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Speedy Movers

Speedy Movers reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Speedy Movers from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Speedy Movers – 2.9 (calculated based on 35 reviews).

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Speedy Movers

   35 reviews

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  • Company: Speedy Movers
  • Location: 13155 Noel Road, Suite 900, Dallas TX, 75240
  • Website:
  • Email: info@speedy-movers.com
  • Phones: (800) 878-7113

35 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Lost a futon, brokered out movement, scammers.

    Beware of these jackoffs. They come to you pretending to me honest ex-marines, and then once you sign any paperwork end up screwing you and your possesions over entirely. Not only did they lose my futon but also a box of irreplacable World War 2 items from my great grandfather. I sincerely hope they go out of business so no one else can be ruined by them. A message to you Speedy Movers --- you are the scum of the Earth.

  2. Speedymen movers.

    We hired Speedymen to move our piano in September 2016, they said that they were qualified and accepted the job with no hesitation.  Well a couple of real winners showed up with no straps, no blankets and only a 2x4 frame on casters to move the piano.  They stood it right up on end and made their way through the house and out the front door.  They tried to 1, 2, 3 giver off of the top step of the stoop, (no straps or any anything but their little 2x4 creeper) well the guy on the bottom just ended up standing there with the creeper in his hands and the piano landed sideways on the concrete.
    They acted like it was no big deal, an every day occurrence pretty much and "the company will take care
    of it" they said. No apologies and off they went.  Well it's been 5 months now, the piano is in a wood smith"s shop with $1100 of damage that Speedymen won't approve for repair.  They won't answer their phones most of the time and if they
    do they give us the same story of trying to get approval to offer a settlement and they'll call us back but never do.  The wood smith (they hired) is frustrated and want's it out of his small 1 manshop and we want our piano back or one equivalent.  Just because they have some sort of contract and insurance limit does not mean that they should be able to send out a couple of dummies
    completely unprepared and clearly untrained for the job ahead of them, throw someones property off the top step and avoid taking care of the damaged.  NEVER EVERY HIRE SPEEDYMEN, they won't take care of you!!  I wish I could give them
    0 stars.

  3. Speedy Movers Horrible.

    This was the worst company I have ever dealt with and provided the worst moving experience I've ever had, and I have moved many times. I entrusted them with my furniture and unfortunately some treasured photos and letters. The salesman lied to me to get my business and had left or been fired by the time my stuff was supposed to be delivered. After making numerous calls and sending faxes and being on hold for hours, I was told that my furniture was on its way--nearly a month late. They gave the wrong trailer to the driver who had my account information, so my things were still back in California. When the delivery was finally made, the driver said he didn't want to drive his truck into my condo complex (there was plenty of room) and wouldn't deliver my belongings unless I paid him an extra $300 cash (I had been assured that delivery of furniture into my place was part of the contract). This company had lost a couch, a futon, a reclining chair, damaged lamps, and lost treasured photos going back to my childhood. The salesman had told me that his company had its own equipment, but it only has trailers and has to contract with god knows who to haul it with their tractors. The truck in which my stuff was delivered was in such disarray that the driver couldn't find where most of the stuff was. He was horrible and the company was horrible. And their offer to reimburse me for my thousands of dollars in losses (plus the furniture I had to rent because they were a month late)..$74. Don't ever use SPEEDY MOVERS. They are dishonest and disorganized.

  4. Do Not Hire This Vile Company!!

    Speedy Movers is a scam company. Unfortunately for me, I found out too late that they exhibit all the hallmark signs of the "bait and switch" scheme commonly used by fraudulent movers.

    Speedy Movers' profitability is due entirely to the deliberate deception of customers, and in the process causing untold hardship and misery. You can read countless stories on moving review websites of the abuse people have suffered at the hands of Speedy Movers. The circumstances of each case vary, but at the core their MO is the same with all of their customers. First they quote you a low price and agree your terms. They pick up your stuff and without your knowledge pile on fraudulent charges. Then they hold your possessions hostage until you pay the ransom, and finally, they refuse to answer your calls.

