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National Moving System

National Moving System reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company National Moving System from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating National Moving System – 2.1 (calculated based on 36 reviews).

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National Moving System

   36 reviews

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  • Company: National Moving System
  • Location: 4195 Oneida Street, Denver CO, 80216
  • Website:
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  • Phones: (800) 549-9554||(877) 222-0968

36 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Scam company!

    My move was in July 2016. I have to say that my initial contacts with them were positive and I thought the quote was reasonable. They also assured me that my things would be delivered within a workable window for me, giving me time to make the drive from Denver to Austin, close on my house and be ready. It all went very wrong and nothing they promised panned out. I began to get concerned when it took me forever to even get in touch with them. When I finally did, they told me that they did not have drivers and that my things were still in Denver! Weeks later, after being in my home with no furniture, sleeping on a borrowed blow up mattress, they finally said they had drivers. When my things got here there were only 3 guys to carry in my entire house of belongings. My table and chairs from the '50s that had belonged to my mother were damaged, and many things were broken. It is like all of my things had been kicked and thrown around multiple times. I found out that two of the guys had picked up the job on Craigslist that day! I was furious and it was just the last straw with this company. In addition, they charged me $4,000 more than the original quote of $3968 to total almost $8,000. I had to pay it before they would deliver my things. I was so emotionally stressed out over the entire move that I just decided to be done with it. I really feel like they took advantage of me and held my belongings hostage to get more money.

  2. No longer in business.

    I previously wrote a review about their lack of service, overcharges, broken and missing items, and breach of contract. I've had a claim in with CSI for several months. Today I received an email from NMS that they are no longer in business as of Januray 1, 2016 and aren't paying any claims. Strange because a week ago I got an email from Lupe stating that she was working on it and would contact me when she had information.

  3. Horrible, Dishonest Company.

    Our move was August 2015. Our first few contacts with the company went very well-then it went down hill fast. The day they arrived -late-there were 3 guys there that didn't speak English. They had about 5 boxes to pack for us-they knew this before hand-and they just threw all my stuff in the boxes and taped them. They loaded the truck with boxes upside down, sideways, and every which way. They bullied me into signing the contract where I didn't want to. They would not let me claim full value for my things. They told me it was going to cost thousands of more dollars and then left. The day we got our delivery -30 days later-they said if I didn't have the rest of the money in a POST OFFICE money order that they would not deliver my things. I did not like being threatened. My washing machine looked like it was dropped on its top from about 20 feet up, boxes were crushed, every single piece of furniture was damaged most was severely damaged where I can't even use it anymore. They did not set up beds like we paid them to. My husband and I had to help them because there weren't enough movers to get it done. I had a power washer, lawn tools, and jewelry STOLEN. Then At the end we learned that the two guys unloading the truck found the job for the day off of Craigslist! Are you kidding me!! Now they know where I live and what I have in my house! I've never owned a gun but since I do not feel safe in my house and cannot sleep at night for fear they will come back I had to buy one. We have been round and round trying to get claims paid. CSI just called me in FEBRUARY to let me know they were working on October claims and they would get to our November claim in March-the next thing we know we get this email from Lupe stating they went out of business in January-really! Now what??

  4. Crooks.

    Do not, I repeat, do not use these guys. They are dishonest and shady. They kept quoting us different prices. I finally told Todd the salesman the exact amt of boxes we would have. The loaders came and loaded everything into the Semi and then said we owed more money!! He said the salesman got it wrong!!WE were forced to pay the driver more money.
    After 25 days they finally got to AZ. Our antique furniture had huge scratches in it. The legs were broken off. There was a huge hole in our Entertainment center. Most of the boxes were crushed. My dishes, crystal and a ton of other stuff was totally destroyed.
    We had 20 missing boxes. I had clothes, my husbands war medals, kitchen appliances, tools, jewelry and a ton of other things stolen.
    We filed a complaint with CSI and NMS decided to settle for $57.00!! These people have no shame. I have now applied for arbitration through 'American Moving and Storage Assoc.
    This business should be fined and jailed for the way they treat their customers.

