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Coast to Coast Moving LLC

Coast to Coast Moving LLC reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Coast to Coast Moving LLC from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Coast to Coast Moving LLC – 1 (calculated based on 4 reviews).

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Coast to Coast Moving LLC

   4 reviews

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  • Company: Coast to Coast Moving LLC
  • Location: 1400 E Hillsboro Blvd Suite 200, Deerfield Beach FL, 33441
  • Website: www.coasttocoastmoving.com
  • Email: info@coasttocoastmoving.com
  • Phones: (844) 484-0040

4 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Move from NYC to FL

    This company is full of crap. The so called supervisor David made promises and then when the drivers deliver the things they are saying the company told them nothing. I called David and he now have amnesia about what he said. Missing things and no call back when you need to report something. I wish i reviewed this company before using them. I want to cuss but my love of God won't allow me to. I leave them in the hands of God.

  2. Worst Movers.

    The name should be MOVING MAFIA!!
    LLC means Limited Liability Company which means they have no liability to you or your belongings and will NOT pay you for any damaged or lost items. They have thought of everything to rip you off. Read that very fine print before you agree to anything! Do not listen to Julian or anyone that tries to tell you different, they sound nice, but it changes very quickly!
    They take your money for themselves to make a phone call, The driver fee is totally separate and you better have cash and don’t expect a receipt. Another thing, you will never get a weight, they DO NOT go to weigh stations.
    After they find a driver per internet Coast to Coast has no idea how to get a hold of them after that or who they are. They will tell you all the things they want you to hear so you will sign that contract because after that you are stuck and can’t get your money back!
    The driver will pick up your items when they feel like it and deliver if they feel like it, but Coast to Coast will give you a date and time and tell you they will deliver within a certain amount of time. I moved my son 900 miles and they held the items hostage on a truck and in storage units for a month and a half until I offered the driver way more money to deliver. I was threatened that the belongings would be dropped off somewhere and I could find them if I didn’t stop calling. The only reason I had the belongings delivered was because I had the drivers phone number and license plate number, coast to coast had nothing to do with the delivery and knew nothing about it so they say. I still think they have a deal with drivers and owners to hold items hostage to get more money! They still owe me $1700, items were broken and missing and that was 2 years ago.
    If you feel you must use these mafia movers, TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES OF YOUR BELONGINGS ON AND OFF THE TRUCK! Count the boxes, make a detailed list, have a lawyer look over the contract before you sign. Do not sign while on the phone and do not give them money until you see a lawyer for consultation. (It’s free)
    DEFINITELY TAKE PICTURES OF THE DRIVERS AND THE LICENSE PLATES ON THE TRUCK!! Having that plate number gives you the upper hand to find the truck or who it is associated with! They need to take responsibility with the drivers they supposedly hire! With this company more people need to get the police involved because obviously all of the bad reviews aren’t stopping them!
    Spend the money and get a good moving company that cares to move you from the start. If you use these people you will either never see you items or have to pay to get them.

  3. Local Move Gone Really Bad.

    I have moved multiple times in my adult life to include 6 international moves. This was the worst move I have experienced, the most expensive, the smallest (cargo weight), and the shortest distance. This company changed its pick up time multiple times the day of the move. The movers were very unprofessional and slow. They were unable to physically lift my couch so they drug it down the hall and the stairs and broke it before it ever made it to the truck. they did not properly wrap or secure any of my items in the truck so they were loosely bouncing and getting damaged as the truck was larger than needed for my small room of goods. The driver explained to me that depending on how full his fuel tank was I would get charged more for the weight of my goods. This is bad information and didn't make any sense. The weight of the fuel and the weight of the truck should be subtracted to find the weight of the cargo. I was quoted $1748.19. I paid $653.18 upon booking, $547.51 upon pick up and then was called and told I owed an additional $1215.50 upon delivery. This is $667 more than what I was previously quoted. This would be understandable if I had included additional items in my move. However, I reduced the move by one entire room between the pre quote and the actual pick up. I had LESS than was quoted for and they charged me more! They couldn't explain themselves and were very difficult to get clear information from. Do not use this company. They will threaten you, over charge you, break your items, and cause you a lot of stress.

  4. Moving from Chicago to Texas.

    First of all, this company is not an actual moving company, it is a broker which finds actual moving companies to move your stuff. Had I known; I would not have used them. I paid them $2454 deposit. They told me wonderful things about how the move would go. Dustin (dispatch supervisor) told me all kinds of things that never happened and when I would try to call him directly or on his cell phone; he never was available to take my call. I was told that one week before, the actual truck driver would contact me; my stuff would be loaded on a 28 ft truck and be driven straight to Texas, my stuff would be packed, etc. To many things to list that I was told by Dustin. He told me that I did not need an inventory since I had a dedicated truck. After my 5th call to this company and 2 days away from the pickup date; the so called owner got on the phone and told me that I had to have an inventory. I explained this move was my 86 yr old mother and I had no clue what she had besides a lot of boxes. He got ugly and threatened to charge me an additional $2000 to $3000 for the move. I told him he would not charge me anymore as stated by my contract. Ten times he stated that he was recording the call; I said ok, I was not intimidated and the stuff that would be shipped would fit in the 28 ft truck. He made some more ugly comments and handed the phone back to his customer service person. Very immature and unprofessional! The actual moving company changed 3 times so after going to the bank twice; I decided to just get cash for the initial payment upon pickup. The movers were Spirit Van Lines. They showed up with 3 guys and the truck but without any packing materials, boxes or tape. After calls to Coast to Coast and their dispatcher, they went to Home Depot to get some supplies. They did not get enough so I ended finding totes and pieces of clothing to wrap fragile items in. They did not pack everything so even little items like books were put loose in the truck. It was then that I was told my stuff would be offloaded and reloaded into a larger truck with other shipments for Texas. This was not what I signed up for so, there is no way to determine if all the little, unpacked stuff ever made it to Texas. Pieces of furniture were not wrapped; I told them to get them wrapped, they said it would happen at the warehouse. These items got to Texas unwrapped. Items were broken when they were packed and I found the pieces on the floor. The packers did not tell me when they broke something. I had to recheck totes and boxes and ended up wrapping many items myself in articles of clothing just so they would not break. I informed this company that a 52 foot truck would not make it down my driveway and the stuff had to be reloaded into a smaller truck. I paid an additional $500 for this reload and smaller truck. I was told that the weight was double what was anticipated; I had no way to confirm that so I ended up paying an additional $1000. My husband and I gave the actual driver the directions to our house and he had no idea that he had to transfer my load to a smaller truck. Lack of communication in this company and with Coast to Coast. The driver got lost and ended up at my house round 9pm. While the driver was lost; he butt dialed me and I listened for 5 minutes while he spoke the most vulgar language and rude comments about my husband and I. When they finally made it to the house, they were in a hurry so did not want to wait till I checked off the box numbers and they were rude in the unpacking if I told them to place a box in a different location. They dropped several boxes on the ground so at this point, I do not know what was broken in the delivery. In conclusion. Coast to Coast is a company to avoid. Go directly to an actual moving company and get everything in writing. My previous moves were all military so I never had a problem and was unaware of civilian moving company practices. Avoid Spirit Van Lines and review the company before you sign a contract. Make sure every item you want accomplished is written into the contract.

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