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Galaxy Moving Systems Inc

Galaxy Moving Systems Inc reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Galaxy Moving Systems Inc from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Galaxy Moving Systems Inc – 1.4 (calculated based on 13 reviews).

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Galaxy Moving Systems Inc

   13 reviews

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  • Company: Galaxy Moving Systems Inc
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  • Website: www.galaxymovingsystems.com
  • Email: info@galaxymovingsystems.com
  • Phones: (888) 258-2113

13 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Do Not Use These Thieves.

    Galaxy moving is the most unprofessional, thieving company. I hired them in April 2016 I was quoted $1400. After they packed the truck I was given a bill for $3900. The idiots dropped a window air unit out the 2nd floor window which landed on a central air unit. Needless to say both were severely damaged. I was told my stuff would arrive on a particular day, we'll needless to say they lied 9 days later it arrived. One person was with the truck. He was supposed to unload the entire truck himself!! My husband had to help. I have damaged furniture plus not to mention the 2 damaged AC units at the old house.I was told I had to go through a 3rd party to file a claim. This company is called CSI. after months ofor back a day forth finally CSI me there is nothing more they can do bc Galaxy is not responding to the claim. I believe the BBB is on my list to contact next!! DO NOT USE THESE THIEVES!!

  2. Lies Lies Lies And More Lies.

    I moved from West Virginia to Orlando Florida in September of 2015, from the time I signed the moving contract it was nothing but lie after lie. The did not show up the day they were scheduled and then the day they did show up, it was only because I threatened to call the Better Business Bureau.
    When they did finally show up, I had worked all day packing everything out to the sidewalk near where the truck would park. While inside finishing with the smaller boxes that I was moving in the car with me, the movers loaded everything on the truck while the one guy who was inside telling me the guys were labeling and counting the boxes. I walk out side after about 45 minutes to find the guys had loaded the boxes on the truck as the driver hands me a check list stating that I had twice as much space as I was quoted. Telling me that I still owed an addional 1700.00 dollars. I explained that the contract said that I was not to sign anything if the driver loads the truck prior to providing the check list. the driver told me that the stuff was on the truck and that they were not unloading it and that I would have to deal with dispatch on the dispute. at that time he told me that I would have to sign the paperwork in order for him to hold my items in a warehouse. I continued to ask the driver about the moving insurance at which his response was, (you already have 10.000 dollars worth of insurance). So therefore, I was not allowed to even take out an additional insurance on my antiques and unreplacable items.
    Upon delivery, an estimate of over 3000.00 dollars of items were stolen, lost or destroyed. Galaxy offered me 85.00 for those items. I disputed the claim and was later offered 385.00. after fighting for over a year, and still holding the damaged items in my closet, I said whatever send me the check. I was told I would have the payment within 45 days.It has now been nearly 80 days and still no payment. I was contacted by a law firm who is representing 5 other clients who have had the same thing happen with Galaxy Moving Systems Inc
    My advice to anyone looking to move, DO NOT Go through United Moving Systems, they contract out to Galaxy Moving Systems Inc. And DO NOT even thing about allowing Galaxy Moving systems Inc to touch anything that you value.

  3. Do Not Use This Company!!

    They first came a day early - offering to help me pack for no extra cost. From my estimate, my cost doubled and they had all my stuff hostage on their truck before I found out that they wouldn't even give me the original 10% discount I was given on my estimate or the boxes and tape for free like promised because of their early arrival.

    I was guaranteed delivery for a day later and of course they were 4 days late, never answering my calls or giving me a call to let me know they'd be late. They promised to reimburse me the 10%, but never did. They damaged a LOT of my furniture and boxes, they ruined my great grandmother's sewing machine and table - promised to pay in full for repairs and never did. It's been months and they refuse to pay the claim for my items and won't pick up the phone, respond to messages, or respond to texts.

  4. I will not recommend this movers for anyone.

    I will not recommend Galaxy movers for anyone.
    I gave the complete list of items to be moved and they gave an estimate of $1500. I asked multiple times and the sales guy told me that the actual cost will not exceed that amount.

    When the truck guy came for pick up he said it will be $3800 after loading the items in the truck. I didn't have any other option at that point to back out. The truck guy say we calculate the total cubic foot in the truck blah blah blah and we wont put any items over your boxes and items.