  5. Nightmarish Experience.

    I feel it my obligation to write this review. These movers are outlandishly dishonest in the claims they make for the following reasons:
    They did not arrive on time.
    They did not have enough men to handle the job. I personally and friends had to help them load and unload the truck.
    They left my piano and other furniture behind. They signed an agreement saying they would bring it within a week. They never did. I had to hire another mover to bring the left behind furniture.
    They did not set up all the beds as agreed.
    I continue to find items with dents and chips in them. I would never allow them to come close to any of my belongings again.
    I turned in a claim after weeks of phone calls trying to get things resolved. The claim was sent back to me after 4 months to say they could not process it.

  6. Followup to Aug 6 posting.

    Our horror story is in an August 6 posting. I can now add that National Moving Systems does not pay customers for damaged and lost? goods. We submitted a claim to them and have never had any communication from them about our claim.

    I suggest that other unhappy customers contact the Attorney General's office in state that shipped your goods. Maybe there will be a tipping point where someone there will take action if enough people file complaints. I started a file with AG in Colorado.

  7. Nightmare Move.

    National showed up seven days late, failed in all aspects of communications and added charges while holding my property hostage.

    I signed a contract with United Moving Systems which specified a pick-up date of 07/01/2015. The company failed to show up and after several unanswered calls, I moved my goods back into the house. On 07/02/2015 I received a call from their Seattle affiliate, stating that they would not be picking up my load on 07/03/2015 as scheduled. When I told her that my copy of the contract said pick-up on 07/01/2015, she said the date that had been changed and she was sorry that I hadn't been notified. (HUH?) She then went on to say that the pick-up date had been moved to 07/06/2015. It should be noted that this all took place after 4pm Pacific time and no one answered the phones in Denver. The following day, 07/03/2015, Jason Pogue, my original contact in Denver, seemed to be outraged. Just as he seemed to be outraged on 07/06/2015 when they again failed to show without a call.
    They finally showed up on 07/07/2015 to pick up my household goods.
    However that does not end this saga. Included in the contract was the transportation of two Cadillac El Dorado coupes. The auto movers failed to show on 7/1, 7/6, and 7/7. and each time failed to answer my calls as did Jason. I lived in my motorhome, on the street, for four days waiting for my cars to be picked up. I finally left them with my former neighbor and headed for Texas. Two days later I agreed to pay an extra $200 to avoid having them towed by the Bellevue Police Department and they were finally picked up on 07/12/2015.
    Hold on. More exciting facts to come.
    When my Furniture and household goods finally arrived in Texas I had to pay the delivery driver a ransom of $650 (for shuttle service) even though Jason and I had discussed the 40' turn around on June 6
    I have called and E mailed Jason Pogue more than ten times in the last five days. NO RESPONSE!
    I called customer service at National and was told that no supervisors were available and I should talk to their claims department. The number I was given went to a voice mail for CLC. I left a message and received no return call.

    For the past month I have continued attempts to contact Justin Pogue, Management at National Moving And the National Moving Claims Department to no avail.

    Additionally I have recently received a charge against my credit card for $200 from a auto transporter in Florida who claims he attempted to find a carrier at Justin Pogues request. He states that he has to be paid for his time.

    I filed a complaint with the Colorado BBB and included copies of the rent receipt and the original contract.

    National responded stating that I was lying and was kept up to date throughout the move. Here is their response.

    First and foremost, it is with great regret that we respond to this complaint. It is always our intent to provide you with only the best service. We extend our most sincere apologies because you were compelled to take the time to contact us regarding your services.
    We did give notice to you that we were experiencing a high volume of customers and we were not able to pick up your belongings on the agreed date. In this case, we usually do not provide any service to the customer because we can no longer guarantee the pick up date. You agreed with our dispatch to wait for an opening time slot.
    According to our terms and Conditions it states:
    Shuttle service- If Semi truck cannot park within 500 feet of home or building, we will most likely have to utilize an additional smaller truck in order to safely deliver your goods. This is a minimum charge of $350.00 (for shipments smaller than 400 cubic feet or 2800 lbs) and more (for shipments over 2800 pounds).
    The shuttle service charge is for a small truck rental and labor for unloading, and reloading, then unloading again. We are unable to foresee any situation requiring shuttle service until I driver physically sees the area during delivery. If it was in the estimate that other moving companies presented to you then you were aware of this charge.
    Lastly, we do not ship cars. Any miscommunication between you and the car transporter must settle these matters with the company that you use. We only recommend car transporters. They are not affiliated with a full service carrier.

