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Texas A-1 Movers

Texas A-1 Movers reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Texas A-1 Movers from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Texas A-1 Movers – 2.6 (calculated based on 5 reviews).

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Texas A-1 Movers

   5 reviews

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  • Company: Texas A-1 Movers
  • Location: 12600 International Pkwy, Dallas TX, 75228
  • Website: a1movestexas.com
  • Email: agent677@a1movestexas.com
  • Phones: (214) 638-7720||(800) 772-8548

5 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Honest Review to Help Another.

    The movers were 3 hours late for the move. Because of this, I could not supervise the loading of my boxes and things, as I had to work in a separate room. During the move, a $1500 purse was "lost". I followed up as soon as I knew it was not lost and I had searched every spot I could and asked them to look for it in their trucks and just ask around. They have been avoiding calls and emails for over 3 weeks. As much as I hate to say it, the whole situation seems shady and it seems as though the purse was stolen and they are avoiding the situation. It was an awful experience and I urge you to not use this group. They offer poor service and are dishonest people. I would not let these people in your home.

  2. 5 star.

    I had the pleasure of meeting the four-man crew yesterday as they moved my daughter to her new house. I want to say that it was a wonderful experience, as far as moving goes..The crew was smart, cheerful (in spite of the work), respectful of her belongings and quick to respond to requests and change. They worked fast and efficiently all day long and finished quicker than we ever thought possible. The cost was extremely reasonable, considering the magnitude and volume of the work. If I were planning a move, I would call them again immediately.

  3. Amazing movers!

    Truly the best move experience of my life. I had the privilege of getting two crews to move my family and our personal possessions. This was a major residential move and these guys made it look smooth as butter. They were on time, very professional, went straight to work, and everything made the move. NOTHING DAMAGED. I feel that I received a blessing after my experience. Thanks guys, I highly recommend!

  4. Bekins A1 moving in Coppell Texas.

    They didn't keep their promises. They didn't call or communicate throughout the process. They damaged property. They were not a company of their word.

    I highly regret working with them.

    We met and interviewed several moving companies.  Bekins said that they would only use Bekins employees and not contract out any of the work.  They guaranteed our move in date would be June 10th.  They guaranteed our belongs would be well taken care of as well as thorough communication. This is why we went with Bekins. They packed our belongs on time and did a good job.  I spoke with their representative in the office as well as the man handling the move at the house and they both guaranteed that we would move in on June 10th.  So we planned all of our work schedule and help on June 10th.  On June 9th I never heard from Bekins even though all their material states that we would receive a call the day before the move. I called their office around 4 just to make sure everything was okay, and no it wasn't.  They were not going to be able to move us until the next day.  They explained that other people's moves were more important than ours.  On this date the general manager for the Coppell office said he would financially compensate us for our troubles and poor experience thus far with Bekins.So they came the next day to move us in.  They had 2 Bekin employees and the rest were contract employees.  The two employees stayed in the truck while the contract employees brought all of our belongings in.  They didn't put any protective covering on the floor and were in a huge hurry to finish the job so they could get on to another job.  They drug potting soil up the stairs, broke a piano leg, nicked an antique table, broke an antique rocking chair's arm, put a hole in a wall, and cut an upholstered chair with a box cutter.  We spent the next few weeks moving boxes that were place in wrong rooms and locations. Many of our garage boxes were moved upstairs to a bedroom.They sent someone out to assess the damage done to our home and belongings.  We agreed on a settlement.  My move coordinator told me a check was probably in the mail on August 18th.  It is now October 10th and we have not received the settlement check.  After I called the claims department in late August, they said they had no idea about our settlement.  They contacted the Coppell office and then I was told I would receive a check the end of September.  When the end of September came around I called the claims manager and emailed him with no response.  Finally I called the the general manager at the Coppell office.  He said he would personally contact me on the 8th and he didn't.  I then received an email with no explanation for the delay stating that the check was cut on that morning.

