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Graebel Van Lines

Graebel Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Graebel Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Graebel Van Lines – 1.7 (calculated based on 47 reviews).

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Graebel Van Lines

   47 reviews

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  • Company: Graebel Van Lines
  • Location: 16346 Airport Circle, Aurora CO, 80011
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47 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Will not recommend

    We used Grabel for move from FL to WA. Our terms of move include a replacement value insurance.

    At time of delivery. We noticed damages Living room love seat and living room sofa. We submitted claim via Graebel. Insurance surveyor confirmed the damage and also confirmed that items are not repairable.

    Graebel however only offered settlement of $1250 (despite agreeing that the replacement valu for Love seat of $1887 and $1997 for Sofa). We have provided the comparable product links, pictures of damages and replacement value.

    We have rejected the settlement and now taking Graebel to Small claim courts and ATA for arbitration. too much hassle as Graebel refuse to follow the written agreement on replacement value.

  2. Would not recommend

    I was quoted $6800 to move from Denver to Las Vegas. I have one couch, 2 dressers, and a desk. Definitely a rip off and you can find movers for cheaper than what they offer. Graebel also says that you can expense things such as meals and gas during your move but they say my proof of purchase is unsatisfactory even though I have the charges on my credit card and sent them those screenshots in order to get reimbursed? What am I supposed to do when receipts are unable to be printed at gas stations or restaurants?

  3. Terrible service.

    Graebel was good in getting me my relocation package deposited via ACH in a timely manner, but absolutely no help in anything else. They quoted me $4,500 to move from LA to Austin and I have a 525sqft studio! A total of 5 big pieces of furniture, 3 of which can be broken down! Absolutely disgusted with the lack of service after they claim to “be on your side.” I found a moving company to help me out for less than half the price. Never even fielding another call from this company again. Disgusting. You’ll have a better chance of success doing things yourself.

  4. Misleading.

    Felt rushed and pressured to sign contract - wanted to read thoroughly first. Was not told final payment had to be cash or postal money order at delivery. Called Long Distance movers but actually got Patriot Moving Group. Also was not told that the pickup in one state would be a different carrier All over the State Moving and Storage and that the delivery in another state would be yet a third carrier Graebel Mover Company. So essentially I dealt with four different companies! At the delivery the movers had a very difficult time finding my furniture. It was NOT completely separated from other shipments like it was supposed to be. Even initially unloaded someone else's night stand. Relieved it's over.

  5. Graebel is a nightmare.

    I moved from Wisconsin to Florida in 2016 using Graebel. This was the absolute worst move of my life and I've made many. They are incompetant, liers, and dishonest. Don't trust this company to move you. I wouldn't use them to move a cat litter box as they would no doubt screw it up.

  6. Graebel Moving.

    Graebel Van Lines moved me July 11, 2016. There was damage to my property and owe me approx. $600.00 plus being 1000 pounds underweight. I have emailed 30+ times, called 40+times, sent certified return receipt request with copies of every email to the CEO Greg Cutlip. 29 pages! No response. Have been shuffled from one person to another with no result. I have never dealt with unethical people or company as this one. Do not do business with Graeber. They lie, cheat and steal. Some of my belongings were stolen. I am contacting the tv stations, dept. Of transportation, federal motor carrier safety administration, and movingscam.com. Do not use this company-Graeber is dishonest!

  7. No refund on overpayment.

    Been fighting them for over five months. They grossly overestimated my move and are claiming computer problems as the reason they cannot refund me. Can you imagine what they would do to me if I said I had computer problems and could not pay them? Everyone I talk to lies to me about the refund. They demanded payment up front, and then couldn't even get my furniture to me when I moved. I moved October 31 and had to wait until November 11 to get my furniture. These folks just lie through their teeth. Please do not use them. I am sending a certified letter to corporate today demanding my overpayment of $1,295 back, plus interest and penalties. My attorney is on it.

  8. Worst moving company is the US!!

    Absolutely worst moving company in the United States. My furniture was delayed by over 3 weeks. I had to spend Christmas and New Years in a hotel because of Graebel. I spent over $4,000 on the hotel. I went all the way to the Vice President of Graebel to get my belongings delivered. Everyone at Graebel made empty promises and failed to deliver on those promises. After three weeks of waiting, when it was finally delivered, some of the furniture was damaged. I did not get an apology or a reimbursement. If you hire Graebel, be prepared to wait for weeks or months for your belongings only to get them back in pieces.