    Here is my response to them.

    Let me begin by saying that Justin Pogue nor anyone else representing National Moving Systems ever contacted me regarding their HIGH VOLUME of customers. When the movers failed to show up on July First, I began calling Justin at approximately 11:30 AM and continued to call until after 4:00 PM Pacific time. I placed several calls to National 's Corporate number and each time I was forwarded to Justin's extension even after explaining that he was not answering.
    My calls to National continued throughout the day on July Second with no response until approximately 3:30 Pacific time when I received the call from their local (Seattle) agent stating that they wouldn't be there until the sixth.
    When I finally got in touch with Justin on the July Third, he acted like he knew nothing about the situation. He said he would take care of it and would call me right back. When he did call, three hours later' he said that he THOUGHT that they were having trouble with their truck and asked if I could wait until Monday (July Sixth).
    I explained to Justin that I had been contacted by the new owner of my former home and that she was demanding $100.00 per day rent starting on July First. Justin reassured me that this was their mistake and that I would be reimbursed by National for any expenses which I incurred due to the delay. Then and only then did I agree to wait until July Sixth. My alternative was to cancel and start the process all over with a new carrier. Since I had to agree to the current contract on June Fifth to GUARRENTEE the July First pickup date, starting over was not an option.
    When the movers again didn't show on July Sixth, Justin was again nowhere to be found. He finally called oat 3:00PM to say that they would be there first thing in the morning(July Seventh).
    As for the shuttle service, several moving companies responded to my request to bid my move. Each representative who contacted me, including Justin, was made aware of the restricted turn around at the Texas location. I was careful about this as two of the carriers had asked about limited access on either end. The turnaround will easily accommodate my 42' motor home and I have had furniture delivered in single trailer simis since moving here. If everyone else included shuttle in their bid Why does National feel that they can add it to their bid.
    Finally let me address the automobiles. If National does not transport autos, then they should not include them on their quotes. My quote shows a 1998 Cadillac El Dorado and a 1997 Cadillac El Dorado at $800.00 each. One of the major factors in selecting National was the all inclusive quote. I was not aware that the vehicles had been subcontracted until the transporter failed to show up on July First. When I finally spoke to Justin on the third he gave me the number of the transporter and said that I should deal with them direct from now on. That was the first time I was even aware of the transporters name.
    I would like to mention one more thing.
    After I filed the original complaint, on September Fifteenth I changed my cell phone in order to get a number in my current area code. I called Justin on my new number and the call went to voice mail. I hung up without leaving a message however he called back within ten minuets.
    I identified myself and explained the situation. He said that didn't understand what the problem was and that he had documented all of the problems encountered during the move. He said he wasn't authorized to make refunds but he would have his supervisor call me back that day (July Fifteenth). Of course that call never occurred and now Justin, again does not answer my calls or messages.

    National failed to respond to further BBB inquiries and on October 12, 2015 the Colorado BBB closed the case as UNRESOLVED. So much for the power of the BBB.

