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Pickfords reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Pickfords from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Pickfords – 2.8 (calculated based on 220 reviews).

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Service Areas

  • Company: Pickfords
  • Location: Unit 10 Laxcon Close, Drury Way, London, NW10 0TG
  • Website: www.pickfords.co.uk
  • Email: enquiries@pickfords.com
  • Phones: 02031882100

220 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Customer.

    Disgusting service We ordered the top of the range removals for my 84 and 90 year old parents and were sold this deal on the proviso that Pickfords would do absolutely everything. Although the young lads who did the removals tried their hardest and were extremely pleasant, we had the most disgusting service. My husband and I had to empty about 30 of the boxes as there were simply not enough staff available. They left us on  Sunday to go home to Stoke from Newcastle with the house in an  absolute tip. My mother, who is 84, had to move and tidy up the mess. My husband and I have worked solidly for 3 full days doing the work which  should have done by pickford staff . I must make it clear this was not the fault of the removal lads, who were lovely, but the general management from on high, who totally under estimated the job. We asked them to pack a very valuable barometer and they promised they would put it in a box. When we looked we found there was mercury all over the carpet (highly dangerous) I could never recommend Pickfords to any one - we paid a fortune and had to do mcuh of it ourselves. NEVER NEVER use the bespoke service as it was a complete rip off A very very disgruntled customer.

  2. Bad gut feeling - London to Doha move.

    I'm soon to move from London to Qatar and have chosen Pickfords for the move. The crew was booked for last Tuesday 9-10am, but only arrived close to 1pm. The driver told me that he was booked for 12-1pm. So there was the first bad experience! It then turned out that he came on his own, he was 60 and I felt bad for him having to do the repacking etc by himself. He also wasn't informed that he had to repack the goods. In any case, he was very polite and wrapped everything promptly. However, I saw him load two boxes into his van which hadn't been repacked. As soon as he left I reported back to the Sales Manager I had been dealing with. He apologised and reassured me that those two boxes would be repacked once they arrived on site. Now I have to say that I have a bad feeling since my goods got picked up, since already a few things didn't go the planned way. I'm also worried that items might have gone missing as they were repacked in their warehouse rather than at my home. We'll have have to wait and see if the goods arrive (on time or at all), and whether anything will be missing or damaged. I really hope all will go well, but after reading other reviews on here I'm feeling quite nervous. Lead time is 8-11 weeks..watch this space. .

  3. Pickfords.

    Pickfords did an excellent job moving us from Hertfordshire to Somerset. On time, friendly and effecient.
    They provided excellent customer service and calm reassurance and help when we temporarily misplaced something ourselves. They found it without fuss and with good grace.
    The Pickfords Head Office manager, Gary was calm, professional and understanding throughout.
    A great team effort and I can heartily recommend Pickfords.

  4. Still waiting for a refund.

    Where to start? Three unexpected and "inexplicable" delays meant our air freight items arrived four weeks late (so a two month wait in all, up from a 2 week aim and a 28 day guarantee) .. And then only half of them arrived. The rest of had been lost, bringing another two week wait. No communication throughout so I had to keep chasing when one, then two, then three days passed without a delivery or any update on where our items were. Eventually got a response by emailing our order manager and the UK Managing Director. Two weeks since the last of our items arrived (did I mention they were scratched?) and I'm still waiting for Pickfords' accounts department to put through our refund.

    Heroically bad. Do yourself a favour by avoiding them and the rest of us a service by putting them out of business.

  5. Damaged Furniture.

    Do not under any circumstances use this company! They had the contents of my house in storage, they delivered it soaking wet and covered in mould. £30,000 of contents rendered worthless.  They denied all knowledge of how the damage occurred, I received £800. 2 years later, I am still living with no furniture as I cannot afford to replace it. I was recovering from a serious illness, had nearly died and this cowboy company almost caused me to relapse! .

  6. Insurance.

    Been waiting for 9 months for these people to deal with an insurance claim on our move from the UK to the USA.  Celeste Puttock from the Reading office says " I am revering the matter to my manager" and that is all, never come up with a solution. Sadly have a good name but that does not reflect in my experience. The claim is really simple but they now don't even return emails. I have used a man and a van service before and that worked well but as this was an international move went with an established name, proved to be a waste of time.

