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Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Peace of Mind from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Peace of Mind – 1.1 (calculated based on 18 reviews).

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Peace of Mind

   18 reviews

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  • Company: Peace of Mind
  • Location: 8730 Ridge Rd, Newcastle CA, 95658
  • Website: www.peaceofmindmovers.com
  • Email:
  • Phones: (916) 760-8648||(800) 894-9444

18 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Never showed up.

    So I relocated to Florida.  Upon arriving here August 2012 I    contacted Peace of Mind.  The representative was Daisy.  We went back and forth.  I was changing my moving dates and many, many times she claimed to have not received documents.  Credit card info, inverntory list.  Finally the end of March 2013 I am constantly in contact with her because I am in Florida, I have to take 5 days vacation, lease a vehicle and drive to Texas to meet the movers.  I make absolute certain she has all my info.  I email several times and she emails me back absolutley insuring me all is well.  What a joke.  So I get there, pack a few items I still have in storage out of boxes and I wait a two days for the pick up date.  Granted I have given Daist all my contact info in Texas via email.  My cell and my daughters cell.  She tells me they will call me the day prior to let me know what time they will be there.  When I don't hear anything back I contact her.  She sends me an email telling me she will get right on it.  I never hear a thing back from her.  The next morning I get up and call her.  She says she is not sure what is going on let me check.  THis time I do get a caller about an hour later informing me they could not get in contact with me.  She was calling my HOME number in Florida.  I am in Texas.  So she say's well no problem we will be there by 3:30.  That time comes and goes and I am losing my mind at this point.  I call the HOuston movers..no answer..I call Daisy.. no answer.  I email Daisy..no respone this is all day long!  No answer.  I am pissed.  That evening I sent an email stating I am through dealing with them I don't want their service.  I contact BBC.. I get back to Florida 3 days later, my voice mail is from calls from the movers.   How is that going to help me now.  So now I have lost 5 days pay, over 1000.00 in rental fees  and I still have no furrniture.  I suggest you never do business with these people.  I am awaiting the BBC to work this case before taking other actions against them.  Don't use them!!  I have all my corresponcence with them if anyone needs to see it but I will have to wait until BBC gives me the okay.

  2. Peace Of Mind Relocation, Inc.

    This is for the new customer. These people just fool the customers. Eventhough they will give you the quote for 3 men but actually only 2 men do the work and that is also not to their full capacity. They will try to eat maximum hours in order to bill you more and at the end they will bill you for some of the things they would have not clearly told you before. SO PLEASE BEWARE OF THESE MOVERS. I WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT TO USE THESE GUYS.

  3. Horrible Communication.

    I hired Peace of Mind to move two loads of items from California to Kentucky. The prices seemed reasonable, and they were fairly responsible when scheduling the delivery. That's when it all ended.

    The first shipment went fairly smoothly. Although the movers rescheduled less than 12 hours before it was due for pick up, the items were picked up and made it to the destination about a week later. (The delivery was also rescheduled - again, with less than 12 hours advanced notice).

    The second went terribly.

    I regularly called the company (nearly once a day), trying to figure out when the second half of my order would be delivered. I was always told "2-3 days" or "3-4 days"..for over six weeks. Messages were never returned, so if I didn't happen to call when someone was around, tough luck for me. (Also, my coordinator didn't seem overly capable of calling dispatch *or* of transferring me to her manager - she refused several times.) I only managed to get anyone to return a call after I threatened a law suit.

    This was the only way in which I got my items delivered at all. I had a business trip, which might or might not coincide with the delivery. (Again, it had been "2-3 days" for the last 6 weeks.) I told them the dates and was told that items would be delivered then - at which point I told them that if they were, it was their problem to figure out how to store and re-deliver. This somehow got my item delivery expedited.

    Just to make things worse, some of my items (notably furniture, which is kind of obvious) wasn't delivered. When I asked why a sewing table I own hadn't arrived, I was told that it didn't exist, wasn't on the manifest, and that I was lying. I described it again and asked them to check the truck, just to make sure. AFter describing the item about 10 times, they managed to locate it. I suspect that other items may not have been delivered, too, that I didn't notice. (In retrospect, I should have labeled and counted all the boxes as well as taken pictures.) So I'm not happy..

    Just to make things even more interesting, somehow some kind of resin was spilled all over some of the boxes, so some of my furniture is ruined *and* I had to deal with icky, sticky stuff when unpacking.


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