    Speedy Movers operates under a number of different company names, which makes it easier for them to avoid scrutiny and accountability. I've listed the names of these companies at the end of my review. They all operate in the same calculated, abusive way.

    I hired Speedy Movers to transport my mother's possessions after she passed away. There were two destinations, one in Washington and the other in California. I chose this company because the quote they gave me was far lower than other companies, and because they agreed to accommodate my requirements for the move. At this point I had no reason to suspect that my long hellish nightmare with Speedy Movers was about to unfold.

    The ordeal began the day before the move when I received a call from Daniel, the supervisor of the sales department. He said they would have to add a "location fee" of $1500 because my mother's home in Durango, CO was in a "remote location". When I protested, he became rude, overbearing and intimidating. I had paid a deposit and he knew I did not have time to find another mover. I had no choice but to proceed with the move. Naively, I thought this would be the only problem I would encounter.

    I became concerned when the movers arrived at my mother's house in a Budget rental truck. The two men were inept and seemed shifty. They were anything but professional. At that point I should have called off the move, but I ignored my better instincts. I found out later that Speedy Movers is a broker, they do not have their own trucks.

    They loaded my mother's possessions onto their truck and immediately demanded $2500 in cash before they would take the load to their warehouse. I was completely shocked, but had no choice but to pay it. When they drove away I did not know where they were going, nor if I would ever see my mother's things again.

    The next day when I received an invoice for the move I saw that numerous fraudulent charges had been added to my bill. The movers had lied about the time they arrived at my mother's house. They said that no one was home when they arrived and they had to wait for two hours. I have witnesses and phone records to show that this was false. They added a two hour "waiting fee" to my bill which cost an additional $600. The ironic part is that we had to wait nearly two hours for them to show up! Their excuse was that they had been delayed by road construction.

    I was charged an additional $180 for packing four pieces of furniture. I had been told by Daniel, the supervisor of sales that the packing would be included at no charge as partial compensation for the "location fee" he added. This charge turned out to be particularly outrageous because it was the mover's insufficient and inept packing that contributed to the destruction of my mother's furniture.

    I was charged an additional $637 for "overload". They lied about the cubic footage of the load. The combined total of my load was 210 cubic feet (I have proof of this on videotape), but I was charged for 520 cubic feet. They were off by 310 cubic feet! I found out later that legitimate movers measure the load by weight, not cubic footage, which is easy for fraudulent movers to falsify.

    A $150 fuel surcharge was added. The regulations state that this cost is to be included in the move, not added on..

    These additional charges added up to $3067 more than the original quote. The regulations state that the final cost cannot be more than 10% over the binding quote.

    When I received the invoice and saw that I was being unfairly charged I thought it had to have been a mistake. I placed a frantic call to customer service hoping to clear up the confusion about the inappropriate charges and the demand for $2500 in cash.

    Nothing could have prepared me for the abusive treatment I received from Katya Spivak, the Customer Service supervisor. Despite the factual information I gave her, she justified the fraudulent charges. From the moment she picked up the phone she was defensive, confrontational and unbelievably rude. She talked over me and yelled into the phone, at one point even calling me a liar. I was horrified..never in my life had I been spoken to this way.

    Hoping they would verify my facts, I tried to reach Daniel and Paul in the sales department, the dispatcher who scheduled the move, and Ari, the driver who picked up the load in Durango. But each time I called I was routed directly to Customer Service. I was told by Katya Spivak that after a move has taken place the customer is not allowed to speak to anyone who has been involved with the move. I doubt it would have mattered, they're all part of the conspiracy.

    The reality of the situation finally became clear. It had been the company's intention all along to deceive me. The fees they piled on were based on the lies they made up!