  8. Worst Company Ever do Not Use.

    Like most of the other reviews on here, our experience was the worst moving experience ever. Salesperson, Sean, promised to "prove we are different" from other moving companies. Well..you did..you proved to be the worst moving experience EVER. I have moved numerous times including from California to Colorado and I have NEVER had such a bad experience. First Sean did not listen to us when we told him we didn't think they had estimated enough boxes and that we didn't think a box truck would be big enough since when we moved from an apartment to our house a box truck wasn't big enough and we had more stuff now. BUT NOOOOOO..Sean swore it was enough and if it wasn't they could always add more boxes later. Sean had us tell him over the phone (rather than sending someone out to see themselves) what we had in each room. We told him we had big items, such as a gun safe and a garage freezer etc..only to have the driver tell us when he finally showed up that those items weren't quoted and we would be charged extra for them. Our quote went from $5000 to $9000. Then we were promised our stuff would be delivered within 3 days after we got to California only to be told the day before the move that it would be 14 days before our stuff arrived. Finally got a promise that our stuff would be delivered 8 days later..but with NO phone calls it showed up 2 days after that..so 10 days later. The movers who showed up with our stuff were contracted and NOT National, so they lied about not contracting out. The driver was rude and at first refused to take the money orders we were told by National Customer Service we had to have, instead he insisted we pay cash ($4000). We refused and he threatened to take our stuff. After a call to National Customer Service the driver was told to take the money orders. However they did a horrible job unloading. DIdn't listen about what went where. They left our garage full of boxes and just left without finishing the job, including leaving all their packing wrap and tape in our driveway instead of n it with them as other moving companies have done. The driver insisted we sign the inventory list even though we had NO way of knowing if we had everything since we had over 500 items. Only after we got most everything unpacked did we discover that we have numerous boxes missing (or stolen) and LOTS of damaged items.  They broke both our dressers from improperly wrapping them and then obviously shoving things into them. we had several boxes that were in perfect condition (no damage to the boxes) yet everything inside was destroyed, meaning things were either thrown or dropped, either way they were deliberately mishandled. Boxes that were clearly marked FRAGILE were smashed and put upside down! The delivery drivers didn't put anything down on my BRAND NEW carpet and wood floors to protect them from their dolly and dirty shoes. I wished I would have found this site BEFORE we hired these thieves!! STAY AWAY!!

  9. Never Use National Moving System.

    So where to start..  Well our Sales rep Sean, (I can provide phone number) was very helpful and a please sure to work with, however aren't they all. They quoted my wife and $4800, once the movers came and packed the truck they stated it would be over $6900. So we now see the increase in price.  I will give the movers credit, that I have never Sean as much Tape and plastic wrap ever used.. However there is more to this then we see.  Upon this drastic increase in price I got no help from the SR, I was told to call customer service.. which was a joke. Kevin is his name and this person, does't know what customer service was if it jumped up and bit him in the face. The first time I contact him I was told that my stuff was being loaded on the truck and I would have it in 5-10 days. Mind you the drive from Washington state to Georgia is only 4-5 days. I know I did it with the family. This was on Aug 3rd. This would have put my belongings to me by the 14th of Aug, which was the date we where planning on getting our items.  On Aug 6th I had asked for an updated copy of my Invoice, when I got it from Kevin, it did not have the additional $800.00 I had paid on it, so our total was not up to date on what was paid or owed to them. I tried for several days to get ahold of both Sean, and Kevin. Nothing.. On Aug 10-11th I finally get a return phone call from Kevin @ 830pm EST, which is 530PST. He was very rude and did not care where my stuff was or when it would be on its way. I told him about the email he had sent and told me that he did not send any email with that information in it, and I told him I had it and I could forward it back to him if he wanted to see it himself. He also told me to get the truck rolling I would have to pay them $3700 before anything would happen. I then told him about what Chloe and I spoke about and then got very upset and told me “Well we will reprimand her”, I asked him for what… Cause she was doing her job and providing customer service. (I found out that she did get in trouble, due to helping a customer and not lying to them).  When I had asked where my belongings where, Kevins response was "I don't know and I don't care where your stuff is."  I then call back and asked Chloe how much is needed for us to get the driver assigned and the truck rolling. She gives us the amount. As of this time we are also contact by email from Latasha who is the CS in the Tacoma Warehouse. She sends me the information that is needed. At this time we send the money via USPS Next Day, and that was on a Saturday the 15th, and they got it to them and was posted to our account on the 17th of Aug. As of this time we are told our first available for deliver is the 20th of Aug, Mind you they picked up our stuff on the 13th of July. I called them 3 times last week, Monday the 17th, Wed the 19th, and my wife called on Friday the 21st. On this call they told my wife, they might have to charge us storage fee, now this would be due to the fact that their driver, as they only seam to have one, they did not know when he would be back in the warehouse to pack up the trailer and drive out… My wife just laughed, and the lady on the other end of the phone just hung up. I have now called on Aug 24th. I was told that a driver has been assigned and he was loading over the weekend, however they will no know more information until the board updates, and they have asked me to call back on Tuesday the 25th.  8/24 – Told me they where waiting to have the dispatch board updated. 8/25 – Called and told me that the driver was assigned and they would be loading the truck on 8/26 and it would take 2-3 days to load the truck. 8/27 – Called and was told their systems where down and to call back in 30 minutes. 9/6  - Movers show up to deliver our good. Driver was amazing. He made sure everything was there. However National Moving Systems damaged the following items or lost Mounting brackets for TV stand where not in the items unloaded from the truck. Which has not render my $180 TV stand useless. 65 inch tv has scratched, deep scratches all over the tv. NMS did do the packing of the TV. 45 inch TV has Scratches all over the TV screen as well. Looks like someone took a knife to the TV screen. Also noticed, now that are also “pressure” areas on the screen, so now when you touch the screen it flashes. Black and Decker Oven was smashed due to improper packing. Door hinge on both sides of the door are smashed, and dial area is smashed as well. I have pictures of all these issue.  Now on the Tuesday after the move I can not get a hold of customer service to list these issues to them. This is just more of the same for this company. This post will be all over Social media as well as posting to the BBB. Also this company does not have a rating with the BBB, as they are not even a member. The BBB has also put out a warning on this company as well.    If you want to see proof please feel free to leave a comment and I will email you the information I have. I plan on taking this further then just her.

