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Moving Nation

Moving Nation reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Moving Nation from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Moving Nation – 3.6 (calculated based on 52 reviews).

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Moving Nation

   52 reviews

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  • Company: Moving Nation
  • Location: 320 W. Lanier Avenue #200, Fayetteville GA, 30214
  • Website: www.moving-nation.com
  • Email: info@moving-nation.com
  • Phones: (470) 615-9700||(800) 961-8353

52 Reviews: Add Review

  1. What a scam!

    Sweet-talking and professional sounding at the front-end but aggressive, surly and unprofessional on the day of the move. They showed up late (7pm) to shift a 4BRM house with two tired guys who could not physically lift the furniture. It has since been impossible to engage in dialogue with anyone at the company. These guys are slippery; once you pay your deposit you will never see it again. You have been warned!

  2. Do Not Use This Company!!

    This is most unprofessional, nontransparent, frustrating company we have ever worked with. Final cost exceeded initial estimate tremendously. Late to pick up. Did not finish packing/loading until 4:30 AM. VERY late to drop off (20 days past delivery date). Will not return phone calls/answer the phone. When you do talk to someone, they are very argumentative and blame YOU (the customer) for their mistakes. We just got our stuff today and have already found multiple boxes that do not belong to us, so I am sure we will find that some of our stuff is missing as well. RUN AWAY and DO NOT PUT YOURSELF THROUGH THIS COMPANY'S BS!

  3. I'm very satisfied.

    I’m not a good writer, reviews or anything else, but I thought I would add my little bit of input after using Moving Nation for my move. Most of it was inspired by the movers we were given (forgotten the names, sorry) who were exceptionally helpful and attentive. They worked fast and were polite to the whole family. I watched them handle and carry our things with the right level of care and effort to make sure that nothing was damaged or broken. The delivery was done right within the time frame we were provided.

  4. I would use this company again.

    Moving Nation helped me move my studio apartment in Oregon to a 2 bedroom home in Washington. So, basically there wasn't that much stuff to move in the first place but it was still more than I could have handled on my own. The two movers made mincemeat out of the move, clearing my place in less than a couple of hours. They made it to my new place on time and unloaded and transferred all the things inside just as smoothly. I would use this company again.

  5. Moving Nation honest.

    Moving Nation has been our regular movers for several years now and we see no reason to look anywhere else since they did another fine job this time. I find that Moving Nation does seem to charge higher than normal rates for their moves and I once switched from them because of that. In the end, the other movers ended up charging me more through hidden extra costs. Lesson learned: careful of simply switching movers just to save money without knowing what additional charges may apply.

  6. Please Please do Not Use This Moving Company.

    This company is a total fraud; they will be at your feet until you pay the initial deposit and once done it will be total harassment from that point on. They provided us a binding estimate based on our inventory list. On the day of the move, they load half of the truck and then harassed us to pay another $1800 though we did not deviate from our original inventory list and actually removed items(exercise bike, garage cabinet, queen and full mattress) incurring further losses in addition to damaging the wall in the house and the door siding. The items were delivered after a week for a 750 mile delivery and the items arrived damaged. I have been emailing the company since the move with the most recent one being attaching pics of the damaged items but I have not received a response till date. Attaching pics to this review.

  7. Excellent job.

    The moving crew that was allocated to us did an excellent job and they are the main reason that I am writing this review. They did an initial assessment when they arrived and compared it to the information that I had given their office when I first booked the move. There were no major changes from that so I was informed that the original quote stood, which I am very pleased about since their competitive price was the main reason that I decided to go with them in the first place.The next step was the packing which they started on right away. I didn't see anyone from the team slacking or wasting time. When I overheard their conversations, it was always about how to best carry something or which item to load first, etc., no idle talk. Basically, once they got into work mode, they just went all out to ensure they did the job right, quickly and safely. I really like that attitude.I don’t know how they did it but my old home was really full of stuff, all three bedrooms, halls and kitchen, and they still managed to clear it all out and load it into their truck within the space of a few hours. I was actually afraid that they had underquoted the time required and would maybe jack up the prices when it went over. Fortunately, the only trick they had up their sleeve was the magic they pulled in getting the job done so fast. Our new home in Florida is on 2 floors and so the movers had to work doubly hard to get the things into the right rooms. It was definitely difficult to walk up and down the stairs so many times carrying so many heavy things but they soldiered on, no questions asked. A tough bunch of guys, really.They finished the move in less time than they had done the packing and I am very happy with the service and the price I was charged for such a big job. I would use this company again and have no qualms recommending them to the world.

