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Coleman American Moving

Coleman American Moving reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Coleman American Moving from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Coleman American Moving – 1.9 (calculated based on 22 reviews).

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Coleman American Moving

   22 reviews

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  • Company: Coleman American Moving
  • Location: P.O. Box 960, Midland City AL, 36350
  • Website: www.colemanallied.com
  • Email:
  • Phones: (866) 929-1482||(877) 693-7060

22 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Coleman American--Generally Pleased.

    I helped my mom move from TX to MI. She needed a lot of help, and felt more confident in Coleman America as they sent a person out to assess the amount of goods and give price quote. The price was higher than what we received from others that we just called or did an on-line form, but I think it was better the person saw the stuff. The packers and loaders came one time and did a good job--our one complaint was they threw literally everything not nailed down into a box, but I suppose that is their job. The delivery came on the first day on the window, which was good, and Richard (the driver) was very courteous and helpful. The initial unloading team, however, walked off the job after a couple of hours--one guy (Gary) got mad at Richard, they began yelling at each other, and Gary threatened Richard with violence.. Very unpleasant. A new team came a couple of hours later and the unpacking was done pretty efficiently.
    Except for this last problem, I would say that the move went about as well as we could have hoped. Packing and loading took two full days, but my mom has a lot of stuff.

  2. Moving from AL to OK.

    My moving team..
    The estimator (Stephen - Birmingham team) was friendly, professional, thorough, and informative. When I had questions, he took the time to explain every answer.

    The moving coordinator (Lanai - Birmihgham team) was friendly and attentive to all questions. She did a great job checking in with me throughout the moving process to make sure my expectations were met or exceeded; which they were!

    The packing team in Birmingham (Brenda, Daniel, Percy, and Jimmy) did a great job packing up my house. They were professional, southern-courteous (yes ma'am, no ma'am), and made the time, that's typically stressful for shippers, less stressful. I'm so thankful they packed my belongings with great care.

    The loading team in Birmingham (Percy, Daniel, and Mike (aka Mr Brenda) also did a fantastic job wrapping up the furniture and loading my belongings. They completed the job quickly and just like the packing crew were professional and courteous. Not only did they NOT complain about having to move my baby grand piano, they made it seem like it was no big deal.

    The unloading team from Broken Arrow (Chris, Orlando and Butch) were friendly and went above and beyond to get me settled in Owasso. When my house is built, I'll definitely be calling to have them move me again.

    I can't say enough about the driver, Marco (OKC team). From the moment he arrived, he made me feel at ease with his professionalism and warmth. It was clear he understands how stressful moving across country can be - especially as a single woman doing it alone. And given that part of my belongings were going into storage, part into a garage, and the remainder into a temporary apartment, he assured me they would get everything into the right place; which they did! I also noticed his leadership skills in the way he treated both the team in Birmingham and in Broken Arrow professionally.

    I've always had good experiences moving with Allied but this move far exceeded the others! It was truly a stress-free move for me.

    A very happy customer,
    Marlena B.

  3. Terrible Experience.

    Just stay away from them, it's as simple as that. It started out good, the sales rep was excellent and very efficient. The actual movers were beyond terrible. Most of my furniture was damaged or destroyed during delivery. When I added up my claim that I filed the total was $11,566.00! The insurance company is even worse to deal with. I have been over a month without a washing machine. They broke the control knob off during delivery and still have not fixed the machine. They also destroyed and damaged custom made Amish furniture. They will not replace the items, only say they will repair to an almost new condition which is acceptable to their standards. I have no say in the matter according to them. Well, I am disputing the charge for the move ,filing a claim with the FMCSA, AMSA and BBB. We will see how they like that.

