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Move Us To Relocation LLC

Move Us To Relocation LLC reviews from real customers

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Move Us To Relocation LLC

   2 reviews

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  • Company: Move Us To Relocation LLC
  • Location: 3630 Fm 2181 Ste 103, Denton TX, 75065
  • Website: www.moveusto.com
  • Email: info@moveusto.com
  • Phones: (887) 828-8717

2 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Mover review

    Move US to Relocation has to be the worst mover I ever dealt with. Thomas the owner and Jamie the operations manage, do not respond to customer issues. The packing process was poor and resulted in several items being broken. They lost a wardrobe box and made little effort to find it or explain how it happened. Their response was file a claim. POOR execution and customer service. AVOID !

  2. Terrible.

    Move Us To Relocation located in Denton TX was contracted through the moving company we thought we had hired to move us (Five Star Movers in NY) from Dallas, TX to Coos Bay, OR. The cost of the move was $5,750.00. Date of pickup was August 18th, latest delivery date should have been right around Sept. 9th. Actual delivery was Sept. 27th, but only after I filed a complaint against them with the BBB to get our belongings. I was calling maybe once a week prior to our delivery, in order to just find out what was going on and when we could possibly expect our belongings. I was very nice, and I wasn’t a pest. About a week or so after our belongings should have been here (the 9th of Sept), they stopped answering their phones no matter which area of the business I called (sales, dispatch, etc.), and no messages were returned. I had found out from the dispatcher on the last call prior to them not answering, that our belongings had been sitting in Denton TX since we left, and they were ‘looking for a driver’. Understandable..but no excuse for not answering business calls, or returning messages. They DID answer, on the second ring on a later call, but only after I used a different cell phone to call them. I did finally receive a call stating that our belongings would be here in Oregon within three or four days (this was somewhere around Sept. 22nd, after I filed the BBB complaint, and the day after BBB notified them of the complaint), and she confirmed my address several times along with confirming the amount I would be paying them once they got here (2,375.00). She told me that we would be able to check the truck and our belongings BEFORE we paid them, to make sure it was all there and ok. Of course, that did not happen. The man who drove out here (there were supposed to be two men, there was only one) couldn’t find our house so I had him go to WalMart and went over so he could follow us home. The dispatcher called before I went to WalMart to show him how to get here to ask me if we had someone who could HELP HIM MOVE OUR BELONGINGS, because there was only one man..and that they would pay in cash whoever we could find to help. When I asked her how much they would pay, she backtracked and said she would need to find out from her ‘supervisor’. I didn’t want to ask the neighbor who I didn’t even know if they wanted to help move stuff, when I wasn’t sure if they would actually be paid for their help and I didn’t want to soak up even more cost, so..my husband who is in his late 50s and has a bad back (which is why we originally hired movers to begin with) had to help move a refrigerator, washer and dryer, heavy sectional sofa and various other furniture, a bowflex and a very heavy, large treadmill along with a lot of heavy, 30 gallon containers. When the man got here, we discovered that he was 60 years old (he said, ‘six-zero), and he spoke no english and had to use a phone app translator. He wouldn’t open the truck for us to see anything, but he kept pointing to the contract and saying, ‘balance, balance!’. We just wanted this nightmare over with, we paid in money orders, and he took pics with his phone to deposit them, no doubt, THEN he opened the truck. Although stuff was wrapped well, I’ll give them that, the smell from the blankets they used was horrific, no kidding. It permeated our house because there were a couple left on that we had to remove a day or so later, and the smell was just awful. A large picture was broken, but strangely enough it wasn’t even ours—we told him, he wouldn’t take it back- pity the people who wondered what happened to their large framed Italian city scenes. We still have a couple of boxes to get to but it looks as if everything is here, thankfully. At least I think it’s all here! Our lawnmower was emptied but laid on its side, and a couple of the boxes must have been literally upside down, because there was motor oil down the sides and into the boxes. Thank goodness I had my husband’s Marine uniform wrapped in plastic bags because the oil was on everything in the boxes, and even on a queen mattress that was, again thank goodness, wrapped in plastic. The boxes were banged up and filthy like they had been sitting in a really dirty dirt floor warehouse or something, I’m just so thankful I had the presence of mind to use large, 30 gallon storage bins with lids for all of our belongings (for accuracy’s sake to get the cost of the move accurate). When the movers first picked up our items in Dallas, they tried to get us to pay an extra 1200 up front on top of the 2300 we were paying at that time, and the 1100 deposit we had already put down..I didn’t do it, and I”m glad I didn’t with the issues we had just getting our stuff here. Bottom line, if you are using a moving company, do NOT use this one. Hire friends, hire family, you’ll save money and get your stuff in record time.

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