industry.
    1st picture: Our stuff in the delivery truck (some boxes got tossed around)
    2nd picture: How it was put away in the storage unit. Top box just barley making it.

  4. Comlaints.

    Lost, stolen, or broken items 1.     Loss or stolen items whose value was $3750.00.   Mover staff coercion to sign documents 1.     Documents were held in the hands of the moving lead, stacked in a pile and only the signature line was visible by client at the time of signing. The mover physically held the documents only allowing the signature line to be visible and stood over the client while emphasizing he was running late and up against time restraints. 2.     Mover lead was intimidating the client by insisting the client move quickly so he could get to weigh station before closing. 3.     Documents were not presented for signature until the end of move out when truck was loaded and time was short. At no time prior to the residence being emptied and the truck loaded did the mover provide the documents for review. 4.     Document contents were not explained and no time was allowed by the mover lead for the client to read the documents. 5.     Insurance options for valuing household goods were never mentioned. The only option presented was .60/lb. The client was never offered or shown a document that provided for a higher valuation of items being moved. 6.     Options for insurance were never offered.   Bait and switch practices 1.     Final move cost was more than 200% of original estimate suggesting that the estimate was low-balled by Budget in order to secure job. 2.     Payment system was not presented accurately and Budget agent misled client. Budget clearly explained that the total payment would be made in three parts. An initial deposit, a payment with the signed agreement, another payment when the mover picked up and the remainder when the mover made the delivery. Classic demanded a second payment after the pick up. Bringing total payments to five. 3.     Budget never explained the mover/broker relationship. 4.     Client did not know of Classic or their role until after agreement was made and monies provided by client. Therefore, the client was unable to evaluate the worthiness of Classic through his own investigation of their business practices. 5.     Budget/Classic demanded five payments during the moving process; the client was told there would be four. 6.     Unscheduled Payments were demanded without notice. 7.     Budget claimed a 48-hour notice would be given prior to arrival of movers at move out. Classic called at 2pm on the day prior to the move out. The move out day therefore fell on a Federal Holiday resulting in an up charge in fees. 8.     Budget claimed a 48-hour notice prior to arrival of movers at move in. 9.     Client was given only 4-hour notice prior to arrival of movers at move in. Classic called to alert the client of the immanent arrival of client’s belongings five hours before arrival. 10.  Movers used additional packing materials without consultation with or permission from client. Client was present at move out and had additional packing materials available for the mover. 11.  Additional packing materials were priced at several times above market price. 12.  When the client inquired, Budget stated the move in delivery period was seven days. 13.  When inquired, Classic stated the move in delivery period was ten days.   Unprofessionalism 1.     Driver arrived in Orlando in rented Ryder truck without adequate directions. 2.     Driver arrived at move in alone and without any additional labor for move in. 3.     Driver was required to hire day labor off the street for move in. The day laborer clearly had no experience as a mover. The mover was constantly directing the day laborer on how to move items. The day laborer’s lack of experience on how to move boxes on steps resulted in numerous dishwares to be ruined. 4.     Day laborer hired by driver had no prior moving experience and may have been underage. 5.     Driver arrived at move in wearing a t-shirt, basketball shorts and flip-flops. 6.     Driver became lost in Altamonte Springs and required the client to leave his home, search for the driver on city streets and lead him to the move in destination. 7.     Substantial amount of dishware broken by day laborer’s use of hand truck on stairs leading into the move in location. 8.     Lot numbers were not consistently used and they did not appear on most items delivered at move in. 9.     Driver demanded incorrect amount due at move in.   Classic Customer Service 1.     Belligerent and disrespectful attitude by Barbie in Classic customer service. Barbie was impatient with the client and would not allow the customer to fully explain his concerns. 2.     Non-responsiveness of Classic customer services. The client had to repeatedly contact Classic to obtain status reports on the lost items. 3.     Although follow up calls were promised they were not made by Classic customer services. 4.     Although the client left several messages, messages remained unreturned by Classic customer services. 5.     Lack of timely action by Classic customer services when items were reported missing. 6.     Classic customer service did not provide detailed information about claim process when queried. NO MENTION HAS EVER BEEN MADE AS TO A MEDIATION PROGRAM FOR CLIENTS TO SEEK RELIEF FOR THEIR LOSSES. 7.     Classic customer service refused to help client read illegible household goods inventory, merely providing scanned copies, which were illegible. 8.     As a result of the move out notice being made outside the stated notice (less than forty eight hours) period resulting in increased expense for client for contracted packing services on a holiday. 9.     Move out notice was made outside the stated notice (less than forty eight hours) period resulting in increased expense for client for mover holiday charges.