    I threatened to call the Federal authorities and seek assistance from my attorney. Katya said "go ahead, it won't do any good". My attorney said these scammers count on the fact that people in the midst of moving are not going to take action against a moving company for a few thousand dollars, particularly if they are in another state.

    Three days after the pick-up in Durango the load to CA was delivered. A box containing 12 place settings of Lenox china was missing. I presume they were stolen. These dishes had been in our family for two generations. At today's prices, just one place setting is $400!

    Meanwhile, the load to WA had been taken to a warehouse in Denver where it was held hostage until I paid another $1450. This represented 60% of the "adjusted" cost. The original binding quote was $2126. The bill had now ballooned to $5725. That is $3600 more than the price I was quoted! Not one of the added costs was justified, but I was afraid that if I didn't pay this new "ransom" my mother's things would be destroyed.

    I called the company over and over to find out when the shipment would be delivered to my house in WA. Sometimes the phone rang and rang with no outgoing message, another indicator they were not legitimate. At those times when I was able to leave a message I never received a call back. The few times I actually spoke with someone, I was told that the move had not been scheduled. I felt rising panic that I would never get my mother's things.

    By this time I had started to read customer reviews of this company on moving review websites. It was sickening to see how this same pattern of abuse is universal among the victims of Speedy Movers. All of them were required to pay fraudulent charges before they could receive their shipments, and every single review told of entire shipments lost or completely destroyed.

    On the 37th day after the pick-up in Durango, I received a call from a mover who had been contracted to deliver my shipment to WA. He said he would be arriving at my house in two hours. The regulations state that the moving company is required to give 24 hours notice, but Speedy Movers had not bothered to tell me. Before the driver would unload the truck I had to pay another $840.

    The despicable treatment I had received from Speedy Movers was outrageous enough, but the damage to my mother's possessions was far more devastating. As the truck was unloaded I was stunned to see the broken and battered boxes and furniture as they emerged. These were not merely household goods. They were precious family heirlooms and irreplaceable photographs..all of them damaged, destroyed, or lost entirely. These were the only things my siblings and I had left of our mother's possessions, and they had been treated with utter disregard. To say the least, I was shocked and heartbroken.

    Every box was dented and crushed, and two were torn open with their contents broken or missing. They all looked as though they had been kicked and stomped on. One box of photographs arrived with the top torn open. Sadly, one third of the photos are missing.

    All four pieces of furniture were badly damaged, and two are beyond repair. A table base was splintered into pieces, a 100-year-old desk was warped and had huge pieces gouged out of the top, a 60" round marble table top had a hole in the middle and a large chip out of the edge, and a cherished 150-year-old cedar chest was scratched and missing a leg. These were the four pieces of furniture we paid $180 to have them wrap!

    The contract mover who delivered the load to us was equally shocked at the condition of our furniture and boxes. He told us they were in that condition when he picked them up at the warehouse in Denver. There is no doubt, this degree of damage could only have occurred intentionally.

    I sent Katya Spivak an email detailing the extreme damage to my property. Her response was, "a minimal amount of damage can happen in an interstate move". She told me to make a claim for the damages and for the charges I believed were inappropriate. I have called and emailed repeatedly to request a legible copy of my Bill of Lading, which I needed to make a damage claim. They will not return my calls.

    Perhaps the most shocking part of this entire ordeal is the hacking of my email. The quotes, invoices and all of my correspondence with Speedy Movers disappeared from my email account shortly after I refuted their fraudulent charges and threatened to report them. No other emails were missing.

    I have worked with Comcast Security and Apple's technical consultants to recover these emails. They cannot find any evidence they existed, yet I have printed hard copies of the emails. It was the conclusion of Comcast and Apple that my email had indeed been hacked. According to them it can and does happen. Apparently, for a skilled hacker it is not that difficult.