  5. One star is one too many!

    I moved from the DFW area of North Texas to Arkansas and chose Texas A1 Movers (Bekins) as my moving company. I have moved 6 or 7 times in the past and have never used a moving company. This was the first time I used one. In the past, I've always rented a U-Haul truck and hired off duty firemen to load/unload the truck. In all of my moves, I have never had a piece of furniture broken or damaged. So, when I hired Texas A-1 Movers to move my stuff, I had high expectations, because after all, they are professional movers and do this everyday. Never did I think that I would have so many broken and damaged items that will now have to be replaced. I am very disappointed in the service I received from Texas A-1 Movers. I am also disappointed/upset with the lack of honesty and integrity of the company. I will never use Bekins again. Below is a synopsis of my experience. I know it is long, but if I can prevent what happened to me from happening to another person, it will be worth the time spent reading it.   I WAS OVERCHARGED: 1. Originally, I was going to have the movers pack some of my bigger items.. pictures, etc. The salesman estimated that it would take 10 cartons for the items that needed to be packed. I was charged for having those cartons packed, but ended up packing most of my pictures, etc., myself. The movers only packed 4 mirrors/pictures, yet I was charged for 10 instead of just the 4 they actually packed. 2. I was also charged for packing and unpacking three containers (hanging clothes). Originally, I was going to have the movers pack up my hanging clothes in my closets, but decided to do it myself instead, therefore, they did not do the packing or unpacking.   THINGS THAT WERE PROMISED TO ME BY THE TX A1 MOVERS SALESPERSON BUT THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN: I told my salesperson that I was going to be putting some items into storage and some items were going to a house. I also told him that there was a bedroom set of furniture from one bedroom at the destination house that would need to be moved to storage and then my bedroom set (that was on the truck) would be put into that same room in the destination house. My salesperson said that would not be a problem and the movers would take care of it. He did tell me to let the movers know which items (boxes and furniture from the origin house) were going to be going to the destination house so that they could be packed last and the items going to storage would be packed first. A word to the wise, if you have a complicated move, make sure the salesman puts EVERYTHING into writing in the contract. You'll find out below why you need to do this.   WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE MOVERS HAD FINISHED PACKING THE TRUCK: When I was getting ready to sign the paperwork, I began to read over the paperwork and the guy told me to just sign each page. I asked the mover to explain what was written under the condition of origin column and he said not to worry about it. It just needed to be signed. He hurried me through each page and seemed in a rush to get going so he could leave. Later, as I sat down with my copies of the paperwork, I realized why he was rushing me through it. He was listing my belongings/furniture as damaged and in worse shape than it actually was. That way, if damage occurred during the move, then Bekins wouldn't have to reimburse me because the paperwork stated that it was damaged prior to the move. This speaks to the lack of honesty and integrity of Texas A-1 Moving Company and Bekins.   WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED DURING THE MOVE: When the movers arrived at the destination house (in Arkansas), the truck driver (Marvin) told me that I was going to be charged extra for moving the furniture out of the bedroom and into storage and then moving my furniture into the bedroom. The antique furniture from the bedroom was brought downstairs and left on the front porch outside so that the bedroom furniture on the truck could be unloaded and put into the bedroom at the house. Then the truck driver told me that they were not going to take the furniture that had been put onto the porch. He then proceeded to leave the furniture that I had been told would be taken to storage by my salesperson on the front porch. The truck driver refused to move the furniture. I had to pay $40 extra to have the furniture moved from the porch to storage after the truck driver left.  I also had to purchase a new thermostat for the house because the one that was on the wall was knocked off and broken by one of the movers. The thermostat was broken into several pieces that couldn't be put back together. I also had to go to Home Depot to get wood for bed slats because the slats did not arrive with everything else (before the move, I had bed slats). The movers didn't tell me that there were no slats. The only reason I found out about the slats was because I had to crawl under my bed to plug in my bedside table lamps and saw that they were not there. Again, this shows the character of the company - no honesty or integrity. They should have said something to me about the missing bed slats.    There were several items that were not delivered to me that had been placed onto the truck. I didn't receive them until 3 months after the move. Two items were never delivered to me at all. I have a sneaking suspician that the truck driver has them in his possession. They were a set of Power Block dumbbell weights that cost $350 . Unfortunately, I don't expect to receive them from Bekins.   ISSUES DURING THE MOVE AND WITH THE TRUCK DRIVER: The truck driver was rude, lazy and inconsiderate of me and my furniture. He was argumentative. He refused to do anything if it was not spelled out for him in his paperwork - absolutely NO customer service. The two guys (from Arkansas) that were helping the driver were extremely frustrated with him. One of them said that he would never work for that driver ever again. They both stated that they always treat the customer and the customer’s items (furniture, boxes, etc.) like they would want their stuff to be treated or would want their family’s stuff to be treated. They would not leave someone’s furniture outside on the porch for the customer to have to deal with later on their own.   While unpacking the truck, the driver called me over to take a picture of a piece of furniture that had been broken. He seemed to not care that the piece was broken and in a laissez faire way, said, “Bekins will fix it”. My thought is that I don’t want to have to go through the steps of having to get the company to fix it and really, I shouldn’t have to do all this. In all of my previous moves, I have never had to deal with this kind of attitude, treatment, and complete lack of care in how my furniture/items were treated and thus broken.   Marvin ruined two of the four chairs from my good dining room set. One of the chairs will not be able to be fixed because the back of the chair (wood) is completely splintered. Because it is a set of 4, the entire set of chairs will have to be replaced. He also denied having messed up the second chair. I was proactive before the move and took pictures of my furniture.. I would highly recommend taking pictures of all of your furniture and valuables before your move. They will come in handy`if you have to make a claim after the move.  After the truck had been loaded I looked at my items on the truck.. it looked like things had been shoved and forced into spaces where they should not have been put. Again..complete lack of care for my belongings.   My final words.. moving is very stressful as it is. You don't want to add stress by hiring a moving company that lacks honesty, integrity, and could care less about you and your belongings. Get bids from several moving companies and NEVER go with the cheapest bid!  .

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