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All You Can Move

All You Can Move reviews from real customers

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Company average rating All You Can Move – 3.2 (calculated based on 53 reviews).

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All You Can Move

   53 reviews

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  • Company: All You Can Move
  • Location: 4814 Calvert St., Dallas TX, 75247
  • Website: www.allyoucanmove.com
  • Email: krista@allyoucanmove.com
  • Phones: (214) 751-7610

53 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Unprofessional, Dishonest and Shady.

    Bullet points: • They have no moving trucks that I can tell - each outsource has their own rental truck. • Everything is outsourced. • The outsources are unkempt and very unprofessional. - Each has their own terms and conditions and try and get extra out of you. • Lied numerous times about delivery dates and terms of the contract.  • Awful customer service. • Quote ended up being almost 25% more than was stated. • Will not call back, almost impossible to talk to the same person twice. So in summation, it took 17 days and numerous calls to get less than 2000 lbs of boxes and furniture. Awful customer service, unprofessional movers, dishonest shady behavior and just lies upon lies, one of the worst experiences of my entire life.   The FULL STORY: I was on budget (like everyone else) and was looking for a medium priced mover with good reviews. I found several moving companies, "All You Can Move" had the most stars so I called them to see what they had to offer. I am completely convinced that any positive review was put there by this company. Philip was was my contact and was extremely helpful and responsive right up until I actually booked the move, once it was scheduled, the communication dropped off and no calls were returned. This applied to even simple calls, things like questions about prices and services, the very basics of business.  I asked him about his reviews and inquired about the truck coming to pick up my furniture just to be sure I wouldn't be charged the extra fee of them having to rent a smaller truck to get to my building (which I was told could happen.) I was told by Philip "Well, you saw our reviews, they are very good." and "We have our own trucks, large 75 foot 18 wheelers that pick up and delver, we are a full service moving company with our own movers and employees." I asked this specifically because I have heard horror stories and these were things I knew to ask to be sure I was dealing with professionals. I was lied to on all fronts as far as I can tell. I lived in a very tiny 650 sq, ft. apartment and I had no appliances. Literally the list of inventory given, which was not exceeded was: Bed with headboard, footboard and rails, tv stand, ikea desk, office chair, side table, couch, small kitchen table and 2 chairs, with an estimate of about 25 medium sized moving boxes. (I took anything valuable with me in my car; computers, tvs, art, anything of any real value.) I was given a quote based on 2000 lbs at 45¢ per pound and was instructed that this was the most accurate way to pay since square footage is an estimate of about $7 per sq. foot and obviously a box of pillows weighs less than a box of books. So my initial estimate was $1170: $900 for the initial 2000 lbs, and the rest was made up of a $45 fuel charge, $75 elevator charge at my current residence and $150 stair charge at my final destination which is on the 3rd floor. This price also included dis assembly and blankets for larger pieces of furniture like beds, desks, etc. but this price DID NOT include reassembly. I was told that the average delivery was 3-5 days from the first day I was able to receive my furniture. After reviewing the e-mailed contract and terms, I gave him a 3 day window of when they could come to pick up the furniture and booked the move. I was told they would call 48 hours before that moving date so I would know when the truck was coming. At that time I needed half the estimate at the time of pick-up in ONLY cash or money order, approx. $600. Most importantly was the procedure I was told about how the estimate would be given with the driver on site. I was told that one of their employees would come in and evaluate if they thought I had 2000 lbs, if he thought I had less or right about he would guarantee my price of $1170, but if he thought it was more, he will have already been to a weigh station right before my move, then immediately after go to a weigh station and call me with the amount in pounds and show my verification of this weigh-in in the form of a slip, then charge me 45¢ per pound. THIS IS IMPORTANT because I tediously researched my furniture online, and weighed most of the boxes in my apartment on a bathroom scale and my girlfriend and I were both very confident I was between 2000 - 2100 lbs, so expecting to pay a bit more and then for plastic wrap for my couch, which I was told would be about $10 by Philip. The following timeline reflects my experience: • March 25, 2013 - I tried contacting them several times to ask about how much I would need to have on hand for payments with no calls back. • March 27, 2013 - Call was given by a dispatcher named Barbie (remember this name, it's important) for pickup within about 48 of actual time. • March 29th - I was called by the moving truck driver (broken English) to explain he was running late. A few hours later he arrived with another young Russian in a small rental truck, not the 75 foot truck was told about, the truck had no logos dealing with "All You Can Move", it was simply a small rental. He came in and looked at everything explaining that HE did NOT charge by weight, HE charged by volume which he claimed worked out to be the same thing. I told him this wasn't on my contract and he asked if he could load it and then "show me" and if I still wanted it weighed he would do it. So I agreed. At that point I walked outside and called "All You Can Move" and asked for "Barbie" the person on the other end of the call picked up with a different moving company named, and I was told that "No one named Barbie works here." thinking I had the wrong number I told him my name and that the driver was trying to charge me by the square footage rather than by the pound which I was initially told. He said he would call ME back. I went back into the apartment and I heard the drivers phone ring in the other room where he was disassembling the bed, I heard him arguing and saying "No, no, no and telling them in a discouraging tone that he would deal with it." Then he came into my living room and asked if I had called the company, I said yes, I want my moved based on my contract, by the pound..he again explained it was the same, murmured something about it being too much trouble to weigh and all, then again said to let him load it and if I still wanted it weighed he would do it..so I asked him, so you will go and weigh it with JUST MY STUFF, correct, and he looked at me and said "Yes man, of course." So he finally got everything loaded, then "showed me the truck", I fully intended on telling him I still wanted it weighed no matter how it looked. But when I got there to my disgust he explained he already had someone else's furniture on the truck and had not weighed it before, so basically the weight idea was gone and he had to "estimate 2800 lbs" which I knew was wrong, but in fear that he would go, put a full tank of gas, then weigh my stuff with someone else's stuff, I agreed on $1540..now I realize that this may not seem like much, but that is 25% more than my initial estimate and the way he got around to getting that number was dishonest and infuriating. He told me that the movers who delivered would NOT be them, and he was bringing my stuff to a large truck and that the price given to me DID include reassembly, which again was not in my contract. But I saw that as a possible and ONLY positive to the miserable situation. After leaving dirt tracks and empty tape rolls and packing materials all over my apartment, they were off. This company's named was "Times Moving Company, dba Statewide Relocation from Florida" I informed them the first day I could take my furniture was April 2, 2013 • April 2, 2013 - Nothing I waited my full "3-5 day estimate and then some until April 8, 2013 • April 8, 2013 - Called movers for status update, again got a different moving company name and was told it would be 3-4 days..I waited 3 days and then called again, as I hadn't been given my 24 call yet. • April 11, 2013 - Javier explained I was misinformed the previous time, and said he would call me back..he didn't. • April 12, 2013 - literally called me back to tell the they would "call me back" • April 12, 2013 - call from the truck driver to say he would be there in 1-2 days. • April 15th - call from movers asking about my 24 notice, which I informed them I hadn't gotten yet (they were unaware of this) - waited on hold for 45 minutes (because I refused to get called back and ignored again) and was told if they didn't call with my 24 notice that day, they would definitely call on the 16th. • April 18th - (2 days after that definite 16th) - I got a call to say they would be delivering on the 19th. • April 19th - truck driver called to say he would be arriving. 3 Mexican guys in a Ryder rental truck, quite filthy, showed up to deliver my furniture. I gave him the rest of my payment. He attempted to charge me extra for reassembly, which I had to ask about, as when he first arrived he said that was included in the price. When I told him I had no more money to give him, he was annoyed and tried to allude to the scam of him having to rent a truck to get into my complex. I told him to take that up with management of the property as I asked them before moving, and they said there was room for his large truck. My boxes were all beaten as though they had been moved several times between trucks, several large chips on my bed and rails, and the foundation boards were pretty well all broken.  So in summation, it took 17 days to get less than 2000 lbs of boxes and furniture. awful customer service, unprofessional movers, dishonest shady behavior and just lies upon lies, one of the worst experiences of me entire life.

