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Elite Moving & Storage Inc

Elite Moving & Storage Inc reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Elite Moving & Storage Inc from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Elite Moving & Storage Inc – 1.4 (calculated based on 29 reviews).

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Elite Moving & Storage Inc

   3 reviews

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  • Company: Elite Moving & Storage Inc
  • Location: 3651 Lindell Rd Ste D188, Las Vegas NV, 89103
  • Website: www.theelitemovers.com
  • Email: customerservice@theelitemovers.com
  • Phones: (702) 367-9191||(866) 571-6667

3 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Refusal of deposit.

    I give the company deposit $100. I did canceled after reading some of the reviews. Never got money back. Still not. Yet after 90 days super visor never return any call. I called many times. I told them I will file with stae and city of Las Vegas. Company don't care. I am also working with my credit card company. I have write the book, to except my review. Sales lady was very nice. She told me they have one bad review. This was partial true on the company website. When went on other yelps and other reviews not one single good review.

  2. Bad business!

    Well I thought I interviewed this company thoroughly. I have a father and three brothers, all retired military and I have had professional movers for almost all my moves. Elite moving & storage out of Las Vegas was by far THE worst move I have had. I did a telephone inventory of my household goods with Jennifer, was feeling no stress about the company/price and all. When the packers arrived I was quoted DOUBLE the original price!  When we finally received our stuff it was a sad moment. If something was not bent or broken it was just missing. They had packed heavier boxes on top of smaller boxes. Oh, after we were packed and movers we gone I found 1 of my lamp shades in a black trash bag! We brought that with but it didn't matter b/c the matching lamp shade never made it to new house. The glass in serveral pictures was broken, vases were broke, some of my everyday dishes were broke. They had put tape on things they shouldn't have as the tape pulled the paint off when I removed it. All my treasured items from around the world look like they barely survived an earthquake! Several nonreplaceable antique just wrecked! The van driver that brought our stuff, Lloyd, was nice and I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable with the condition of our stuff.

  3. Do not use them do not use them.

    These are the worst movers I have ever used. The intake team was very professional and courteous but that is a trick. They will quote you one thing but once they arrive your items will take up much more room in the truck and they'll [EDIT] you with the cost. They gave me an estimate that my furniture would be delivered within 5-10 businesses days. Now its 7 business days and they can't tell me when they're going to put my furniture on a truck for cross country delivery. Then they hold your stuff in Las Vegas for weeks and still can't tell you when they're going to load it on a truck to deliver. The staff is argumentative, disrespectful, and offer no solutions except to state "I don't know when we are going to deliver your furniture you'll just have to wait" Elite Movers holds your furniture hostage knowing that you're at a point of no return. I would not recommend them to anyone.

  4. DO NOT USE Elite ervices - 0/100.

    - Overall comments : A BIG NO NO!! We absolutely DISCOURAGE anyone from using services provided by Elite Moving and Storage, Inc. [RATING: 0/100]. It took 29 days for our shipment to arrive, 3600USD, Bad customer service, Rude salesman and manager, glass furniture left with plastic tape attached to it, super non punctual, no concern! They started their services as ELITE MOVERS COMPANY, but by the time our shipment got to New York, we learnt that they had re-contracted our shipment to a completely different company. - Office Staff extremely rude. We feel bad for all the workers/labor who work for these companies coz they are super nice and friendly and hard working people. - Professional ONLY until business was given to them. - TIMING, Date: Pick up time was delayed by 7 hours. Delivery time window between 12-4pm. They did not arrive until 8pm!! Seriously 8:30pm? When I requested that shipment be made the following day because we could take shipment during the day (my apt is not well lit - I just moved in), they would not budge. The movers unloaded and did not leave until 1:15am!! Is this professional? Overall, It took 29 days for our shipment to arrive from LA to NY. - Our shipment did not arrive until 28 days from the time of pickup!! We were first told that shipment would reach within 10 days of pickup; then they changed it to 10 days of first estimated delivery date; and then 10 "business" days of estimated pick up date..and yet, the shipment did not reach until 28 days from date of "estimated" pick up!! - Their 27 page brochure does not mention anywhere that shipment will take off on the sixteenth day after pickup!! It is all blamed on the driver “we do not know how long the driver will take”. But they do not make it clear that shipment will take off  for delivery from point of their "storage" as late as 15-18th day from day of pickup!! - We lost a lot of time and money - we cannot do anything about it, but we hope NO ONE SUFFERS the way we did. After spending USD 3600, we did get a raw deal!! - You are allowed to make money from customers and we understand that moving companies are doing business, but not at the cost of our inconvenience - there are many loopholes in contract laid out by ELITE - and all after paying $3600. - Overall rude staff, very poor customer service (most of our glass furniture was left with tape stuck on it), poor behavior of their employees (the delivery guys did not have tools and I had to help the poor dispatchers because they were so exhausted!!), inefficient, non-punctual, no clear communication (example : shipment will take time to take off - as long as 16-17 days from pick up!!).