    I was there when the truck came for delivery, the boxes and items were squeezed and heavier objects were on top of them.

    They are just cheating with low quote to get our business and then demand a higher amount when we don't have an option. I will never ever use this mover again.

  5. Terrible.

    Just look my review up on Angie's list. I would suggest if you do use them make sure you don't let them in a single woman's home alone and the driver is a sales person and tries to get you to add more sq. ft. To the order by saying don't let my boss know I'm giving you these boxes. Sincerely, Nadine Vaughn.

  6. Please learn from my mistake.

    Disgusting company from front to back.. Patrick is a con artist, who told my wife what she wanted to here.. The guys who picked up furniture where terrible they wanted a tip and when I gave them 50.00 a piece frowned at me.. Half of my stuff arrived broken and they want to reimburse me by weight not value.. 60cents a pound for personal items which are unreplaceable.. This company should not be allowd to stay in business.. Please check better buisness bureau for my full report.. Again Patrick is the guy to steer clear of.. He is the head of this terrible monster called galaxy moving.. Everything is a lie..

  7. Horrible Company.

    Do not walk away from this company RUN!! They showed up with a truck way too small to fit our things and with the exception of one guy a bunch of amateurs. The lead of the group suggested that we just leave half of our belongings behind. The movers urinated in a bottle and threw it on my neighbors lawn then one got sick and did it right on the walkway out of our home. They were supposed to show up with another truck but didn't so my wife, neighbor and I had to rent a truck on Memorial day load it and drive from PA to NC. This also added another $1500 to the cost of my move which is not in the cost in my review.

    They did return 4 days later to pick up 5 remaining items including a hot tub. They delivered to my home but refused to move the hot tub past the driveway. They said they didn't know how and just left. We called two local professionals in NC who had it moved in 10 minutes. Galaxy promised in writing they would reimburse me but never did.
    A number of our items were damaged and 4 were beyond repair. My only recourse now is to be sure they have some expense in legal fees defending themselves in court.
    They do a good job of selling BS and unfortunately I fell for it. I would not let Galaxy Moving clear my garage.

  8. This Company is Awful!


    To expand on what others have said. THIS COMPANY IS AWFUL, HORRIBLE AND EVIL!! Gerry Butler was out initial point of contact and appeared very nice and trustworthy. He provided a quote that seemed straight forward and accurate. He told me he could offer a good price because they had offices in both cities.

    Then comes pick up day. We were moving my daughter, 3 men arrived at her apartment. When the lead delivery man got her alone in the apartment he proceeded to MAKE SEXUAL ADVANCES toward her, trying to kiss her among other things. Fortunately her brother was there, so she got him to stay with her. I hate to think what might have happened if he hadn't been there. Next AFTER LOADING EVERYTHING ON THE TRUCK the same man that made sexual advances to her earlier proceeded to tell her it was going to COST HER TWICE AS MUCH.

    I contacted Gerry Butler, who of course was very nice, apologetic and assured me they would swiftly take care of things. But suggested I open a ticket with their customer care and gave me the email address. I left a voicemail and sent an email. After waiting a week I left another voicemail and sent another email. Nicole Arrington finally called me back. She took all of my information, and same as Gerry so apologetic and sympathizing. She told me she was pretty sure the guy that made the sexual advances was gone because she was aware of a similar incident and knows that guy was let go. She assured me she would get the information and let me know why we were over charged. 10 days later we get a call from a delivery person to schedule delivery and reminding us we owed the additional money.

    I called Gerry Butler and Nicole Arrington and left voicemails. Nicole Arrington called me back and told me the cost was more because our move was larger than anticipated. This move consisted of essentially a queen bedroom set, 8 medium size boxes and a hallway hutch. THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH ITEMS IN THIS MOVE to justify their quote being off by DOUBLE!.

    The only thing Nicole Arrington has offered is a discount of $150. Otherwise they have been UNWILLING TO DO ANYTHING regarding the sexual advances or the terrible discrepancy with the quote.

  9. Worst Moving Experience Ever!

    I never write reviews, but Galaxy Moving Systems is so incredibly bad that I feel like I have to share my experience to prevent others from also being scammed by them.