  4. Very poor customer service.

    I apologize for the length of this review -- if you don't want the gory details please scroll to the bottom for a summary.My family recently used an Allied company out of Omaha, NE to move to Lexington, KY. The Omaha company is Coleman American. Initially, I felt Coleman gave us a fast and fair estimate and that is why we chose them for our move. We utilized their packing service as well as temporary storage and moving.The team that came to pack up our house, move some things to storage and some things to our apartment was professional and courteous.Unfortunately, when it came time for our items to be moved and delivered to our new home in Lexington, the problems began.We were given a delivery window and so we planned to have our children in a summer camp during this week so we could unpack in peace. Coleman knew about our closing date for our new home and our desired move-in dates 4 months in advance. One week prior to our expected delivery date I called and they could not tell me when the truck was going to be on the way. 2 days prior to the expected delivery date they told me that everything was on schedule for a Monday delivery. Monday they told me it would be Tuesday. Tuesday they told me it would be Friday. When I complained to the receptionist she transferred me to the "guy in the warehouse" and he told me that the truck wasn't even in Nebraska and he had no idea when the delivery would be made. When I questioned the receptionist she said "just because your stuff is on the truck, doesn't mean we know when it is going to be delivered". When I then spoke to the manager he informed me that the moving truck had actually broken down in another state and that was why it was going to be the end of the week.Had they simply called me and been direct about the unfortunate truck breakdown I probably would have been more understanding, but the fact that I had to go through 3 people to find out what was really going on was very frustrating.Thursday came and the manager called me and very apologetically told me that the broken down truck was waiting for a part to come in and NOW their other truck had broken down. He then told me that they only have 2 trucks, so we were stuck.When our things finally arrived the team to unload was on time, however one of the men clearly smelled like marijuana (this smell was clearly present again after he came back from his lunch break). I will say the med were friendly and polite. One frustrating aspect of the unpacking was that the driver gave us the inventory list to check off items as they came into the house, so rather than being able to supervise inside we were stuck at the door with 2 clipboards trying to find the stickers on each item with the numbers as they came in.By the afternoon it was clear that these guys were ready to go home whether the job was done or not. They did not put together one of our tables and refused to put together our treadmill when we asked, stating, "we didn't take it apart, so we can't put it together" - the driver instructed us to called the local Allied branch in Lexington and "they would send someone out".My son's headboard was not attached to his bed - just propped against the wall. The most disturbing thing is that the children's bunk bed was put together using the wrong hardware and because of this they did not have enough screws so the top bunk was left unattached (just balanced) on the bottom bunk and it was completely unsafe, at risk for collapsing on a sleeping child below. We did not realize this until the next day.Lastly, our sleeper sofa was destroyed. The wooden frame was fractured, the fabric stained and the spring mechanism for the bed was broken with springs missing.There were other smaller less valuable items broken, but I understand this is the risk of a move and largely unavoidable.In summary:1. Poor local customer service. Unresponsive to complaints.2. Very poor communication regarding the timing of our delivery.3. Although I hope the intention was not to deliberately deceive, I felt like we were being lied to about the trucks being broken down. Why not just come out and tell me? I get it, things happen, just be honest.4. Delivery men left bunk bed damaged and unsafe due to incorrect screws being used. Sleeper sofa destroyed. I have filed a claim and am waiting to hear back.5. Late delivery (11 days after we expected it was to arrive).6. I have tried to call the national Allied company multiple times and have not received any meaningful response from them. Not even a simple apology. I take it back - they did offer a $50 compensation for the late delivery.7. In total, our move cost right around $16,000. Groan, I had hoped for better service.
    8. Please do not choose Allied for your move.