  9. Non delivery.

    Do not use this company. They set up a delivery date and didn't show. This was confirmed via email and phone. Do not do business with this company.

  10. Do Not Use This Moving Company!

    Terrible customer service. Was fussed at for not being able to accept delivery when I was NOT given the promised 24 hours notice. I drove 4-5 hours one morning to accept delivery-get a call once I am there that they cannot deliver that day nor the next! I had no where to stay and no furniture to sleep on! When they finally delivered my things-living room TV would not work. Worked fine right before they packed it. Is only 2 years old. They denied claim for damages stating they would not accept responsibility. I implore you to look elsewhere. This is the worst moving company experience I have had (had good experience with another)! They are unwilling to accept responsibility, and they are NOT customer friendly. Everything is your fault and they do not care one bit to inconvenience you.

  11. Never Use Graeble Van Lines.

    DO NOT USE GRAEBEL VAN LINES! BELIEVE all the poor reviews! We were forced to use them twice under a employer relocation program, and both times we had significant damage. GRAEBLE subjects you to a litany of red tape, including empty promises, and outright lies. They play let's make a deal on each item forcing you to prove the value (including using 3rd party valuations), then IF they decide to take any responsibility (as if they didn't when you hired them), they offer a pittance of the value! GRAEBEL held our goods RANSOM for the last month storage by charging us $650 for ONE month, PLUS $650 of WORTHLESS insurance for a ONE MONTH TOTAL of $1300 and REFUSED DELIVERY if we didn't pay upfront!! We've been fighting this battle since May 1; 2016; and today is December 13; 2016 and see no resolution in sight!! CONSUMERS BEWARE OF GRAEBLE VAN LINES! Happy to provide proof if needed!

  12. Bad Experience With the Kansas City Office.

    They sent out a nice man to do the estimate, and as others have said, the people in the office were very nice and called to confirm a couple of times before the move. On moving day, they showed up with one young, able-bodied guy, and two old guys who I'm sure they picked up off a street corner somewhere. They were dirty and smelled like stale alcohol, and appeared to not have any moving experience. One of them could barely lift anything. They kept asking me if I had any thing that I didn't want to move, and if they could have it. They ate in our house, and one of them spilled a drink.
    I had to put our things in storage for 6 weeks, and after they delivered them to our new place, I noticed a piece of furniture was missing after about 3 weeks (We weren't actually living in the new place, and everything was piled everywhere, so we didn't notice that the piece was missing). When I called the office, they said that they would see if it was in the warehouse and they would ask other clients if they had it, but that it was too late to make a claim, and we never saw the piece again.
    In short, I felt like they talked a good game, but didn't provide experienced movers, and weren't careful with out possessions.

