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San Antonio Move Pros

San Antonio Move Pros reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company San Antonio Move Pros from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating San Antonio Move Pros – 1.6 (calculated based on 9 reviews).

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San Antonio Move Pros

   9 reviews

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  • Company: San Antonio Move Pros
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  • Website: www.samovepros.com
  • Email: samovepros@live.com
  • Phones: (210) 653-7900

9 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Don’t Hire

    What should have taken six hours took ten and never got finished!! One worked while the other stood in the back of the truck to “organize “ the boxes!! I have never had a move take this long and I still have to hire another crew to finish up! Worst $1300 I’ve ever spent!

  2. **Move Pros are Thieves** Owner Kelly could care less.

    ** Move Pros are Thieves**
    August 5, 2017 my wife and I contracted Move Pros to move our household goods from a storage unit to our home. I had contracted for 4 movers and 2 trucks to meet me at my storage unit at 9am. Long story short the trucks were almost 2 hours late and after several phone conversations with the owner Kelly she apologized and assured me she was sending her All Star Team to handle my move. 3 movers showed up to my unit and I proceeded to watch them for the 2 hours it took them to clear my 2 units. Once the movers were done packing up the truck they told me that they had to make a stop to get gas so they would meet me at my home. Once the movers arrived at my home I started directing them from inside on where to put the various boxes and everything else could be unloaded in the garage. It took the 3 movers just under 3 hours to get everything unloaded and we were satisfied with the service until…..I found items missing.

    Shortly after the movers left I went into the garage to retrieve my tool box so I could put our new bedframes together when I found it gone. Now I saw the movers put the toolbox on the truck as it was one of the first things put on the truck since I had needed my toolbox at our old home right up until we moved out so it was one of the last things put in storage. Going through the garage I noticed my bench grinder was also missing. By that time it was too late to get anyone on the phone and Sunday I wasn't able to get anyone on the line either. Monday I was finally able to get ahold of a guy that handles the scheduling. I told him my problem and he assured me that Kelly the owner would look into it and call me back. For the next 2 weeks I tried 5 times to get ahold of Kelly only to be told by the same guy that she was busy with her kids regarding school affairs or that she was out of the office. Finally, on my 6th try I just happen to get the owner Kelly on the phone because she just happened to be answering the business line when I called. Kelly proceeded to tell me that she got my repeated messages and spoke to her crew and they didn't remember any toolbox or bench grinder. Kelly then proceeded to tell me that maybe someone walked off with it while I was standing there watching her crew load the truck??!! I tried to reason with Kelly that if her crew stole my property why would they tell her they remembered my property and her explanation that someone could have walked up while I was standing there watching the truck get loaded was not plausible. Kelly advised me that it was my problem and she would do nothing further. At this point I won't get my stolen property back but hopefully this review will keep others from falling victim from this company as well.

  3. Caution!! Beware!!

    WARNING: Look elsewhere to hire a moving company! The movers broke my desk, washer, and dryer, lost the cushions to my couch and then I had to argue with them to take my couch off the truck!! I reported the issue to the owner and they accused me of breaking my own items!! Reporting the issue to TxDOT does nothing..they just mediate which does nothing so it's up to YOU to take the company to court for damages! Do not waste your time and money with this company. The owner is very disrespectful! And they break & lose your stuff! Bless you if they are the only moving company you can afford (like me but ended up paying more on the damage/ loss/ replacement of property. You have been warned. :(.

  4. Move Pros? I don't think so.

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY EVER!! What a absolute disaster our move was. The movers Dominque and Rick arrived on time. But when I saw the truck they drove up in I felt concerned. Broken wind shield and the truck was bought second hand and painted over in black to cover up the name of the company that owned it previously. It looked nothing at all like the pristine moving truck they feature on their web page. It started to rain just as the movers were getting ready to start. I told them that we could do this move on Monday instead because of the rain. They said no, they were just going to press on through. They were both pleasant. We provided them lunch and allowed them to stay on the clock while eating. Cutting to the chase here, the truck had severe leaks in the roof and damaged a lot of our stuff because it got saturated. The drivers did not even tell us. We started noticing wet saturated boxes. They saw this and continued to stack the boxes wet and soggy on top of one another. My husband stopped them. He then went outside and looked in the truck and saw all of the water. He took all these pictures of their moving truck. The movers damaged two brand new dressers, a book cabinet that holds my collection of the classics. During the time they were moving us, they received phone calls from two other crews needing help so they were hurrying to finish. I told them that I was not paying for this job until I talked to their boss. They provided me with the number and I called only to get the answering machine, leaving messages twice. No call back. One of the movers kept asking me if they called back yet.. The mover came in from outside with his cell and handed it to me, telling me he has the supervisor on the phone. Pat is whom I spoke with. I started telling him what was happening and he kept interrupting me and talking over the top of me. I told him to stop and let me finish and then he could talk. He would not so I hung up on him. He called back and was talking to the mover who walked back in with the phone, I told him I was not dealing with him, he was unprofessional, the mover told him to calm down and then handed me the phone. I told Pat I was not paying anything until someone came out and looked at the damage, period. He said you have to pay, we did the work. I again stated I am not paying anything until someone comes out to my home. At this point there was such a adversarial tone between us any hope of decent communication was gone. Pat came out, I showed him was we could and he kept saying, "Oh we can repair that, we can repair that". I said repair? Why in the heck did this even happen? I told him I wanted the owner to contact me and that I was not giving him a check. I also said feel free to call the police if you want. The lady owner called and the situation deteriorated even further. We ended up yelling at each other. She refused to come out, said she was going to sue me if I did not pay and she was calling the police.. I told her to go for it. Then she tried another tactic, if I did not give Pat the check, she was not going to be responsible for any of the damage. I told her, I want you to come out and look at this and I will give YOU the check, she refused. It was horrible. We paid and I told her this was not over. We moved on Saturday, they physically took the check we paid them with to our bank first thing Monday morning and cashed it. My husband is a man of honor, he insisted on giving the two movers the tip we talked about before they even started moving us. $25 each and lunch.. I did not want to give them the tip, I felt they did not earn it. This company should be rebranded and called "MOVE CONS" they are not pro's at anything other than ripping people off.

