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Angel Van Lines

Angel Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Angel Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Angel Van Lines – 1.4 (calculated based on 27 reviews).

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Angel Van Lines

   27 reviews

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  • Company: Angel Van Lines
  • Location: 5787 South Hampton Road, Dallas TX, 75235
  • Website: angelvanlines.com
  • Email: info@angelvanlines.com
  • Phones: (972) 249-0965

27 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Angel Van Lines.

    As many others have stated, this "company" is a scam. The owner goes by multiple names.

    They showed up hours late to pick up our items. They no showed on the day they were supposed to drop off our belongings at our new home. Then proceeded to say it would be at least a week late before we would get our things and if we wanted it sooner than that I needed to wire them the remaining contract funds. After getting a lawyer involved, they dropped our things off 5 days late.

    I would not wish this moving experience on my worst enemy.

  2. Moved from texes to california.

    Worst move ever, they are no moving company. The mover's didn't know what they were doing and end up leaving half of my belongings behind. It was setup by Metal of Honor Group. They were no help at all with resolving my issues. Plus they stopped returning my phone calls. I had a lot of issues that would take up to much space.

  3. Run away fast!!

    If you are considering using Angel Van lines, please take this bit of advice. Pick any other mover and call them to handle your move. Whoever you pick can’t be as bad as Mile and Blue from Angel Van Lines. Stay away from these bozo’s! They will not show up on time, will deliver your goods days after they promised, lose precious furniture and belongings, break multiple irreplaceable items and treat you with disrespect just to rub salt in the wounds. I would suggest using “The Three Stooges Moving Company”. They will certainly outperform Angel Van Lines.

  4. Worst company ever.

    I’ve left several reviews for these chumps on multiple platforms and I’m happy to say I have cost them way more money than the deposit they stole from me. I told you guys I wouldn’t go away in the emails that you ignored. Currently one of their former customers is putting together a class action lawsuit.


  5. NM to Oklahoma.

    Worst moving experience ever. Do not understand how these people are allowed to stay in business. Brokers charged me extra because of recalculated volume. Said I needed 4 guys and 2 trucks. Well 2 guys and 1 truck showed up. Loaded until 2am on a Sunday morning. Could not find another truck the next day so dispatch diverted them back to Dallas. It’s been 2 weeks and still no furniture and balance left behind still in New Mexico. Will not take my calls or give any response. Still in limbo with no help to be found. My advise would be to never use this company for moving. Not worth the risk or irresponsible methods of running a reputable business. Just shameful.

  6. Moving review.

    Moved from Santa Fe, NM Area to Millington, TN (Memphis)
    I was not told that Angel Van lines would be doing my move. The move was not timely, they never gave me any documentation. When they were unloading at my new location, the first thing they did was try to give me a dresser and cabinet and a wall hanging that did not belong to me. They left my former home dirty with packing dirt all over the floor. They damaged or scratched every piece of furniture. They damaged my dryer beyond repair (the knobs were sheared off). They damaged the washer. They lost the bottom half of my glass top table. They lost boxes. I put a claim in and the most they would give me is $96. I have written to the moving claims company and they do not respond. I can hardly give this moving company one star. I am heart broken over all the damage they have done. I feel totally defeated and taken advantage of. There are NO exaggerations in what I have explained. I would NEVER recommend this company.

  7. Leap of Faith.

    I moved from Texas to Idaho and decided to go with Long Distance Movers who are a broker moving company. Angel Van Lines was the company who got the job assigned. I packed the vast majority on my own before pick up. But they had blankets to cover all of the big furniture I have. The 2 guys who picked up and packed were actually very nice and seemed to do a clean a good job. Hence I only had 30 boxes, a dining table, a mattress, a bed set, dresser and a TV.

    They told be that my stuff would arrived the following week to Idaho. However, one I read the small letter on my contract, it does states that it could take up to 21 business days. I was so worried after reading all the reviews. I kept calling Long Distance Movers once a week and they would say that my stuff would probably arrive at the end of that week. Honestly after reading these reviews I thought I would literally never get my stuff back and if I did it would be damaged.

    Surprinsigly enought, 3 days before the cut-off 21 business days..My stuff arrived on Saturday. I received all of my belongings in intact condition. Raphel and another guy showed up, unloaded everything and put together my furniture. Because the move was already so expensive I only tipped them $20 each.
    I was very impressed with their service.

  8. Worst Experience of My Life.

    Angel Van Lines was contracted by the moving company I hired to do my move. First they were late on pick up, had me take a picture of my contract with my phone, did not know how much I owed them, and could not tell me even an estimated delivery date. Did not receive all of my items for more than a month from my pick up date; they lost my bed and portions of my bedroom set; and miss placed more than 10 of my boxes. Worst customer service experience I have ever had and their office staff are lairs. I would never recommend anyone to use their services.