  5. I wish moving could always be this easy!

    They actually took the time to explain IN DETAIL the moving industry. For a woman my age that meant a big difference between other companies who seem to give me a run around with no definite answer to my questions. My representative Chase was very helpful and answered any question I had. My final revised estimate turned out to be lower than the over the phone estimate I was given, so my budget and cubic space allowed me to bring an extra item (mirror) that I originally wasn't going to be bringing (because of space) which now allowed me to add it to the truck on pickup. I did have to pay $75 for the crew to package and wrap the mirror (since I didn't plan on bringing it I didn't wrap it and had to pay for packing materials, bubble wrap etc) But I was overall happier that I could bring it with me last minute. Delivery time from CA to TX was 8 days, one day after I arrived to my daughters ranch were we met with the forman and crew who unloaded my items with TLC. I've gotten everything unpacked and set up and have found nothing missing, damaged or lost. No complaints all around great up front service!

  6. Less than one star - unconscionably dishonest.

    They were kind until after they picked up my items. They stated they'd deliver my items within a week. However, they delivered 30 days after picking up my items - I was without my furniture, a bed to sleep in, clothes for much longer than I bargained for - and once they arrived, they only delivered my bed, a dresser, and four boxes - many boxes less than what they assured me they would pick up. They stated they allotted me the space that would hold the amount of items found in a studio apartment. Four boxes, a bed, and a dresser do not a studio apartment make. Before delivering my items, they neglected to tell me that they'd drop off my items temporarily in their hometown (Nevada), unpack them, leave them in storage for about 30 days, then deliver to me. What they did tell me was that I 'was the next on the list for delivery' (this was stated by the pickup mover on the day he picked up my items; then by 'Suzie' via telephone when I'd called after waiting awhile past my promised delivery date). Soon enough, when I emailed asking for an update, they told me to call a phone number that..tells you via automated message that THEY CANNOT TELL YOU ANY DETAILS ABOUT WHEN YOUR ITEMS WILL ARRIVE. Hmm..strange for a moving company not to be able to tell you when your stuff will get delivered - since they're so SURE about delivering your items when they say they will BEFORE they pick up your belongings.   Background: I had boxed my items and left them for my parents to handle pickup w/Elite, since I had to leave out of town sooner than the pickup date. When they arrived, I only later saw on the invoice they had handed to my dad that they falsely market PERFECTLY good condition furnitue as 'scratched, leg broken, etc.' Um..there were no legs on either my bed or dresser to begin with; and the furniture was new, which led me to see that they mark items as damaged prior to their pickup as a cover-their-butt measure in case anything's damaged in transit. (They must have thought they could get away with it since handling things with my older dad; they did not show him what they'd marked regarding the furniture). The furniture arrived in good condition (no marks, scratches, broken anything); however, one of the boxes I had packed was crushed. They pressure you to sign that all has been received in good condition; so before signing, I opened each box, and especially investigated the crushed one, since there were breakable items in there. The movers attempted to stop me from opening the box, saying that even if anything inside, they wouldn't be liable, because I had packed the box myself. I stated, 'Hmm..doesn't make since then that I'd be forced to sign that all items are received in good condition unless I'm able to check; nor that you wouldn't be liable since I did not pack a half-crushed box.' I continued looking through my items to my satisfaction, and did not sign until. Meanwhile, the movers were making grunt and groaning sounds, frustrated with me. I then asked why their pickup mover would mark my items inappropriately upon pickup. They had no answer, so I had them call their boss. I heard the boss on the other end of the phone, though he did not know I could hear him; he was asking the mover whether he was on speakerphone, wanting to make sure I could not hear him; then he told the mover not to allow customers to have the mover call him (the manager) - rather, to give customer his numbers so they could call. The manager treated the movers angrily and with an unprofessional voice. Sounds like it trickles from the top down. When I called the manager, he had no answer for me, but just asked that I sign the delivery sheet.
    Astounded by the games, dishonesty, lack of professionalism - that they'd spend that much energy on NOT doing what they say they're in business to do - I wonder when they'll get tired of their own circle-running.