  5. Crooked as You know what.

    Threatened to hold our stuff hostage because they gave us 22 hours notice and we could not be there to let them in to move our stuff after we had emailed asking for the arrival of our stuff. They sold us that they were not a broker but Classic sells the service. Dispatcher works for three companies moving the stuff. Delpro, LLC is the one that delivered it. Every step of the way someone lied to us about pricing, delivery, and extraneous fees. Beginning to end, it was the worst experience of my life. Please research and pay more for reputable organizations. You have no idea how much a company can bully you until they have your stuff, money, and credit score at ransom. I could tell more.

  6. Pathetic service.

    Ok . My night mare has just started by doing business with classic van line.
    They were behind my life to book a service and once booked they don't care.
    Have spoken to Josh, Jay , julie everyone and they were sweet at first.
    They charged me 500$ more than what quote said while picking up things.
    During the delivery I was charged again 150 for 12 stairs inside the house.
    But when had taken a service I paid 400$ for packers to just pack n unpack things.
    Again I was charged for stairs even though they said it's included.
    My total bill came up to $ 2300 from$ 1600 quote.
    They don't bother to call u back and when I called them this guy "TIM said just pay the guys and send them ". As if it's free money.he was so rude and demanding.
    They have also damaged my fan & mirror.
    They were super sweet at first and during the process they don't care.
    Trust me.save your self and run from this company -classic van line.

  7. I will never use a moving company again because of this one.

    I found this company online to move my family to FL from NY and I needed it done In a couple of days they said they can do it so we agreed on a price of $2600 and to book the move I needed $500 so I put it on my credit card after that. Then the rep said after the payment went through now u needed to book the move I had to send him a copy of my credit card, ID card, and a credit card authorization form after they received my payment. I sent my info they ask for to the number they gave me which was a cellphone of one of the Rep. Who supposed to work for the company which was odd. So my things was supposed to be picked up from storage between 1-5pm on 2/09/15. The driver pulled up in some yellow budget like rental truck with two that look like his buddies I did no who these people was and they did not get there until all most 2 hours later and 15 minutes before the storage facility closed the driver did not want to work and tried to charge me 4600 to move of a 2 bedroom apartment and one bedroom set wasn't going! I call the company to let them know what the problem was and they was closed. My family was waiting 4 hour in a snow storm for them to come and they didn't move not one things or they didn't want to refund me my money for this great inconvenience.. This company didn't want to work it out they just kept saying you don't want to lose your deposit reschedule the move or lose my deposit.. They are crooks!!

  8. Quick, efficient, and painless.

    From the person who contacted me with an estimate, to the foremen and crew who came out to move my furniture, everyone was professional, courteous, and personable. I was sent a detailed email of the charges to expect. I was told that the movers would contact me en route to my house. The movers contacted me 30 minutes out and arrived at the appointed time. The movers were very efficient and only took about five hours to complete a move of my entire 3 bedroom including 2 china cabinets from the front of my house around to my shop. Only bad thing I have to say is that the delivery time frame was given three days before and a call an hour prior to arriving I just would've liked a call 24 hours prior. All in all they delivered on the services and I couldn't be happier with the overall outcom. Will be using Classic services again.

  9. Very easy move thanks to them.

    Classic van line is definitely the best in business, this was a very unusual move me and two mates of mine were to move into our very own apartment for the first time and we required all our stuff to reach the place at the same time. We gave them a call and were happy to get an immediate yes from them. Their advice worked great to help us lower the cost by packing as much by ourselves. Rest was great and the best we could expect. Thanks.

  10. They are highly recommended.

    The guys turned up promptly and cheerfully undertook everything I threw at them! They packed stuffs very nicely and loaded everything carefully. They also disposed of rubbish and even broke old furniture down so it could be taken to the rubbish tip. They worked straight through - no stopping even for a coffee. They also did an excellent job by keeping both the places clean (old house after we move our stuffs and our new house after they unloaded and placed everything inside). Their help made an otherwise traumatic and difficult time pleasurable. And, it didn't cost a fortune - great value for money. I certainly recommend Classic van line to everyone whatever size of the job.

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