    Speedy Movers uses movingclaims.net to process their claims. They too are brokers, and their reputation is just as bad as Speedy Movers! Customers endure an endless process of paperwork and delays, only to be awarded a fraction of their claim. Speedy Movers disputes every claim and rarely ends up paying anything. In my research I have found some evidence that Speedy Movers and movingclaims.net are part of the same company. Big surprise there.

    I've also discovered that Speedy Movers does business under different names. They are just one company in an extensive web of companies, all perpetuating the same pattern of fraud. These companies have a mix and match of names, DOT numbers, addresses, phone numbers, principals and managers, all interrelated in one way or another through these common threads.

    Lucy Van Lines, Precision Movers Group, Frontier Van Lines, Allways Moving and Storage, Priority One Movers, Orange Van Lines, National Movers, Eco Movers (I'm sure there are more) are all part of the same group of companies out to rip off unsuspecting people. If you look them up on moving review websites they all have the same dreadful reputation. Based on the constant stream of complaints the BBB gives them all a rating of "F".

    Speedy Movers is a company of thugs preying on unsuspecting people by luring them with "bait and switch" tactics. The most egregious aspect of this conduct is that it victimizes people at a time when they are in transition and most vulnerable.

    If you have been victimized by any of these companies, please report your experience to the FMSCA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration), either online at fmcsa@dot.gov or by phone at 888-368-7238. This is the Federal agency responsible for regulating moving companies. They take these violations very seriously and they have the authority to fine companies and even shut them down. Your story gives them the ammunition they need. I have found them to be very helpful.

    You can also report your experience to the Attorney General of Texas, the Texas DMV (oversees movers in Texas), Consumer Affairs, the Texas BBB, moverescue.com, peopleclaim.com and ripoffreport.com.

  5. Do Not Use Speedy Movers!!

    I wrote a review a few minutes ago, but unfortunately, I listed them as moving us from Oklahoma, when they in fact moved us from Northwest Arkansas. Here is the review that is STILL true in every way: First, it was that we were paying based on weight, which we were fine on. Then they jacked the price up $1600 because we went 300ish over our allotted 1000 cubic feet, which NO ONE explained to us when we decided to go with them. Then, they take our stuff all the way to Dallas so that we had to pay extra fuel surcharge. Then, they don't send us our stuff until a week later, and want the remainder of the balance in cash, which is kinda shady to me. Then the driver leaves, and we find out that we are NOT receiving everything we should receive per the contract, because the loaders ended up being hourly and were paid for 4 hours, period. Doesn't matter that they aren't upholding the reassembly part of the contract. Speedy Movers cares only about one thing, and that is money. They made extra money on us by misrepresenting the quote by ONLY pounds, extra fuel charges, and paying the driver and unloaders as little as possible, not caring whether our stuff all makes it in and is put back together. We ended up paying $5780 for nothing but bull crap. That was nice of the unpackers to stay an extra 45 minutes to help us put together our bed. That left them unable, unfortunately, to get everything on the porch inside, and they definitely didn't have time to assemble the fish tank stand, kids' beds, futon, or the kitchen table. Also, somehow, now we r gonna hafta get our 70" screen TV onto the tv stand, and carry the 200+ pound gun safe upstairs by ourselves. I'm just over them. Speedy Movers will NEVER get any feedback from me, except for telling people to NOT use them because they are pretty much a scam. Grrrr. Oh, I guess that they didn't get the utility shelf put back together, either. And they also left very heavy wardrobe boxes downstairs, when all of the bedrooms are upstairs. Now we hafta try to get those upstairs by ourselves, too. N even the heavy bathroom boxes, the filing cabinet, etc, we have to carry upstairs ourselves. I just don't see how it is physically possible for one person! They were so disorganized that they even left their protection mats taped all over stuff that we'll have to unwrap and store somewhere. Ugh. We found broken and damaged items, a couple of them expensive items, and after reading the TINY print that was NOT discussed with us in our contract, we didn't even pay EXTRA on top of the $6000 to get insurance on our items!! It doesn't matter what the item or how expensive, they were only going to give us cents back on the dollar for the POUNDS of the item. INSANELY ridiculous - WHAT A SCAM!! I will NEVER EVER use them again, and I will tell people over and over not to use them, either. I don't want anyone to be cheated the way that we were. It's just REALLY unfair!!