  7. This company doesn't derserve to be in business negative star !!

    I planned a move from Phoenix AZ to Michigan, I called months in advance, spoke primarily with the sales rep Tawny, until the day of the move.  After speaking eith Tawny between 3-4 times, two of which we reviewed my items, to determine the cubic footage I would need to mive, the thurd phone call we finalized the move.  We reviewed the fine print.  I was advaised to wrap all of my furniture that had cloth and bubble wrap my mirror.  I a, 5'2" petite and I did all of this, pulled muscles, soent days preparing for this.  The weekend of the move my moving time frame was between 5-7 pm Sunday.  No one called to tell me they were on there way or late.  I had to call and after an hour of my calling at 7 pm was advised the movers were running late.  They arrive 45 min late, gave me this bogus estimate if what 280 cu feet came out to on the truck and insulting my intelligence when I asked them to measure it out.  I am a physician and now my math, the measly space they showed me did not come to 280 cu Ft.   The forman then came to my apartment, told me it would take doulble the space I was quoted "worst case senario", that I would pay 20 buck for 4 rolls of tape, 150 bucks for extra footage they would have to travel (my apt was less than 100ft from the truck, they were charging me that much for max 50extra feet), and the icing on the cake.. 20 bucks for a box for my mirror.  He then told me he would call his manager and get back to me with the final plan and that she woukd call.  An hour and half later I got a call from a lady who bascially accused me of nit providing an inventory list, possibly speaking to the wrong represenative when finalizing my move, and she threatened me that the converstaions were recorded.  This is the summarized version, but I spoke with the same person everytime except for that evening, I advised the woman that she should go back and review the taped converstaions, that I am canceling my move, and to expect this reveiw on EVERY WEBSITE  I could find to post. It one.  IF YOU ARE A SINGLE FEMALE OR CRUNCHED FOR TIME,PLEASE READ THIS.  DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY THEY WILL SCAM YOU AND TRY AND FORCE YOU TO PAY EXTAR BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE TIME TO MAKE OTHER PLANS. GOOGLE MOVERS BEFOREHAND TO READ OUR EXPERIENCES!!  BBB REVIEW WAS MOST LIKELY PAID FOR AND THE SAD THING IS THEY START THE CONVERSATION WITH "WE HAVE GREAT REVIEWS".  Disappointed, very very disapointed.  The foreman never came back up to tell me what was going on.  I unfortunately had to get rid of my furniture, ie donate it.