  8. They handled all out things with care and did a fantastic job overall.

    If you are a stickler for timing like me, this is the only company that won’t have you tearing your hair out. This was the third time that I used them but since they have been so consistently good, I don’t see any reason to switch in the future, either.We planned our move months in advance but I stayed up the night before unable to sleep because of the stress. It was only when they turned up and started their practiced ritual of sorting and arranging that I settled down. By the time everything was loaded, I had remembered the two previous moves they did for us and relaxed.Delivery in Maryland was done pretty much dead in the middle of the slot they had given us, nothing broken or lost.

  9. Stay Away From This Company!! Beware!!

    We did a long distance move from west coast to the east coast.

    The interaction you have with this company will start off good. But it will quickly decline from the initial low estimate they give you to sign up with them. Not only did we have problems with overcharges, but a hugee delivery delay, new day-of-move charges, charges for tape (that is supposed to be included) and emotional abuse from a manager (Nadine) and a representative (Lisa). They don't answer the phone, they took 3 weeks to get us a manager and I have 17 emails with a manager who didn't try to deescalate the situation at all, or help. We were not allowed to read the contract we signed the day of our move, and were threatened that our items would be left behind (literally in the street at that point) if we didn't agree to a higher charge and sign the contract without reading.  We have contacted BBB and DOT. Hopefully someone holds this company accountable. We have damaged good and missing boxes. Instead of trying to find the boxes and furniture that is missing, Manager Nadine emailed us the claim form and told us we have 9 months to fill it out. Not one mention of trying to locate the missing items. When we asked to speak with someone higher than Manager Nadine, she said the only person higher is the owner, and refused to give their information. 

    I'll end with this: the next to last phone call we had with Lisa (who also works in the customer service department, as well as disputes, they all seem to hold many hats), she screamed at the top of her lungs and told me, "we never lose!" Is that the type of company you want to trust with your most precious things?

  10. I don’t think I could ever recommend any other moving company!

    Moving Nation understands how stressful moving time is for most people and their assistance during our move made a chaotic and confusing time much more bearable. For that, they have my strongest recommendation.

    My story: A good promotion uprooted me from Kansas where I have lived for 17 years and plonked me down in California, which I haven’t even visited before. But to complicate matters, I was required to turn up within 2 weeks.

    Fortunately, Moving Nation empathized with my situation and gave me a massive discount on a piggyback move within the window I had to travel.

    Once they came into the picture, everything just fell into place. I arrived ahead of time to take over the manager’s position and they delivered our things on a weekend so my husband didn’t have to handle it alone.

  11. Very reliable company.

    Very reliable company that puts a lot of emphasis on communication with customers. All my calls were promptly answered and the people from their office are able to give you crucial information when you ask. There is no beating about the bush when it comes to questions of cost – Moving Nation is definitely not the cheapest option out there but they are completely transparent with their cost calculation and stick to their quotes. I have used several moving companies around the company (this time, I was moving from Texas to new jersey) but never had a better experience than this one.

  12. I recommend this company.

    My father was coming to live with us temporarily amid a recent health scare so we decided to get a professional moving company to help move what he needed for the few months he will be with us. It did not add up to much since my dad is a pretty simple guy, perhaps less than a studio apartment’s worth of things. Still, the Moving Nation's crew did a good job of packing and securing what he did bring, particularly the photo frames and some fragile family keepsakes.Seeing that he is an elderly gentleman, they also did a quick check that all the faucets and gas lines etc. had been shut off which was a nice touch. I am completely satisfied with the service I received and will be calling the manager to thank him personally once I get my dad settled in.

  13. Move from Al to Co.

    Did not pick up when stated. Causing closing on house delay. Charging double the initial estimate, not negotiating. Cannot get a delivery date after requesting it 2 weeks ago. Do not return my calls, no idea when or where furniture will be delivered. Sitting in limbo.