  6. Dishonest and cheat.

    Matt gave me a quote and I had told him the exact list of furniture and boxes to move, when they came to pick up they said cuff is more and my son had no choice and had to pay extra 250 plus.
    They list our sofa bed leather and we are trying to contact them they hung up on us Nicole is the person who my son and I talked to..
    They charged 600 dollar for sofa move 150 cu c 4 plus cost of sofa bed.
    I will never recc to use this company I will report them to DOT

  7. Do Not Use this company.

    Previous reviews were right. First time using a moving company and probably will be the last time using one, because of the experience. Got my things picked up on June 3rd and still don't have anything as of today. I keep calling to find out where it is and keep getting the same answer over and over again. It has not even left for delivery yet. How are people supposed to live like that. It's like they're stealing your stuff and holding it hostage. I would highly recommend not using this company because they are unreliable in every way. Not worth spending the money here. Just do it yourself.

  8. Damaged, stolen items, don't use this company.

    I have moved allot in my life and this is the worst moving company I have ever used. Their business is barring on fraudelant, and from start to finish all they did was lie to me. They quoted my move at $930, even though I told them that my sofa and recliner were pretty big. When the movers came, they told me the cost would be $1300. They told me my items would be delivered 2-12 days from the earliest availabe date. I told the movers and the customer service reps multiple times that because I work, I would require more than 24 hours notice from the truck driver that he was coming to deliver my things. They said that shouldn't be a problem and that deliveries could be done at night. Of-course, they lied. The driver called me and said he would be their the next morning. When I told him I had a job, he was rude and told me "i have a job too" (yea his job is to deliver my stuff). And the company told me that if I made him wait, they would charge me $150/hr. So of-course I had to get my friends to help me out and be there so the driver could drop the stuff off. When he did finally arrive, the boxes were damaged and torn, and low and behold, MY SOFA WAS NOT THERE. The driver nor the moving company, when I called them, knew where it was. They told me that they would be in touch with me within 48 hours to tell me where my sofa was. Its been 5 days now and no call. THIS COMPANY IS HORRIBLE, THE PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR IT ARE THIEVES, AND THE PEOPLE WHO RUN IT ARE LIARS. DON'T EVER USE THEM EVEN IF YOU THINK YOUR GETTING A GODO DEAL, YOU ARE NOT!!

  9. Disappointed; Do Your Research.

    Pick-up was early and I had no choice about it, as they require a 2-day window. So I slept in an empty apt on an air mattress for 2 days. They are very shady about how they determine square footage. It's not based on what you have, but on the "markings on the truck walls". I ended up paying over 24k for a studio apt and only two large peices of furniture and a bike. I have the feeling it will never be what they tell you on the phone. As for delivery, I had no work from the my driver until 2 days before. The customer service insisted I call him directly on his cell, which he didn't answer the first day with no voicemail set up. They said their customers apprecaited it that way.. Wow.. On delivery day, he was 90 min late and didn't bother to call. He said he had a flat tire. He overcharged me for being over 75 ft from the truck, but never wrote it down on any paperwork so I'ma guessing that was his "cut". I was exhausted enough not to protest much. At least one thing they delivered wasn't mine, and another box (at least) is missing. They wait until the end for you to sign the inventory, so it's very rushed. My floor lamp, chest of drawers, and (only) two diing chairs are ruined. I'm still digging through to see what else is missing or broken. Not a good experience. I wish I'd done my homework. .