  5. Coleman Allied Review.

    This review may be long, but if you're considering Allied or Coleman or even Coleman Allied :) then please read on because you may encounter the same issues.  If you want to skip to the end, you can just start where it says SUMMARY, which summarizes our long and stressful move.  When I first started researching moving companies to move us from Texas to Colorado, I realized that pretty much all of them had mixed reviews.  Some did not even call me back for an estimate.  Coleman Allied not only called me back but sent over a very thorough, polite, professional representative, the very next day, to give us an estimate, go over what to expect, and presented us with a glossy full-color folder containing lots of useful information and a booklet of our rights and responsibilities (which they're required by law to do, it seems).  Well, right on.  With moving there are always some horror stories, but we went with Coleman Allied hoping that nothing bad would happen to us. They even dropped off some free boxes. Moving day arrives.  I notice a few pickup trucks driving around my neighborhood several times looking lost. Of course, I'm expecting a big truck or an 18 wheeler, not personal trucks.  After an hour or two one of those pickup trucks pulls up and tells me they're our loading crew and they were confused about the address because they had a typo for the house number.   They tell us the 18 wheeler is on the way and needs to get weighed.  We wait.  They were supposed to arrive between 8 and 10 but it was 1 PM before they did. The contracted  Texas based loading crew was fantastic.  They arrived on-time, and they taped down cardboard, covered the staircase with furniture blankets, covered and wrapped all the furniture, and even took some furniture apart.  It was hot and they were sweating.  Nobody was ever standing around and, in the end, I felt I tipped them well for their hard work and diligence.   There were two colemen representatives on site as well.  One tagged our stuff with stickers prior to the loading crew putting anything on the truck.  Everything was itemized and we signed off on it all.  He was fairly efficient in doing so and left when he was done. The other rep was really slow. Really really slow.  Really.  I had a question he didn't know the answer to and it took him 15 minutes to figure out how to call his partner.  First he had to call the main office, chit-chat with the girl that answered in his really slow voice, get his partner's phone number, and then call that number.  I wanted to stab myself in the eye.  But otherwise, no big deal - I was very pleased with the move so far.   Finally, we bid the truck farewall and looked forward to receiving our stuff on the other side in about the 5 or 6 days they promised us. And here, as has happened to many others I've discovered, is where the horror begins.  After the truck pulls away from your place, Coleman hands your move off to a "move coordinator" at their Headquarters in Georgia.  She had called me the day of the move to make sure everything was going well, which it was decently enough, and I felt glad at that point for having chosen them to move us.   Once we arrived in Colorado, I called her for status and she told me our truck was still in transit and that she was sure it would be arriving within a day or two.  So we patiently wait the day or two and I call her again to ask.  She says its still in transit but that she would try calling their CO office to track down the truck.  I don't remember if she called me back or not - sometimes she didand sometimes she didn't.  I made so many phone calls to them I lost count.   In any case, I believe it's the day after the promised delivery window elapsed that she informed me that our truck NEVER LEFT Texas, and due to another typo, the move was incorrectly flagged in their system as being in transit when it really wasn't. Wow. Fortunately we packed all our essentials in our cars and had sleeping bags to sleep on in our new apartment.  They agreed to compensate us up to $400 for air mattresses and basic necessities and promised us that the truck would be on its way ASAP. Well, it took another week and more phone calls for status and more cluelessness to where the truck was.  Seriously: in today's world of GPS and cell phones and considering that you're a moving company and THIS IS YOUR BUSINESS, how could you not know exactly where your trucks are and be able to communicate that to your customers?   Finally we're told the truck has arrived at their facility in Colorado and it would take another 3 or 4 business days to be delivered, because at this point we're subject to whatever availability and schedule the local office has.  So we start getting annoyed, and tell them that according to the  Rights and Responsibilities booklet they gave us, in the event of a delay we're entitled to have our new delivery date in writing.  our move coordinator said she would be happy to do so and would do it immediately and would also see what she could do to get us delivery faster. She calls back and tells me that the local office tried to call to schedule our move and left me a voicemail.  Except that I had no voicemail.  Later on I realized they were calling my old Texas number that was supposed to have been disconnected but that was still active and accepting voicemails.  The problem here is that I gave Coleman Allied both my wife and my cell phone numbers and told them that those were the only two numbers they should be calling to contact us.  I told our move coordinator. I told the sales guy.  I told the guys that brought the truck.  I made sure all the paperwork bound for the destination had those phone numbers on it. Well, good news: she was able to bump up our delivery to the very next day and did apologize for everything we had been through.  Fine, but we still don't have our stuff.   I told her that even if it's tomorrow I would still like it in writing.  She tells me she's going to do it right after hanging up the phone.   The next morning arrives and still no e-mail. More good news:  The unloading crew did arrive the next day.  They said they tried calling but got voicemail.  That's because despite telling all the Coleman American folks I encountered that the phone number we originally gave them would not be valid after we left Texas, they pretty much ignored that info. Once again the unloading people were stellar while the other two who came with the truck were less than enthusiastic.  So, they get the truck in place, and they start unloading.  Yay!  But wait - they did all that meticulous cataloging prior to loading each item, but they did not seem to care to do so while unloading.  We watched them closely and all our stuff seemed to be present and intact despite the Texas based loading crew having stacked lots of heavy boxes on top of light boxes and partially crushing many of them, as well as putting some stuff labelled STORAGE in the apartment side and vice versa.  We had one partical-board piece of furniture get damaged, but all in all, mission accomplished.   The unloading crew even brought back to our apartment those items that went to the storage facility that should not have. They worked quickly and efficiently and, for the most part, seemed to treat our stuff as if it were there own.   
    SUMMARY: Coleman Allied was very prompt, courteous, and professional prior and during loading (and unloading), despite being late to arrive.   But once that truck pulls away with your precious belongings they have you over a barrel.  Based on other reviews I've found online our move is not the first time their truck has never left the origin city.   Then they can't seem to tell you definitively when to expect your delayed items.  It's more than just an inconvenience, it's an outrage.  For the amount they charge for a whole-house interstate moves, with full insurance coverage, you would expect, as we did, better service and better communication.  There seems to be little recourse but to sit and wait.   I'd like to point out that we paid via credit card, which they charged prior to delivery, despite being promised we would only charged post-delivery. I didn't realize this at the time I agreed to pay that way.  But it's there in the fine print.  My fault on that.  I knew they pre-authorized it, which was fine, but I'm never thrilled to pay for work that has not been completed.  If we tried to dispute the charge I doubt that would accomplish anything but further delay delivery.   As I mentioned above, not every aspect of our move was bad, but the fact that the truck never left coupled with all the miscommunication and general lack of communication really made this a horrible move for us.  Thankfully it ended somewhat successfully and our stuff was only delayed a week.  Seemed like much longer.

