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Move On Moving

Move On Moving reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Move On Moving from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Move On Moving – 3.7 (calculated based on 43 reviews).

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Move On Moving

   43 reviews

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  • Company: Move On Moving
  • Location: 4625 S Wynn Rd, Suite 100, Las Vegas NV, 89103
  • Website: www.moveonmoving.com
  • Email: info@moveonmoving.com
  • Phones: (702) 750-9710||(855) 702-6683

43 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Easy move.

    These people were GREAT!! In all honesty, I had a great moving experience with this moving company. It was my second time doing a long distance move and I have given myself much more time to prepare this time compared to last time I move. That being said, the move went rather good. I packed my own things, and made sure to pack them extremely careful to ensure that there weren't going to be any damages or, at least minimal.

    Anyway, I ended up hiring through a broker and was subcontracted Move On. The girl in their customer service department has been friendly and great to stay connected with. She walked me through each step of the way and helped me out by explaining the process of a move. Their movers that came out to my house were very friendly upon pick up, and during delivery I had a different crew of people but also, they were very nice to deal with. My load ended up being above what I was expecting but, I understand that moving up a flight of stairs is going to cost more than if it was right there. If you do your homework and understand how moves work, you'll know more of what to expect.

    I would like to say that this move was really easy for me to not have to move my own things. I would definitely recommend them.

  2. DO NOT USE - Unscrupulous Movers.

    Do not use this company as they are unresponsive and engage in unscrupulous business practices. Move On Moving tried to overcharge me without providing a valid reason and then have delayed responding to me and have failed to reimburse me, presumably in the hope I would just give up and go away. Do not use this company and do not trust them.

    I received an estimate from a reputable international moving company that my move would be less than 1200 cubic feet. When Move On Moving showed up (they were contracted by a broker, not chosen by me) they showed up with one form for a "Revised Written Estimate" and then upped my estimated cubic feet by >25% within 15 minutes of being in my home. They certainly appeared to never have any intention of honoring the originally price or estimate. We threw out a bunch of stuff between the estimate and when they showed up, separately loaded 10 bags on a plane and drove a car stuffed with items, so our actual cubic feet should have been (and was) less than even the original estimate.

    When I showed the movers the inventory from my estimate and asked them to point out one item in the home that was not in the inventory they could not, but instead looked nervous, made a phone call and then said it would take more boxes and that I had to accept the estimate or find a different company. We had to leave the next day so I had no choice but to accept it because I was told it would be handled later and the price reduced.

    Additionally the movers showed up late and unprepared, and ran over the allotted time forcing us to incur extra costs with our building. They also did not follow previously-provided rules re use of the elevators and laying down protective covering on the carpets, which resulted in them and me being chastised by our building security, which was personally embarrassing.

    After my stuff came (and they mislead me multiple times on when it would actually show up) it was clear from the cubic footage markings in the truck that not only was my stuff less than the amount billed, but less even than the original estimate. When I tried to seek reimbursement, they instead told me to use their third party insurance claim provider which handles lost or damaged items. They had to know that claim vendor wouldn't deal with billing items and I think was just another delay tactic by them to try to get me to go away. They did provide me with an adjustment for 97 cubic feet before they showed up due to a "warehouse discrepancy" or something similar, but couldn't tell me where that came from or why I wasn't getting a larger adjustment. Presumably they were hoping this

    I have provided Move On with photos showing the before and after of our items in the truck, showing that our move was for less cubic feet than was billed. Their inventory was for substantially less items than even used in the estimate and the best explanation I got from Move On was, "maybe the three cubic foot box used in the estimate is different than the three cubic foot box we used." I'm pretty sure cubic feet is an objective measure..

    It's been over a month and I have not gotten a single penny back from Move On, despite numerous calls, emails, etc. They have been provided my original estimate as well as photos of the truck showing our actual cubic footage. It appears their business model is based on overcharging you for a move when it's too late for you to do anything about it other than rely on their statements that it will be taken care of later and not to worry about it, then try to delay or not respond to you when you do try to address it.

    Do not use this company, they are shady at best and if you do use them, photograph or record everything, you're going to need it.

  3. Worst Moving Company EVER.

    I’ve moved cross country and even overseas a few times, and have never had an experience come even close to how HORRIBLE Best Interstate Moving and Move On Moving was. Stay away from Best Interstate Moving and Move On Moving – they will treat your possessions like dirt, and all the while be incredibly unresponsive and singularly unhelpful.

    We moved from Southern California to New Jersey in January 2019. We hired Best Interstate Moving, and they in turn subcontracted out part of the move. At first, we thought the pack-up went well. But then we found that many items were damaged due to poor packing. Unfortunately, that was only the beginning of the story.