  10. OKC to Utah Move.

    Started off on a bad note, I underestimated my square footage, make sure you complete the online pre-inventory accurately, my 900 sq feet was 1900 sq feet. I will accept partial responsibility for that. What really disappointed me was the shape my boxes were in every box was smashed, rubbermaid totes were cracked and broken, I have moved all over the world in the military and I have never seen a disaster like this most of the boxes looked like they were kicked down ten miles of bad road by the time they reached thier final destination. They got the speedy part right stuff was on time but between pickup and delivery who knows what went on, these guys did not pay any attention to fragile/ glass markings on boxes, a rubbermaid tote full of dishes glassware fell off the truck upon unloading smashed and destroyed most of the contents. I went with them because they seemed to be a little higher end quality business but 6500 dollars later all I got was a lot of heartache. Should have rented a truck and done it myself. Avoid them like the plague. I am not one to write scathing reviews, I am a live and let live, understanding person, but there was negligence on speedy movers part regarding the care of my belongings. .

  11. All in all, my move was completed satisfactorily excellent.

    From start to finish this move was incredibly stressful. I wasn't expecting 6 different companies to call me nonstop. I chose Speedy Movers because they offered me a direct move from Shreveport to Houston, with my own exclusive truck. Jonathan and his team were very professional, and every last item was wrapped up before being loaded on to the truck. True to their word, my furniture arrived right on schedule the next morning. The quote was steep, but that is to be expected I guess when moving a 5 bedroom house. Word of Warning- for a direct 1 day move I ended up paying the brunt of the cost up front by card over a week before the move date, as I was told they do not accept credit cards or checks on delivery. All in all, my move was completed satisfactorily.

  12. This Company is Terrible.

    This is insane, this company does not call back after taking the deposit.  they were supposed to be here at 9am we were very speicific as we have to catch a flight back home later this evening. of course they are not there, they have now called twice and said they will not be there unitl 2PM that is unacceptable especially since this was discussed at length during time of booking. this company is terrible I wish I would have read the online reviews prior to booking.  they talk a big game and all they did was take our money. of course I have called every phone number I have found and emailed every email address NO RESPONSE! .

  13. Safe choice.

    We moved with speedy movers and to my pleasant surprise my furniture arrived a day early. Matthew in sales was really helpful, patient and detailed. Jonathan and the movers were really swift, yet careful when needed with my paintings. I recommend this company for anyone who is looking to move. They treated me like a first class customer. The only complain I have is that we only had a day before notice on what time they were coming the following day and would've like a slightly earlier heads up but over all I am very satisfied with their service.

  14. Very poor.

    Please stay away from this company, they are running a racket. Luke Solomon pitched me a low rate initially and did all the sweet talk. Its been 20 days after I gave my move in adddress they are yet to return my calls or emails. All the other review that give 5 ratings are fake , I am sure it's one from their own company, I went out based on that reviews but now I know I am in for a big trouble.        .

  15. Colorado to iowa.

    Horrible experience with speedy movers. Could never get the representative to call back after the deposit. The quote they gave was 1500 and by the time they delivered they demanded 3700. I dealt with 3 different people the representative, the mover and the delivery person. None of them had the city address right even after telling the representative to correct it and He assured me he had. I told them I couldn't have delivery for 2 days after pickup since I had to stay an extra day in Colorado. The driver started calling me threatening me the following day he would drop the load in Chicago if I didn't have someone there at the delivery location. When I tried to explain to him I told them ahead of time about the Friday delivery they had said no problem, he said he had to go he was busy and hung up. The quote should have included 3rd floor delivery. When they got to the condo they refused to carry the items unless I paid an extra $150. I was told by the movers I could write a check but at delivery I had to pay cash and they would give me my check back. The driver did not have my check upon arrival. He said I would have to call my bank and stop payment. That was an additional charge I had to pay the bank. I tried calling the 800 number to get help but no one ever answered the phone. The boxes arrived damaged. They threw my tv and computer monitor into large boxes without wrapping of any kind.

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