    Our move was very small with just a few furniture pieces and boxes that we were sending to my brother from Boston to help him set up house after going through a divorce. Gerry at Galaxy lowballed the estimate to get our business and then his thugs charged almost twice the price once the 19 pieces were on the truck. Our inventory didn't change by a single box from what was quoted, but their price sure did once you have no choice but to accept their terms or start over looking for a mover. The movers showed up eight hours late, making various excuses about truck issues that completely conflicted with the reasons we were being told by Gerry at Galaxy over the phone. They refused to back their truck into the driveway and then charged us for their "extra steps" to load the truck.

    Gerry told me that trips from Boston to Indy were being quoted at 7-10 days, but that they were actually averaging 5-7 days..ha! They picked up on 4/21/16 and it arrived on 5/11/16, three weeks later.

    The worst part of the whole experience was that they somehow managed to lose a large wardrobe box that contained the cushions to the sofa and the doors to the vintage hutch I refinished for my brother, making them basically useless. We only had 19 pieces for this move and they couldn't even manage to get all of them to their destination. They gave us the runaround for weeks, pretending that the box would magically be on the truck once it returned, but of course it wasn't. We offered to look through the warehouse ourselves, to call their other clients who had moves during the same time as ours and even offered a cash reward to the employee who might find the box, but nothing worked. They were unapologetic, assumed no responsibility for their mistake and didn't even show a basic level of customer service by trying the methods we were willing to do, like calling other clients to see if the box was delivered to them by mistake. We filed a claim as we were told to do, but the agent said that it will take a minimum of 120 days to process and we expect that there will be new loopholes for Galaxy so we will end up paying even more for their incompetence.

    Save yourself the sleepless nights and use a professional mover rather than Galaxy Moving Systems.

  10. Con artists.

    These guys will tell you anything to get a sale . They speak to you like they are taking the best care of you and you are lucky to have them .
    They picked up my items at almost 11 pm .. Yes the middle of the night . I could have overlooked this if it wasn't just the start of many problems . My items were delivered 3 weeks later then scheduled . With less than 12 hours notice . I was told that there were unforeseen delays and my stuff was on the road for over a week . I was given delivery date after delivery date . When I finally received my furniture , the driver told me that they had only left the 2 days before ! I was lied to for weeks ! When I called to get information each time I had a hard time getting ahold of anyone , phone lines down , after business hours ETC . When I brought up that they showed up so late , I was told " any other company would have just rescheduled or would have cost you twice as much ."
    Bottom line : find another company .

  11. Worst Company on The Planet.

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!! I used them for our move and they loaded my household items, left & then called and told me that the weight was more and I had to pay them an additional $2000 to get my items back! They take your stuff & then refuse to give it back unless you pay them more money. Please stay far away from this company. I am currently involved in an FMCSA case against them for what they did to me and my family.

  12. 1 bedroom apt move VA to FL.

    The company does have energetic and courteous (at least superficially) employees - however, they appear to have difficulty getting back to you once things go wrong even after assuring that they will. (phone or e-mail)

    Estimate was double without items having been added - things were loaded differently on the truck than in the fixed space storage they were in thus taking up twice the space (company should know by now that this is the case and estimate and/or inform client appropriately!!);
    Additionally, it did not help that items were counted very differently than first estimated;
    Delivery estimation was off by over a week;
    claimed not to be a broker yet had a third party move my furniture;
    Items were loaded and re-loaded multiple times (fine, but not communicated from the beginning);
    not a lot of communication with the actual movers when transporting - I still do not know the name of the company that actually moved the items even if they were professional;
    Issues with payment using credit card - not told client would be charged 8% of total cost if the CC was used a second time!;
    Difficulty getting the company to provide concrete action post delivery;
    Some damages to items moved;
    A few missing items.
    The actual movers did try to be accommodating and appeared to be careful.

  13. Fabulous.

    I am currently receiving my goods. My sister and I have relocated to be closer to our family so I have a full house that is on inspection duty.

    My boxes look fine, the things we are opening up is fine, I will not submit this until my things are completely off the truck. I have to say the office is very pleasant friendly and knowledgeable staff. I was told it is family run, so maybe that is why they have all the right answers, like they are always on the right page. LOL
    I am extremely satisfied with their work ethic.
    if you need movers these are your people!

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