  9. "Missing" Goods.

    The name is fitting as my goods were "spirited" away as if by divine intervention. I guess that's another way to describe the theft of my own personal goods. A great company to go with if you expect to depart with more goods than you want on arrival! This is truly a wonderful moving company that really should steal more attention. Oh did I say steal? I meant it went "missing in transit" What a joke of a company.

  10. Thieves Thieves Thieves Thieves!!

    I would give a negative star if possible, Worst moving experience, thieves stole my tv, dinged all the furniture, came 10 hours late to pickup causing flight to be missed, overcharged for packing, customer service is [EDIT], Just stay away, I have moved 4 times in last 3 years, I would recommend Zip moving Storage or Colonial van Lines.

  11. Stressful, haphazard move.

    I booked my move 2 months in advance. What I experienced was the most stressful, haphazard, poor executed move imaginable. I was scheduled for pickup on 9/26. Finally picked up on 9/29. When my belongings arrived on 10/4 it looked like they were run over by a truck not transported on a truck. Everything about this move was an exercise in stress, frustration, and lackluster service.The only way they could have done a worse job is if they had stopped halfway to my new residence, built a bonfire with my belongings and then sent me video of them laughing and dancing around aforementioned fire.

  12. Angel van lines.

    This company is the worst. They hold your stuff and charge you more money to get it back. When my husband tried to talk to Mike about upping the price all he did was yell at him and said if you want your stuff you will have to pay. They damaged so much that it cost us a lot to replace our items. When we showed the movers the damaged items we were told we should have expected it. After paying over 10,000 dollars I expect people to have respect for my furniture and items. We received someone else's furniture. When we tried to call them so we could return the items they would not answer our calls. Do not use this company.

  13. Good Service.

    I must admit by readibg the reviews I was very nervous about allowing Angel Vanlines take over my move, which I was under the impression that North American was taking care of that til Later like the day before my move a lady called stated Angel will be conducting the move, Uh Ok?
    After doing my research I really wanted to cancel but the fact my pick up date was just a day away I followed with the plans, and I must admit I had not one problem, the guys that arrived on date and time the dispatch Martha stated was awsome, I had full packing which the guys came in and got to work, I was so inpress I made sure they had a nice meal, I paid for my move upon pick up in full and was charged a little extra on delivery due to the weight being over, but I had no problem with my items being delivered, all my inventory was in the same shap I left it!! No DAMAGE, I want to say that Angel Vanlines do an awsome job, and I do appricate all the hardwork the guys put into my move, Just had to take the time out to show my appreciation!
    Thanks Guys!

  14. They charge EXTRA at every opportunity.

    They charge extra at every opportunity they get, especially during delivery. They don't care about paper work, they don't care about your Weight (high estimate vs actual).

    DELAYING delivery, DAMAGING furniture, charging extra MONEY are their specialties.

  15. Horrible Moving Company.

    We spent almost $10,000 for a move that will cost us much more than that in damages. We have moved 13 times during my husband's 30 year military career. This move was worse than the last TWELVE COMBINED!

    The movers arrived 10 hours late for our pick-up and were loading up our stuff in the dark. They were unable to finish as promised and said they would have to return the following day. We had packed everything ourselves. All they had to do was wrap the furniture and load the truck. What we thought was going to be a large quality moving truck ended up being 2 Penske rental trucks and a trailer being towed behind one of them. The man in charge of the moving team assured me that he was going to be filling out the inventory sheets and had a brand new roll of numbered stickers to attach to the furniture and boxes that would correspond with the inventory sheet. Untrue. Upon arrival, there was a blank inventory sheet with nothing on it but our address. So four strangers came into our house..took everything we owned..drove away with it..and there wasn't a record of any of it. As soon as our stuff arrived I asked for the inventory sheet. It was then that I was informed that they had never been filled out by the guy in charge on the other end.

    The movers ran out of blankets right away and then started wrapping our antiques in plastic wrap until they ran out of that, too! The couches weren't wrapped at all. Our very expensive suede couches were on their side on the floor of the truck. I ran out there and told them they had to at least put cardboard under them, but when they arrived it had been removed.

    Before leaving they told us we needed to begin our drive to our final destination right away as they were driving there in the morning. Two weeks later they showed up. We had nothing but a few clothing items and valuables we could fit in the car. I had to buy air mattresses, lawn chairs, towels, sheets, blankets, etc. to use until our stuff arrived. Turns out they got another job and needed the rental trucks, so they drove our stuff from Albuquerque to Dallas where they unloaded it into a warehouse. Obviously they needed the blankets, too, as our stuff arrived with almost none on them. The European antiques we'd been collecting for the past 15 years for our final home were piled up on top of each other..completely unwrapped..and on the floor of the truck.