  7. Appalling, disgusting, disgraceful!!

    16 weeks ago, on 24th of July 2014 our belongings were taken from our house in Esher to be delivered to Bahrain. For that we contracted Allied Pickfords and paid for their services in advance & in full. The contract we signed was for a sea freight shared container delivered after 7-9 weeks. 16 weeks was surely not mentioned anywhere, even in the smallest print and neither was the way we were treated by all of the UK employees that crossed our path while trying to find out the whereabouts of our belongings. We used South west branch & our coordinator was Ms Tina Matthews. Her correspondence was very good up to the point when the money was taken out of our account & belongings colected. After that it became very sketchy until it finaly turned into our emails either being completely ignored or replied with: "Leave it with me, I will get back to you", followed by complete silence until our next email. To clarify things even more I must say that we did not push or ask for constant attention, the first email we ever sent asking about the progress of our shipment was 10 weeks after it has been colected. We gave them space & time, thought even 3 months is acceptable, but then had enough of being constantly humiliated and disgusted with absence of response to our queries. 12 weeks into the waiting we were given a date, 27th of October for arrival in Bahrain. Bahraini coordinator got in touch, we organised all of the customs paperwork & hoped for the best. After that date pased we contacted the Bahraini office just to be made aware that our belongings never arrived to bahrain on the date stated or any other. Our tacking number and password were not working from the start and when asked Ms Matthews  about it guess what happened: we were ignored yet again! So at this point we had no means of knowing who was to blame: UK or Bahrain office. When we contacted them both Ms Matthew replied that she will check & get back to us. And that was the last we've heard from her or anyone else at the southwest branch. So understandably by this point we had enough of this sharade & decided to write directly to the CEO of Pickfords Mr Russell Start as yet again Ms Matthews failed to provide us with complaints department contact details after we've writen & asked for it. The CEO replied (a huge surprise there!) and passed our complaint onto a relevant area manager and the UK network director to investigate & revert. He wrote that they will be back in touch very soon and here we are, waiting, still..

  8. Delayed and damaged goods.

    NEVER,NEVER, NEVER use Pickfords, particularly the Eastleigh branch. The only thing they did promptly was to extract money. It took 2 weeks to move furniture from Eastleigh to Newcastle, using another courier, and trasnsferring to a Hoults delivery vehicle. On arrival some items were wet or damaged. Despite writing several times, no explanation was forthcoming. Still awaiting repair of dining room table and chairs 2.5 months later.

  9. Pcikfords The worst removal company around.

    Pickfords have to be the worst removal company in the uk.  Damage furniture send a second rate repairs who ruins an oak table and sideboard then don't pay out.  Waste my time sending the office junior out to smile and apologise then do nothing.  Their regional manager doesn't think its an issue and told me he was happy to take them to court.  Great cusotmer service

  10. Price.

    The saesman called round to my elderly parents and quoted a price that included the dismantling of a fitted flat pack wardrobe unit by a qualified joiner.  The actual removal was from a one bedroomed bungalow to a downstairs flat with no barriers to access at either end. It was not until the date of removal that myself and my sister discovered the actual cost of removal quoted for the job to be carrried out. Had we have realised the quote was going to be as excessive we would have recomended our parents went elsewhere.
    The price quoted  for a 0.7 mile jurney removing a 3 seater and two chairs,small coffee table, small book case, tv and stand, fridge freezer, wahing machine, one double bed, 3 packed quilts, a whicker chair and the afore mentioned wardrobe and head board set was priced at £704.50 including VAT (OR £50.32 per item).The total time for the three removal men to empty the flat excluding the wardrobe was 45 minutes and to be fair it was a Monday morning so they maybe took a little extra time to do the job which was fair enough. Please do not for one second believe we have any complaints about the removal men they were excellent and did the job efficiently and with no fuss.
    However another reson for this complaint was the job included the dismantling of the wardrobe by a qulified joiner, the removal men turned up and stated 'that is beyond my capability, there should be a joner here for that'. Upon calling head office the removal men discovered there had been no joiner booked for the job he offered to try his best but my parents would need to sign a disclaimer as he was not confident in doing the job. As mentioned earlier the job had been priced to include a joiner, eventually someone did turn up to dismantle the wardrobe we could only take it on trust that he was a joiner but given the circumstances this trust was given grudgingly. Mainly due to the time taken for the removal to take place 10am turned up van packed excluding wardrobe in 45 mins. Time for unloading 45 mins so tking into accounr the hour to dismantle and reassemble the wardrobe the actual time for the job was 2.5 hours or £281.80 per hour. 
    After contacting the company and being passed around a little we managed to secure a £50 rebate mening the actual job was 261,80 per hour but being told that the quote was there to be taken or left was not waht we were expecting unprofessional springs to mind. This review will hopefully be seen by enough people to make them think twice about trusting a brand which is what my parents did. The service offered was not as expected had this service been for example a trhee piece suite it would have been classed as not fit for purpose and oreturned for a full refund and we would most definitely have shopped somewhere else for the goods. To conclude and if you have stayed with me this far thank you Over pricing, poor customer service, poor after sales, inadequate resolution to complaints if this were your supermarket would you shop there?  .