  14. Our experience with Moving Ntaion has been a real pleasure from start.

    The first interaction was a simple phone call from my wife to their office about a quote. Their proactive response was very welcome and quite different from the noncommittal ballpark figures everybody else was giving us. For first time movers like us, it automatically pushed us towards the most open and informative people. After we accepted the quote, they went straight into coordinating a time that worked well for us for the pickup and delivery.

    On the day itself, the movers called in advance to give us a heads up and arrived on time. Their experience is obvious when we saw how professionally they do the loading. Ditto with the unloading and unpacking, which again was right on schedule. We couldn’t have wished for a better first move and are eternally grateful to Moving Nation for their help!

  15. An Ode to the World's Worst Moving Company.

    Hello dear reader, I pray listen well –

    And bear ye witness to my tale of woe;

    Of movers whose help was a living hell,

    And for whom there is no rating too low.

    My ask was simply to just use one truck,

    And to this one request they did agree.

    But once cash changed hands, I was out of luck;

    Instead of one truck, they would now use three.

    I wish this lie would also be the last,

    But beyond lying, they also weren’t fast.

    I called to complain, three trucks would not do.

    “Too bad,” they said, “you signed and you agreed.”

    What their salesman said mattered not, I knew,

    Phone conversations leave nothing to read.

    Lo, they did say they recorded all calls!

    So I bid them play our conversation,

    And hoped they did not have me by the balls.

    But, alas, I found more consternation.

    The files, it seemed, were all there - except one.

    “It’s unplayable,” claimed Moving Nation.

    Three hours we spent, arguing on the phone;

    But customer service refused our pleas.

    “We’ve got you now,” said the rep’s icy tone,

    “You’ve no choice but to pay our surprise fees.”

    At this point despair started to begin.

    With less than seven days until the move,

    Our contract made it clear - we were locked in.

    We told ourselves things can only improve.

    Unfortunately, this was just the start.

    There’s worse yet to come, but that’s the next part.

    At least the movers came on the right date,

    Though they did give a two hour time line,

    And arrived forty and five minutes late.

    They packed our things, and again made us sign.

    We should have known, by this point in the tale,

    To expect trickery to be in play,

    They used fine print to change the terms of sale,

    And increased costs which we then had to pay.

    “The worst’s done,” we thought, but we were naïve.

    Now they had our stuff. There’d be no reprieve.

    Moved into our new place, yet without stuff.

    We called about our delivery date.

    As you expect, the news we got was rough.

    Our things may come up to thirty days late!

    Ten days, contract said - thirty's too delayed!

    But no, the fine print snuck something in deep.

    Their receipt stated, beyond that we paid,

    “ONE MONTH ‘fore we’d have our bed back to sleep.”

    Cared not what they said during their sales pitch

    It’s just their M.O. to bait and then switch.

    Disney was planned, but they cared not for me.

    Asked if they expected us to postpone,

    They said, “Hope not,” but gave no guarantee.

    They told me that one reaps what they have sewn.

    A month passed us, without our clothes or bed.

    Phone calls showed they did not know when they’d come.

    By now our hope for good service was dead.

    Completely at their mercy, we were glum.

    Fearing that they might want to punish us,

    We grew meek, and did not put up a fuss.

    Finally, our delivery day came.

    It arrived over three hours late, mind you -

    But of course they did not accept the blame

    At least no shuttle was needed; that’s true.

    Our fragile boxes all came rather squished.

    Our bed and chairs were, of course, broken too.

    They told us to report it if we wished.

    WE would report it, to them and to you.

    So noble reader, we draw near the end,

    But don’t leave ‘fore I tell you of my friend.

    This tale does not end with me and my things,

    It’s not just me that was duped by these crooks.

    They lost my wife’s crafting box and some strings,

    And gave us someone else’s photo books.

    Some wedding pictures, and a child’s first steps,

    All of this left with us without a thought.

    We found names and called the company reps,

    We knew the owners must be quite distraught.

    Moving Nation did nothing; one more fail.

    We found the owners, and sent it by mail.

    And so it ends, this moving tale of woe,

    With every moving fear all come true,

    My things broken and lost; my spirits low,

    Few recourse options, but I could review!

    Please heed my warning, whoever you are,

    Do not listen to their saccharin lies

    For the worst; Moving Nation sets the bar.

    It was so bad, I hope their business dies.

    I have nothing more to say or to tell.

    Moving Nation, your business ethics smell!

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