    Our contract said that we would receive 24 hours notice before our possessions were delivered. But we got a text at 2:00 AM from the driver delivering our possessions (Alex), telling us that he would be there in about ten hours. He ended up not coming until 9:00 PM! We called him three times to ask for a status update, but he told us to stop bothering him and hung up a number of times. The driver told us we had no choice but to take delivery that night because he had another delivery to make the next day.

    It was pretty clear that the driver and the two men helping him move were not professional movers. They argued with each other constantly about the best way to move heavy items, and told us there should be a policy against having to move the heaviest items. One of the movers even said that it should be “against the law” to move our piano. The driver kept complaining about a back injury. He also repeatedly asked us to move items from the truck into the house, saying it would go faster if we helped them do the job we were paying them to do.

    It took all night (until a little after 5:00 AM) for them to move everything into our new house. The list of damages was not just routine things we should expect during normal moves. They left deep gouges in our hardwood floors, dragging items across it. They chipped, scratched, and in some cases broke items that will cost THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to repair. Some items – like heirloom crystal that was in the family for generations and was carefully packed in Styrofoam packed boxes marked fragile - were priceless and irreplaceable.

    And that doesn’t count the numerous lost items they never delivered! Missing items included a Bose stereo system and two bookcases, among MANY other missing pieces. I should not have been surprised, however. After all, the movers left a brand-new microwave oven (unopened in its original box) that was not ours and refused to pick it up because they had no idea who the owner was.

    It was heart-breaking and completely frustrating to watch all of our possessions being treated with such complete disrespect. Wardrobe boxes were thrown upside down, protective covers were torn as mattresses were dragged through mud, and some boxes were mysteriously soaked through. Toward the end of that nightmarish night, we were so upset and tired that we could only stare in disbelief when the driver (Alex) had the nerve to tell us he expected a good review.

    We just filed our insurance claim, and fully expect it to be a long and drawn out process. But we’re so outraged by the “service” that we paid them over $14,000 for that we will not stop until they have fully compensated us for all of the damages and property they owe us. For the record, both Best Interstate and Move On Moving have not been responsive or tried to help us resolve our issues. Do NOT use them (unless you want to have your possessions destroyed and lost).

  4. My move was fine.

    So, I moved from St. George, Utah to Forsyth, Missouri, and with the packing, I was so surprised that they packed my things so quickly and efficiently without damage, and the protection blankets (that they wrapped my larger and more delicate items in) were well protected. This went so well that it lifted a weight off of my shoulders that I can put my focus into getting other things done rather than worry about getting all of my stuff moved. Once I arrived at the new house, I told them what dates I would be available for delivery, and they scheduled a date within that frame that worked for them. However, there were delays, I guess that I didn't know to inform them of the moving truck not fitting to unload, they did have to rent an outside truck and basically move my things from the truck into the rental to bring it to my house and deliver it that way. I felt bad because I knew that it was going to delay other deliveries but, had I known that it wouldn't fit, I would have said something. That being what happened, it did increase my upfront payment right away. (I recommend that when you have something delivered, to make sure that you have some extra cash on hand just in case of anything.. I wasn't prepared) I had to make a run to the nearest post office to get a money order to make that extra payment for the rental. That being said, my move did go pretty smoothly and I would totally use this company again.

  5. Do NOT believe the 5-Star Reviews (I'm sure they're FAKE)!!

    If I could give this "company" NO stars, I would!! Please ignore the LIES of the highly rated reviews - the business obviously enlisted FRIENDS and FAMILY to LIE in order to SCAM more consumers.

    They flat-out lied to me, as did the BROKER (We Pack) who should also be put out of business! It started with the broker lying about the delivery dates, the ability to purchase full-value insurance (but were closed when I called, then said "too late"). This company is heartless, telling me "Go to the Salvation Army" to buy clothes for my new job since they couldn't deliver my things on time as promised.

    They demanded CASH before they would unload anything and EXTRA for a U-Haul they didn't need since the big truck would fit in the loading dock but they called me a liar over the phone, then switched the dates after promising deliver on X-mas Day afer my mom and I ran all over town to ATMs so we wouldn't go over our limits (I had to borrow cash from her - it was a joint effort to have enough cash for these crooks to pay all the extra $$ they demanded to deliver my things - all broken in pieces! And now they offer $16 for smashed china and china cabinet shelves, destroyed leather desk chair, etc.

    I've moved MANY times with my ex in the military but this was the WORST, a total NIGHTMARE!

  6. Moved and happy.

    I moved from Sunnyvale, California to Batavia, Ohio with my girlfriend and we hired move on movers to move us. We gave them a date range to pick up our things and I was really happy how nice the staff was. We did watch them pack our things up and they were careful and wrapped everything up appropriately. We were in storage for a couple of months because we decided we wanted to do a small road trip before reaching our new place. We scheduled the delivery and we got our items on time. I don't think I would choose another company if I decide to move again. I liked Move On and their professionalism. I will use them again and totally recommend them to everyon else. Thank you guys for great work done.