  8. Do Not Use Elite Moving And Storage.

    If I could give this company a 0 star I would.The people who call you to set it up are helpful and nice.  But they are scamming you.  They gave me an estimate of 5-10 business days to get from AZ to NC.  They emphasized that this was an estimate and that they don't want to lead me astray but that they were pretty confident it would get there by 10 business days.  Well, 19 business days later which was almost a month since they took my stuff, I finally got my belongings.  Don't even think about calling them to see what's up with your belongings, you will get directed to an automated message that tells you to not call them and that the people in the office will not know where your stuff is.  How reassuring and helpful.  At one point, I spoke with a woman just to verify that they still even had my things and she responded "did you even listen to option 5, it says to not call here."  Great customer service.  They told me that they were not a "broker" company and that they have their own trucks.  Ha!  My movers came in an old truck from a moving company from Bellingham, WA with half of the name peeling off.  When I asked the movers if they only move for Elite, they told me "no, and that they pick up people's stuff from many different moving companies."  I definitely did not have that nice black truck you see on their website.  Don't give into the low prices they initially quote you with.  You will have to pay extra for more than 12 steps, more than 75 feet carry to/from their truck, and they definitely underquote you your initial estimate of cubic feet that you have.  Somehow I was $800 more cubic feet than what they quoted me.  I was initially so excited when my things finally got here until I realized the condition of my belongings:   -One of my couch legs was broken off.  The leg is 5 inches long -- not sure how it can just crack at the base but obviously they didn't take care moving it back and forth   -They took apart my coffee table, yet somehow the legs were broken as well -- and they were wrapped in a furniture blanket.  Do they just throw your things in and out of their trucks.  Well yes, the list goes on.   -Apparently they thought that just standing my mattress up on its side for a month without support would be fine.  Well there is a big bend in the middle of the mattress where it couldn't support it's weight.  I don't have an inexpensive mattress either.     -Bookcase broken in half!  Again, wrapped in a furniture blanket.     -Had a box specifically made for glassware.  I used plenty of bubble wrap and individually wrapped each glass.  Half of them broken when I unpacked them.   -Tall lamp snapped in half   -Although the furniture was wrapped -- when it was finally unwrapped it stinks like a stale warehouse.  Not sure where they keep our stuff but everything smells disgusting.The only one good thing about this place were the actual movers.  Both groups were very professional.  They were quick and meticulous.  The ones who unloaded my stuff did everything they could to get as close to my place so I wouldn't get charged extra.  Bottom line: DO NOT BOOK WITH ELITE MOVING AND COMPANY.  Unless you want to be underquoted to reel you in and then get charged $1000 more on the day of arrival, you want to wait a month to get your belongings, you don't mind half of your stuff broken or damaged.. find a more reputable company or pay extra for a POD where you know only your stuff is in there and doesn't need to be loaded several times.  Contact me if you want to see pictures or have any more questions..

  9. 8 months later and I'm still upset enough to write a review..