  11. Poor - do Not Use.

    My move was actually to Singapore - the move experience end-to-end was awfull. They delayed my delivery because they did not get the last GBP30 after I had paid them more than GBP1000! (and this despite the fact that I had emailed them I was paying it - and that payment failed at my bank's end). The had damaged a number of goods at my end - TV, child cot, artifcats etc. and all I got was compensation for the child cot - I had to dispose of the matteress on my own cost. DO NOT HIRE THEM.

  12. Bad, Bad, Bad.

    If your looking for a stressless move either do it yourself, or get another company in!! They  turned up at 2:30 to do a pre-pack, we were to be packed and loaded that day??  They ripped my Lino in the old house!!  They broke my tv, I did get money to replace the tv eventually, but had the cheek to take the old one away (I'm sure it is in an employees house now?)??  They dented my tumble dryer, overall they were not helpful, and only increased my stress levels to an all time high!! NEVER, NEVER USE PICKFORDS GLASGOW!! Unless you thrive on stress. .

  13. No Shows!

    I'd love to write a review of my experience with Pickfords.. Only they haven't even bothered to show up today to pack and remove my belongings to storage. No message, no explanation. I've tried every number I can find for them, but it would appear no one works weekends - not even the removals people booked for the job. It's ruined everything. I'm supposed to complete my flat sale in 6 days but everything is still in there. On top of all this they've taken nearly £500 of my money. I'm utterly destroyed by this experience. I honestly don't know what to do.

  14. Shocking Price.

    This is how pickfords removals operate I asked for a quote, i'm single and moving to a 1 bed flat 2 miles away, I said all my stuff is packed stacked and ready to go with easy access at both ends, total move time I estimate 1 and half hours max. I got quoted £800
    so lets look at this - that's £400 a mile, I could buy a van and insure and pay 2 people £50ph and still have change. pickfords? pick-pockets more discriptive.
    then I questioned this thieving amount and they tried to convince me that it was a bargain. they then said its peak season. i'm sorry but I didn't know we had seasonal removals, they are talking like i'm booking a holiday.  then there is VAT, which I am very aware of and it can't be used as an excuse. then you pay their insurance?? I meen how useless are they and how much damage do they do if they force you to pay insurance, if the have builders erect a scaffold around your house you don't pay their insurance for them, they do
    but the real sadness is what if its an old lady who doesn't know better, or some-one with mental issues they can't deal with people properly and agrees to this. PICKFORDS - no morals - no ethics - shamefull.

  15. Shocking Price.

    This is how pickfords removals operate I asked for a quote, i'm single and moving to a 1 bed flat 2 miles away, I said all my stuff  is packed stacked and ready to go with easy access at both ends, total move time i  estimate 1 and half hours max. I got quoted £800

    so lets look at this - that's £400 a mile, I could buy a van and insure and pay 2 people  £50ph and still have change. pickfords? pick-pockets more discriptive.

    then I questioned this thieving amount and they tried to convince me that it was a bargain. they then said its peak season. i'm sorry but I didn't know we had seasonal removals,  they are talking like i'm booking a holiday.  then there is VAT, which I am very aware of  and it can't be used as an excuse. then you pay their insurance?? I mean how useless are  they and how much damage do they do if they force you to pay insurance, if you have  builders erect a scaffold around your house you don't pay their insurance for them,  they do.

    but the real sadness is what if its an old lady who doesn't know better, or some-one with  mental issues and they can't deal with people properly and agrees to this. Pickfords - no morals - no ethics - shamefull.

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