  5. Moving Experience.

    Worst experience EVER and the Customer Service from the office is the worst I have ever come across. I had to call the movers back to re-assemble the beds in the guest rooms and their attitude on having to return was HORRIBLE! Then later that evening we discovered they did not re-connect the washer and dryer. I had to pay someone to come over and do this. We had substantial damage to our dining room table, dresser, washer, dryer and the walls in our new home! I contacted Move-Pros and they sent someone to "repair" the damage to the walls, dresser and table. The "repairs' to the dining room table consisted of using a furniture marker. The damage to the table was not "just a scratch". When I called the office to inquire about the washer and dryer I was told I would have to send a written request via mail! When I mentioned that having to mail a letter was just added expense Kelly's response was "a stamp is only 49 cents" Seriously, after I had already emailed and sent pictures?? Worst moving company ever and I also plan of filing a formal BBB complaint.

  6. Horrible Experience.

    This was a horrible experience. It started at 9:40 AM, they came over an hour late and ended at 3:00 AM.  I was charged for 18 hours for a job she estimated to be 7-9 hours because the owner Kelly sent 2 guys and 1 guy was hurt and couldn't work so 1 guy did all the work and it took him twice as long. I called her several times during the long ordeal to complain about how long it was taking and that nothing had been moved for several hours and she kept on saying she was sending another guy "on her". another guy came for about an hour then went to get a drink and never came back. Finally another guy showed up at about 1:00 AM. He and Rick worked hard but they were so tired they just dropped everything in the living room and didn't move anything upstairs. I was so exhausted I just paid them so I could get something to eat and lay down. I had to help with a lot of the move or who knows how long it would have taken.  I am a female senior citizen and it was exhausting. I tried to call Kelly everyday from Sunday to Thursday and sent several emails before she would  finally call me back and then she was not nice  and refused to refund me for the double charge  or do anything, not even apologize.
    She doesn't treat her employees very well and she doesn't treat her customers well either. She claims satisfaction guaranteed on her website but she won't return your phone calls if you are not satisfied and will do nothing but give a bunch of lame excuses.  I am still unpacking boxes and there are lots of broken items. She did nothing about that either.
    I have moved about 6 times with moving companies and they were always good experiences. This is the first time I have had any issues and probably because it is not a professional company. Save your self headaches and use a professional company for your move.

  7. I regretted hiring them.

    This company was a terrible mistake to hire.  I did research and I thought I had picked a good company, but was wrong for many reasons. First, when the packers showed up, the smelled of marijuana.   Second, We moved in November and I had a bag of my kids Halloween candy in the kitchen when we were preparing for the move.   While I was unpacking, I found empty candy wrappers thrown in various boxes and when I got to the bag of my kids' candy, it was half empty. Third, they broke a few items, the most important one being a glass shelf in my curio cabinet. You expect a few things broken with all that moving, but you expect the company to pay for it. They refuse to pay to replace it or give us the money to replace.  They are claiming that since they didn't "unpack" it, it isn't their responsibility.  We didn't tell them we wanted to do it.  They just dropped the stuff off, took our money and left.  After filing the claim with them (which was a nightmare in itself), they refused to pay for anything. Last, they don't return phone calls and will outright lie to you when you do get someone on the phone. In summary, avoid this company. You will not be happy if you hire them.

  8. SA Move Pros.

    We just moved with Move Pros this week. We had pre-packed everything. The guys packing the truck were amazing! They wasted absolutely no space. They wrapped everything. They took extra care with all of our things. They were courteous, prompt, and worked super hard to keep our hourly rate down. If you are debating moving yourself, just give them a call and save yourself a lot of time and energy.

  9. My move was a nightmare.

    Owner came out and said everything would easily fit on a 26 foot truck and told me the cost would be $1900.  The movers showed up late that morning and proceeded to pack up the contents of my house.  They filled the 26 foot truck up and had no more room for some kitchen contents and all of the garage.  I was given to options, rent another truck through the company of leave/throw the items out.  I had no choice but to pay another $600 so that I could pack up 5 feet worth of stuff to the 26 foot truck.  The were late the following morning to off-load the items.  Then they proceeded, by pure laziness and carelessness to break 2 book shelves, a living room table and many other items.  I spoke to the owner who said to send pictures and tell them what happened.  I did and even sent letters to their office, per my contract and not once did I get back an email, letter or phone call.  It seems they were dodging me as my "contract" stated I had 30 days to notify and dispute.  I sent all the stuff they needed, even more and still, not 1 voicemail,phone call, email or letter was returned. I will not say they are thieves as I have no proof, but it seems a box of expensive items has gone missing and after a compete inventory of my storage unit and apartment it is just, well, gone.  I guess a ghost took it, but again I have no proof that anything was stolen, but I sure did watch as items were broken.

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