    There aren't really any 'good' options for a move but I assure you that this one would be a choice worse than most. After researching, I felt that Elite was the lesser of all the evils and actually thought "so they might break a couple things but how much damage could they really possibly do?" If only I had known..
    I was extremely detailed in my item list. Because I had read so many horror stories, I painfully and meticulously hand-measured every single box, calculated each box's cubic feet and confirmed the total via email with Sinbad on multiple occasions, updating him if the cubic feet changed at all as I packed. I was determined that this price gouging scenario would not and could not happen to me. After my most accurate update to Sinbad (days away from the move date), I signed the contract. Sinbad had been very nonchalant about my cubic feet updates and I later found out why - he hadn't updated anything appropriately at all.
    When the movers arrived, the quote turned out to be inaccurate and I had to pay $1,200 additional, which was 33% more than the quote and contract that I signed. Their excuse was that my furniture must have been exceptionally large. My furniture is of perfectly normal size and later I even measured and confirmed that with the government set standards for moving. The couple larger pieces (2 nightstands and 1 dresser) are not significantly larger than normal and would not cause a 33% increase in cost. So with the movers awaiting my decision and a new job waiting for me 4 days later in Miami, I was forced to pay the extra 33% and use Elite Moving & Storage. The movers on the California side were very good and it was not their fault that Sinbad lied to me. So, as angry as I was, I tried not to take it out on them and tipped them appropriately. The foreman was excellent and very professional, although I later found out that they had not packed things as well as I thought.
    My belongings were in storage for 1 month while I looked for housing and in transit for a total of 2 weeks. The delivery was a different story. The foreman told me he would arrive at 7am and did not show up until 9:30am. Just after arrival, he mentioned that he was late because he had been out drinking until 6am and was hung over. I responded that I had foregone my Halloween plans because I was responsible to be up at 5am in order to arrive at the house before 7am to accept the movers and it would have been professional of him to respect my time and have done the same.
    The rest of the delivery went ok until I began finding damage. Also, I had to pay extra money because my building has an elevator but despite that, about halfway through the movers began complaining about the heaviness of my belongings and also the elevator's age and slowness. I have been on many an elevator and it is no express but it certainly isn't slow. The last thing I want to hear from a bunch of late, hung over movers to whom I just paid 2 months' salary is a complaint about their perceived 'inconveniences' during my move. They did not assemble anything unless I explicitly asked. They did not receive tips although I had been prepared to give them each one.
    Here I will detail damaged goods: - Rats ate through 2 of my boxes (no food - they munched on plastic items) so they were clearly stored on the floor in a questionable environment. A box of my dishes and kitchenware was full of rat excrement. - Expensive arc lamp was not packed correctly and collapsed in transit because of the heavy blankets they wrapped around it without first breaking it down. - Dresser base was cracked and some paint damage. - Mattress and box-spring had been dragged on the ground on one side and were dirty and shredded. - Starburst mirror's arms were bent and crystals fell off. - Stereo had just been thrown in a box with no packing material so it scratched itself all throughout transit. - Desk chair's leg was broken in half completely and taped back together (but no one ever mentioned it to me). - Both desk legs on one side were ripped off of the desk along with the side panel attached to them. - They left the couch (very obviously) missing 1 short wooden leg which I luckily noticed before they left and they found in the blanket that they had taken back to the truck. Since at this point I was fed up and refused to pay them any more money and it did not fit in the elevator, these 3 guys just watched as my boyfriend and I carried the couch awkwardly up 4 flights of stairs.
    "..how much damage could they really possibly do?" Oops.
    Of course the company would never call me back to discuss and they stand by their 'quote.' I could likely fight them in court using all the emails I sent to Sinbad and their 'recorded for quality calls' but it's not worth the trouble at this point. I'd rather just write a review and help other people find a better mover than this one. Don't use Elite Moving & Storage Inc - you will end up paying for it in the end.

  10. Broken Guitars and Wet Boxes and Mattress.

    This company is awful.  The people  were rude.  Delivery time was a joke.  Most of all, MY GUITAR WAS DENTED BIG TIME IN TWO DIFFERENT SPOTS!!  It is totally broken. Not little dings.  We are talking big dents to where the wood is completely cracked and pushed in.  Also, many of my boxes arrived waterlogged.  My guitar box was waterlogged and the guitar itself on the bridge showed water damage. My mattress was wet on one corner and all the other boxes were wet as well.  I feel raped after giving these people my money.  Also, I had to pick up my stuff from down the street because the truck couldn't fit through the drive way.  I had to myself load the stuff into my truck and drive it to my house and move it all in all by myself.  Thanks for nothing "Elite."  LMAO.  This compant won't last long.  I contacted the owner and told him about everything and he didn't even say sorry or sound like he cared one bit.  Fortunately for him he doesn't have to deal with claims.  He just gave me a phone number to call to file the claim.  That phone number gave me a website for where I have to file the claim.  Elite is terrible.  This is my first review of many more to come on various websites.