  13. Don't Use!!

    Don’t be fooled by the lovely lady, Leslie Brass, that they send out to give you an estimate and to get you to choose them as your movers. She was the best at her job and unfortunately, the only pleasant part of our move. Our move was on July 18th and today August 30, 2016, we are still dealing with the repercussions of using them as our mover.
    1. They showed up on move day with a truck that was already half full with another move, this caused the movers to have to scramble to find another truck that was going to Dallas to come load the remaining half of our furniture. Did I mention that it took 5 hours to do so??
    2. Our move coordinator, Laura Garzon, was absolutely no help with this entire matter or for any of the issues that followed. Had to make several phone calls and emails in order to get less than satisfactory responses from her.
    3. Had to call corporate to get involved after 2nd crew had not shown up by 3pm, I was getting no information from our “coordinator” and the crew from the 1st load broke the glass in our front door and wanted me to wait an additional day in a house with no furniture for them to file a claim to have the window replaced.
    4. Was contacted by the customer service supervisor, Krisdlyn Scott, because I had to spend the night in a hotel due to the length of time it took the 2nd truck to arrive and pack. She stated that they would reimburse me for my hotel stay, what she failed to mention was the turnaround time for reimbursement, 15-20 business days.
    5. Finally got on the road bright and early the next morning to meet the driver for our 1st load only to have to call and find out that he was in the process of renting a smaller truck to bring our items, due to the narrowness of our neighborhood streets. A fact that was brought to his attention the day before.
    6. After the truck eventually arrived and was unpacked, my husband pointed out that 2 boxes were not checked off of the inventory sheet. The driver does a walk through and states that the boxes were located in an upstairs room. I noticed 2 days later, while unpacking, that the boxes were in fact still missing. Luckily, my husband got the driver’s phone number on the first day in case there were issues. After placing a few calls, we were told that the boxes “that were upstairs” were indeed on his truck, which was now in St. Louis and would be shipped to us.
    7. Multiple emails and calls placed to our “coordinator” (I use that word very loosely) trying to get tracking numbers or any type of information on the 2 boxes. These calls and emails were met with little to no response or information.
    8. 2 weeks after the move, we finally received tracking numbers only to find out later that week that one of the boxes was returned back to the St. Louis office due to damage caused by UPS. Relayed this information to the “coordinator” whose only response was file a claim.
    9. Filed a claims that was handed off to coordinator Bonnie Spieth, whose only communication was for additional information that she needed (even after 2 phone calls and 2 emails) and her final email today stating that they were denying my claims because we received both boxes. Oh really?? Because UPS clearly states on my laptop screen (and their computer screen when I placed a call) that the box was delivered to Recipient: Neiva, Location: Dock!! Do you think I got a call back or email response from Bonnie Spieth when I left messages stating these facts? You guessed it…NO!!
    10. And don’t forget about the hotel reimbursement that had to be escalated to Krisdlyn Scott’s supervisor because I was getting no email or call responses (see a pattern) when inquiring why 15-20 business days has now turned into 30 days and no reimbursement. Finally received an email from her on August 29, 2016 stating that they don’t have an answer as to why I have not been reimbursed and they were sending me a gift card! Um, ok.
    11. Called the Graeble St. Louis office myself and found out that my box was indeed still there. So now we wait to see if I will receive the box and what condition the box will be in, since the first box we received was partly crushed and the contents looked like it was sat outside in a sand storm.
    I’m sure that there are other issues that I left out and considering that we have not completely closed out our move (still waiting on hotel reimbursement…I mean gift card and the 2nd box “that was in the upstairs room”), I’m not confident that there won’t be other issues. That being said, I’m hoping the information above will help you decide to use someone else unless you like being lied to, ignored and given the run around.

  14. Graebel Van Lines - Methuen, MA.

    Let me start by saying that I have been involved in organizing and executing trade shows for many years so I understand the many things that can go wrong when having expensive products shipped, never mind personal belongings. That said, I did extensive homework investigating various van lines and checking out online reviews. In the end, it appeared to me that Graebel might be one of the better movers. Sadly, I was wrong. I am a detail person and I made sure that I called the company the day before the move to ensure everything would go as they stated. Almost nothing went according to plan and their logistics was abysmal even with repeated assurances throughout the day of the move that they would be there between 8:00 and 10:00 am, then 10 - 12 noon pm, then 12 noon - 2 pm. They finally showed up with a crew of six, but no one had a single screwdriver to take apart our beds (a service I paid for). I had to unpack my loaded van to find my personal tools to loan them. The truck showed up an hour later, but it was not the short shuttle van that would fit up my narrow street, but a full 50 footer. They ended up blocking traffic for 15 minutes and tore up my neighbor's lawn in order to back the truck up my driveway. There were other problems with the move at the delivery end, but a short complaint is better than a long one. I think you get the idea.

  15. Extremely incompetent.

    Do not use Graebel. They lost some of my belongings (some that were invaluable to me) and failed to apologize for doing so. They refused to give any updates as the trace was supposedly ongoing, so who knows if they actually put any work into finding my items at all. My consultants there, Sarah Weller and Chandra Kressel, were both extremely unapproachable and unhelpful. Sarah never contacted me unless I reached out first, and then went on a leave of absence after my goods were lost without telling me or giving me anyone to contact in her stead. Do not use Graebel if you value your belongings and want to be respected throughout your move.

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