  10. Avoid at All Costs.

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. REPEAT. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. 34 DAYS!! to get stuff from Boulder, Co to New Orleans. 34 days of outright lies, half-truths, unreturned phone calls. Damaged and missing goods upon arrival. And finally, extortion by the movers for more cash over and above the contract price upon delivery at 9 PM on a Sunday night. These folks ought to be shut down by the ICC, or whoever has jurisdiction over interstate movers. Spread the word.  .

  11. Update information.

    1st off if you have had problems with this company, please file complaints with the following groups, Your State's Attorney General, The US Department of Transportation, Your State's BBB, and the National BBB.  File Civil Law Suits if applicable. 
    The names that the refuse to give are as follows; Stanislav Skribnik, he is listed as the one who filed for the US DOT #.  Kevin Dixon, the co-owner manager, and #1 liar in the company.
    Other names they use, Washington Transport Company, Liberty Relocation, Quick Transportation Soultions
    Stanislav Skribnik3635 S Lawrence St Suite MTacoma, WA 98409
    I wrote a review previous, which you're encouraged to read.  But we still are missing 30% of our personal belongings.  .

  12. Don't use this company.

    At first the company seemed too good to be true. Their quotes were significantly less than the larger moving companies. Their website and initial contact person seemed legitimate (BBB "A " rating). However, soon after signing contract and putting down deposit the reality of this dishonest company started to become apparent. It seems this company recently changed their name over the summer (no reviews until just recently - the majority of which are negative), probably to fool people with their BBB high rating. If you haven't noticed, currently their BBB rating has been pulled from their website. If you don't want an honest quote that doesn't change, if you don't want honest people that don't lie and jerk you around, if you don't want your delivery on time, if you don't want damaged/missing items, then this is your company. Luke Connery was my first contact representative. It seemed strange that he would be willing to give a quote over the phone without sending someone to take inventory - first red flag. However, I had other national moving companies come out to give a detailed quote so this information easily transferred over. I was told that 4-5 people would come the day prior to our load/move date. To make a long story short, 3 people came the day of the load/move (7 hours late) and packed from 3 pm to 11 pm. To give the packers credit they seemed nice enough and did a good job packing. The initial information relayed was that I would receive my goods approximately 5-7 days after pickup. Pickup was 7/1/15 and delivery was today 8/13/15.  Multiple times I was lied to regarding when the delivery truck left Seattle to NY and when they were going to arrive. It seems that the customer representatives have no idea what the drivers are doing (i.e., load date, delivery date, whether or not they are in transit) and are therefore trained to lie with a pleasant voice and smile on their face. My interactions with Lupe and Jessica always resulted in false information, unfulfilled promises to call me back, and false reassurances that the "truck is on its way." When the truck finally arrived, we informed the two movers that we paid for "full service unpack."  (Upon signing our contract, we were reassured that all boxes would be unpacked and that the emptied boxes, packing paper, debris would be taken away from the house). The two movers laughed in our face and said such service would cost $1000 extra. My opinion from reading all of the negative reviews is that everyone is just wanting the nightmare to end and  that they don't have enough energy to argue with this ridiculous company - they just want their belongings and to move on with their lives.  There was damage to our furniture with broken legs to a chair and to an office desk. However, compared to other reviewers I feel lucky that all of our belongings arrived (no obvious missing boxes). The adage, "you get what you pay for" rings true with this company. Do not use them - period. Save yourself headaches, aggravation, indigestion, restless days/nights, etc. - pay more for a national reputable moving company.  .