  6. Allied Coleman American Van Lines Disaster!

    The living room furniture cannot be used until fixed. For several items, something happened when they were disassembled or reassembled. A number of items that were disassembled have been stripped and the screws do not hold the parts in place.

    Someone needs to come by to reassemble several items properly. Someone needs to come by to assess the damages for compensation.

    Needless to say, we are not pleased with the condition of our items. For the price we paid, Allied should have done better.

    As a comparison, we paid Two Men and A Truck $5,500 to move the same furniture from Atlanta to Miami two years ago. A couple of items got chipped. The problem with that company is they took too long unloading and reassembling the shipment.

    We paid Allied twice as much. We evidently paid for more personnel: two people to box items; four people to load disassemble and load items; three people to unload and reassemble items.

  7. Review of Coleman/Allied Movers.

    Allied Moving Company was hired to move household goods from a 2-story house near Houston, TX to a 3-bedroom apartment in San Antonio, TX.  The salesman was professional and easy to work with. The problems began the day of the move.  The movers were 2 hours late and claimed their truck broke down.  The driver never called to keep us informed, his cell e-mail hadn't been established (didn't answer when called) and we had to call the salesman who called the dispatcher who called the driver.  Of the 3-man moving crew, it was the first day for one.  The driver disparaged him to us throughout the day saying he was slow and causing delays.  Overall, the driver was surly and uncooperative.  For the last hour or so of the move we were continually asked whether the movers were taking certain objects.  Our answer was consistently "Of course you are.  We don't have another moving truck in the driveway ready to take all of the items you don't want to take."  By the end of the 7 hour ordeal, the driver left a number of items stating that we had either exceeded our carton count or they couldn't take certain items.  Now, I understand being prohibited from taking hazardous materials, but they left things like mirrors, kitchen items and mops/brooms.  I told the driver that if he had an issue with the weight of the load or the number of cartons he should take it up with the salesman because he's the one who came to the house and provided the written estimate. On the day of delivery, the movers were 4 hours late.  I had a conversation with the driver at the end of pick-up about the time we could expect delivery.  You would think after being late and not calling on the front end, that the driver would have learned that we expected to be kept informed about their delivery progress.  No such luck.  Again, I had to call the salesman who called the dispatcher who called the driver who called me.  The driver claimed to have been delayed by an accident in Houston, but he would pick up his crew in San Antonio and be there between 12 and 12:30 pm.  They arrived close to 1:30 pm.  I wouldn't have needed to take the entire day off of work had I know how late they would be. While waiting for the movers to arrive, I called the salesman and explained all of the issues we were having with the driver and that I'd like to see some amount of the bill returned to me.  He indicated that he would pass the information on to the GM and that I'd be hearing from him. During the course of the delivery, I saw movers unwrap furniture and set it directly on a cement driveway (and the driver later admitted that he saw the same thing, which makes you wonder why he didn't say anything to the crew members).  Naturally, this resulted in damage.  I have moved many times and, frankly, I've never seen anywhere near this level of damage. Crew members were arguing with each other about the work load, etc. and finally, I started putting the beds and other furniture together just to get it done. There was also delivery to a storage unit and with the crew members still arguing amongst themselves, placed the items in storage roughly and haphazardly.  I wanted them gone and out of our lives, but I know at some point I'm going to need to take everything out of the storage unit and re-pack it. By the way, it's been a week after delivery and neither the salesman or the GM has contacted me about all of the problems and possible return of a portion of the amount I paid.  I'm finishing the claims form and I hope that's an easier process that dealing with the moving company. Run, don't walk, away from Coleman/Allied.  The worst, most unprofessional, damage-inflicting movers it's been my displeasure to have run across.  If I ever move again, I'll sell everything I own before allowing Coleman/Allied to move one item.  You've been warned.


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