  11. Terrible moving experience.

    Stay far far away from this company. They are very sleazy in the way they try to trick you into paying for more that the move should cost. The original bid will almost always be low to get you to call them, once they arrive all the extra fees start to add up, and the worst is when they pack the truck in such a way you can't see how much space they actually needed. When they un-load your belongings, surprisingly the space needed is much smaller that it was when they picked-up your stuff because that is what they use to charge you. They charged us twice what it should have cost and when we complained that the space needed to deliver was half the size needed at pick-up they told us we were crazy, and would not even consider any refund, classic bait and switch. And forget about customer service, they are the worst, do not answer calls, are rude and totally unresponsive.

  12. Big Damage.

    Please, Please, Please be careful about this moving company. I’m not really the person with writing reviews on products and services but this company caused a big damage to me and caused to write this review: 1-I asked a few companies to send their quotes for moving my stuff from Irvine, California to Staten Island, NY  Since my wife who is a medical doctor ,relocated to NYC . I received so many calls and emails from different companies. 2-I received at least 20 calls and 17 emails form http://www.theelitemovers.com/  and finally 2 weeks sending and getting emails , the saleswoman persuaded me to sign the contract with their company, they provided the contract and emailed to me for signing and paying deposit. 3-I asked my lawyer to review the contract and quote before signing. She suggested me to add some extra points to the contract: I asked moving company to write what I was promised regarding my stuff moving. For example, I asked them to confirm the range date for delivery, which I was promised (7 to 14 days) as well as 5 more items. All items had been suggested by protectyourmove.gov, as well.   4-A few days before moving date, saleswoman sent an email and informed me that they cannot accept to write details about delivery time and other items. (What they had confirmed on telephone conversations) 5-I asked for Manager Company and he told me that his company will refuse for loading my stuff. I admitted that all items were suggested by protectyourmov.gov but he hung up. He told me that if I write a review on their company, he will sue me on court. 6-Since , my moving date is coming all other companies asked for higher prices. And finally had to sign contract with $200 more 7-http://www.theelitemovers.com/ caused me a big damage. My lawyer has prepared a legal notice and will file an official complaint from this company in days.   Advise:  Please ask your lawyer or legal adviser to review your contracts with http://www.theelitemovers.com/. They try to have hidden prices in their contracts          .

  13. Watch out for this moving company.

    This company started out alright, but went down hill once they obtained my items. They held onto my items for 9 days before leaving Nevada. I waited 16 days to receive my stuff. This is not what was told to me by Suzie. The driver who was very hard to ynderstand because of the language barrier. He called me 24 hours in advance of delivery, like I was told. I then adjusted my plans to leave my sister in laws wedding early. Once I left I got a call that the driver would not be there until the next morning. They had no compassion for my time. It was all about them. Sunday morning, I got the call while at church to met him. Along with my Pastor and few other members that came to help me get my stuuff. The driver was very rude. He was more worried about the money than getting my stuff off the truck timely. We had to help unload the truck. I called the company to express my dissatisfaction. They just don't care. It took 30 minutes to get an apololgy. If that's what you call it.

  14. Stay Away.

    The seller was very adamant is showing me how great they were and how no complains have been posted to the BBB. She failed to mention they have NUMEROUS complains with the US Department of Transportation.

    The pick-up was uneventful, eventhough I should have been a little suspicious when they showed up in a truck with a paper wign taped to the side!!

    The foreman told me to contact them 2 weeks prior to my delivery date to make sure everything was in order and that that way I was going to have my household in Indianawhen I needed it.

    I signed papers (you know, sign here and here, when you are exhausted and not paying attention) and what they are making you sign is a disclaimer that they are not responsible for anything!!

    The date you give them for delivery is actually a time-reference as they can take up to 30 BUSINESS days to deliver your goods (but NO-ONE tells you that when they are sweetening you up to pay more than for the other movers because they are soo "professional" (Ha!)

    They do not respond by phone or email and we are on day 14 after "my scheduled delivery date", I'm renting an empty house, had to buy a news bed and a table as not to eat and sleep on the floor and these people do not have a clue as to when they will deliver my goods.


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