  13. Looking for my filing cabinet.

    National moving systems "lost" my filing cabinet with all my treasured personal paperwork, bank statements, bills, important letters and so many prized keep-sake items that even go back to my childhood..I was so devastated and had no choice but to acquire a long term ID protection program. Please if anyone received a black filing cabinet, would you be so kind as to contact me. It will mean so much to me.954-895-2419[My move was June 11th and my stuff arrived on June 28th].

  14. Terrible Experience.

    My salesman Justin LIED about National being a "family owned, independently operated" company. (A customer service rep later told me they are a broker). He LIED about all costs being included in the quote (no hidden fees) but surprise, they charged me $150 for tape and blankets for my furniture. 5 days after the movers picked up my stuff, I got an invoice from Lupe telling me I took up more space on the truck than the foreman quoted and wrote down on my Bill of Lading, and I owed them $500 more than stated. A week later I was told Lupe no longer was with the company.
    The driver who picked up my stuff from CA harassed me via my personal cell phone for a week by sending me texts, calling late at night and even texting a picture of himself. CREEPY. 
    Fast forward 3 weeks, I STILL have no answer on where my stuff is. After speaking with multiple customer service reps with no answer, I kept calling, trying to get the person I previously spoke with. Yesterday I called an LUPE answered (the one who "no longer worked there). Be prepared to be on hold forever, being passed around to different people in the company, unanswered calls and no call backs, and no answer to anything. Calls go unanswered. Some numbers get redirected to a different moving company.
    The BBB rating is now pulled. 
    I just want my stuff delivered for the price I signed and agreed to on the contract in a timly manner. Is that so much to ask for?

  15. Stolen goods, bribery, threats, and lies.

    DO NOT USE THEM!! I can't possibly express how big of a disaster this company is. They will will lie to get your business, lie about their process once they have your business, lie about when you will receive your items, steal your items in transit, bribe you to remove your online reviews, threaten to sue you for defamation if you do not remove reviews and then they will tell you "too bad" about your stolen goods. But the best part is they are now just trying to operate under different business names to escape their poor reviews. SHAME ON EVERY PERSON THAT WORKS FOR THIS COMPANY. We were quoted roughly $2700 to move a small two bedroom house from Colorado to Texas. It took 3 weeks for the items to arrive (after we were told 4-7 days after pickup). We started calling and asking where our items were and always got a different story. Finally, once we got a firm delivery date and the items were delivered, we were shocked to see that only 1 bedroom worth of furniture was delivered. yes, an entire rooms worth of furniture was missing and they could not tell us where it was. So we began calling and emailing and trying to discover where our items were. When no one could give answers we began filing complaints and then got a call from an employee who threatened to SUE me personally for defamation, and then offered to pay me $300 in lieu of filing the suit. I said "SUE ME". Then we ramped up our efforts to bring attention to this company and were contacted by a different employee who offered us $1000 to remove all of our reviews and not write any more. Since we could not get our items which were missing and wanting to be done with the ordeal we reluctantly agreed. No money ever came and on our last effort to find out what was happening we were told we could not extort them. They either lost or stole our items. We are filing police reports and contacting all major media outlets in Denver to help ensure that no one else fall prey to this company's shady dealings!

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