    They arrived a day and a half late for delivery. My husband took off a day of work (vacation day) for nothing. The next day they said they'd be here at noon. My husband took off a half day of work only to have them not arrive until 6 hours later. Once again our move was taking place in the dark.

    They managed to crash one of the trucks into an overpass tearing off a large portion of the roof. They failed to tell us this even after we kept asking them why so much of our furniture had water damage and the boxes were crushed and falling apart. The guy literally wouldn't answer me. He would just look at me and then would walk away. Two of the guys doing the unpacking said this move was really bad and seemed to feel badly about it. However, those in charge at Angel Van Lines did not. During the unloading my husband called and called about the incredible damage. Once they received the first call, they refused to answer his calls again. My husband made the mover in charge call on his own phone and they instantly picked up. I spoke to the guy in charge. I told him that the truck carrying our stuff had crashed into an overpass and the water damage was severe. He obviously already knew as he didn't seem surprised in the least, but said nothing. I told him I saw the rental truck parked up the street from our house and facing in the opposite direction so it couldn't be seen from our yard. I asked him why we weren't informed. Again, he said nothing. He ignored that completely. The only thing he kept saying is that they were allowed 21 days to get us our stuff and he wanted to know why my husband and I didn't seem to understand it when it was stated in the contract. I kept telling him that his own drivers told me to get on the road right away because this was a door-to-door move and they were leaving first thing in the morning.

    After my husband called the office several times this past week without anyone answering, I decided to call from a phone number they would not recognize. Sure enough, my call was answered. I told the receptionist the problem. She said she was familiar with our case and needed to transfer my call. Instantly the call was disconnected. I called right back but nobody picked up. Typical! I left a message on the answering machine (very unusual to be able to leave one as it usually says the it's full and cannot receive messages), but I feel certain they will not return our call anyway. I have a running list of each call we make that isn't answered..goes to voice mail..or isn't returned. I don't know what else to do.

    Here is just a tiny sampling of the damages..water damage to our two suede couches, backs torn off the back of our sectional (looks more like vandalism than damage caused in the move) broken brand new slate table top and deep gouges on the six chairs that are part of the set, broken granite table top, broken marble top end table, bedside table destroyed (looks like a pole went right up through it), severely scratched up wardrobe (top, front, sides), 4 foot gouges (three of them) down the length of an antique church pew, 8 leather chairs destroyed with deep gouges and stretched leather, huge holes in the back of dresser, most of the boxes literally crushed and falling apart due to water damage..the knobs on the washing machine were snapped off.
    This is proving expensive to fix, but even more difficult to get the second knob. Many pieces of furniture have crushed corners and the finish rubbed completed off. The outdoor dining table and chairs (hole through one of the chairs) are badly scratched up all the way to the bare metal. It quickly rusted with the first rain. The entire set now needs to be sanded down and repainted. Again, this is a tiny sampling of the damage. Some of the antiques are so severely damaged they are worthless.

    Adding insult to injury, some of our furniture is missing. It's our word against theirs as the inventory sheet is blank. A queen sized box spring and headboard for one bedroom set never arrived. The other queen sized bed is missing the leather side railings and the special slats for the memory foam mattress. As a result, both mattresses are on the floor. These were beautiful bedroom sets and now they are incomplete. I'm certain we'll never see them as I think the people whose furniture we received (dresser, mattress set, dresser mirror) got ours. We sent their furniture back with the movers in hopes that they would get it, but we know we'll never see ours as there isn't a single item on the inventory sheet indicating who it belongs to.

    We have filed complaints with United States Dept of Transportation and the American Moving and Storage Associations. We will also be filing with the Better Business Bureau. We have never filed a complaint against anyone for anything..ever. We never would have gone this route if they had even attempted to make this right. At the very minimum, answer our calls and at least pretend to care.

    Just two and a half days before our pack out date, and late on a Friday afternoon, we were informed that we had been subcontracted out to a different company..Angel Van Lines. My husband had to start his new job and there were new tenants moving in 2 days after we were supposed to move out. We were already a day behind moving out because the movers didn't arrive until almost 6 PM. There was no way we could cancel and hope to get another moving company on such short notice during the busy summer moving season.

    One more interesting fact. One of the movers informed us the reason they were 10 hours late getting to our house is because they knew nothing about our move. They had gotten the call that same day from a dispatcher telling them about it as they were driving back to Texas from a delivery in Kansas. He then rerouted them to NM for our shipment. The whole thing was a disaster from day one until now.


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