  7. Great service even with my stress.

    First off, I was kind of grumpy on the phone. The stress from moving was really getting to me. The girl on the phone was really great to talk to because she took my tude in a manner and seemingly, she calmed me down. I was quite satisfied after booking with them because they took the time to wrap my things properly making sure it was done right and loaded their truck. At that point when I was ready to have the delivery to the new house, I had given them a call and told them my availability to see if it could also work with their schedule. Once I set that up, they gave me a timeframe for them to arrive with my belongings. At the time of delivery, the stuff was good and the took the time to unload without damaging my stuff. I hope I don't have to move again but, if I do, I will definitely be calling move on moving again.

  8. Good Service.

    I was planning my move from Arizona and called several plaes for a quote. This one I ended up sticking with because the girl I spoke to on the phone was great to work with. When I scheduled a pick up , they were a little bit late but not too bad, I think it was because after watching how careful they were with my things, I noticed they probably take their time on the job to make sure that it’s done right. I scheduled the deliver to my new house and they managed to come a little bit early. I was fine with that so I could get it finished. Overall, the drivers were nice and easy to work with, my belongings all arrived just fine, and well wrapped. I would definitely use them again if I needed to move long distance.

  9. Smooth move.

    I just had my things delivered from Peoria, Arizona and the move went smooth. I was so stressed out moving out of state, with so many things on my mind and to get ready for, Move On Moving just made it easier. I definitely will recommend them to my friends and family. Also, they were cheaper than many other companies around and they picked up and delivered my things on time. I'll give them a big tthumbs up!

  10. I moved!

    I just moved from California to Knoxville Tennessee and hired Move On Moving to move me! They did such a great job that I figured I would leave them a great review! THey delivered everything on time. I'm really pleased with their services.

  11. Pleased with the good job done by this moving company.

    We were very happy with the moving services from this company. We booked through a broker so we were kind of nervous about the whole process. I'm glad we got move on moving to do the job for us. They really went above and beyond. They made sure to take good care of our stuff wrapping and packing it properly. They worked fast and delivered our stuff to Dallas Fast too. Thanks guys you did a fantastic job.

  12. Friendly movers carefully handled our belongings.

    The guys over at move on moving did a really great job at carefully packing our belongings on our move last week. We were moving from California to Atlanta and we were stressed out to say the least. Move on moving solutions made the process really easy. We originally booked through a broker best interstate and they told us they were going to give us the best mover on the west coast, and they were right. They showed up on time and worked fast. The foreman told us exactly how they were going to pack and wrap our furniture for the long journey to Georgia. After packing they loaded everything up very quickly, at we were relieved that everything got done perfectly. The movers showed up in Georgia about a week later and delivered all of our belongings into the house. They even set up the beds and put our boxes and furniture in the rooms we wanted them. Very happy with this move, we were all stressed out over nothing, move on moving made the entire move really stress free.

  13. Smooth move by move on moving.

    My family had a really good experience with move on moving solutions for our move from Tempe to Los Angeles. We were trying to find moving companies online and looking at reviews and when we found move on moving yelp page we really liked all the reviews we saw so we figured we would give them a shot. We booked the entire move online. whenever I had a question, I just asked them over the live chat and they responded right away with an answer. When the movers arrived they took a while to pack all of our things, but I was happy they took their time and did it right. when they were all done we hopped in the car and went off to Los Angeles. They showed up shortly after we woke up the next morning and moved all of our belongings into the new house. They did a really good job, these guys deserve a raise.

  14. Amazing service by move on moving company.

    Move on movers las vegas did an amazing job with our families move to atlanta. We were very pleased with the excellent service we received. When trying to find a moving company it was very difficult because there were so many to choose from. I'm glad we found some good move on moving reviews from happy customers that showed how good their long distance movers were. We had a big 4 bedroom house to move cross country and the movers worked non stop until everything was loaded and ready to go. Delivery was pretty quick, they arrived in atlanta about a week later. Amazing job by move on moving solutions!

  15. A+ Job done by these movers.

    We had a great experience with Move on Moving for our move from Phoenix to California. From the booking process to the delivery everything went very smoothly. We found move on moving online when googling for moving company reviews and saw all the great reviews and decided to give them a call. The salesman Ron was very friendly and gave us a pretty good price on the move. We've always moved before and done it ourselves but the long distance plus me and my wife getting older, it made more sense to have the professionals do the move for us. The movers showed up pretty much on time when they said they would. the foreman was a nice guy, I think his name was Louis. He asked us if we needed anything specially packed and we had some high end televisions that we wanted packed up really well. They packed up the whole house in about 5 hours and off they went. We decided to fly to california and skip the road trip aspect of the move. The next morning the movers were there and unloaded all of our belongings within a few hours. Everything was placed exactly how we wanted it and my wife was happy with the unloading. Great Job from move on moving, definitely a 5 star moving company.

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