  2. Dont use All you can move as your moving company.

    I used this company to relocate from Chicago to San Francisco - I will NEVER USE IT AGAIN
    Their main problem is COMMUNICATION - My main contact,Tekla, was very helpfull before signing the contract - but once the contract is signed she wouldn't even answer to my emails and forward them to someone else.
    I have been trying for example to get a receipt for about 3 weeks and the billing department has never answered me so far. The boxes were very damaged and wet.
    My bike and one sofa was very damaged too. DONT USE THIS COMPANY - don't hesitate to email me if you want any additional details I'll be happy to help.

  3. Bad Moving company.

    Original quote was for $3622.50 for a four bedroom house and we paid them $932.15 for deposit on 11/09/12. 11/14/12 moving truck arrived but was not a full size moving truck (six wheeler, even though contract states they will use an 18 wheeler) and they had another customers household goods on truck, Avi the driver thought it would still fit. After all day trying to make it work they decide it  won't fit so they will return the next day. Their plan the next day was to unload and store the other customers items in our garage even though our house had  been rented to another family. They come back and unload the other customers items in our garage and then load our items in the truck. They spend all day  on this and then determined they cannot get all of our stuff on the truck so they decide they will come back the next day to load the other persons items and  take what they can of ours and will send another truck in a day or so to get the rest of our stuff. They say we have more stuff then the quote was for and the  new quote was $7,000.00.  Avi the original driver admitted that "All you can Move" low balls the quote knowing they will get you later for more money.  We paid the driver $4,000.00 by check on 11/16/12. 11/28/12 we received a call from new driver saying he would be there in two hours but would only take cash for the $2000.00. I refused (conract states check or credit card) and I offered check or credit card. They drove off with my stuff.  I retained a lawyer and contacted the US department of transportation.  These people are scam artists, stay away from them.     .

  4. Dont Even Think About Contacting Them.

    First of all English is my second language so excuse me for any grammatical errors.  I wish I read your comments Matthew but I found this company as a referral from one my friends who  really take evaluating companys seriously. So I trusted her. I talked to Tekla. She was very nice and very  helpful. We were moving from New Jersey to Miami. Over the phone she asked what the items were and I told her the  best I can in 5-10 minutes. She gave me an estimate for about $3000.00 which was OK. I asked her what happens if we have more  items. She said the estimate will cover the differences and the big thing was that she stated multiple times  IF I WANTED TO WEIGH THE TRUCK, THE TRUCK WILL BE WEIGHED.They will not weigh the truck. Price was was reasonable. I really didn't shop for any other company  because 3000 was reasonable price. In March 2012 we rented a 40ft trailer to move our warehouse from NJ to Miami  and we paid about $2100.  Then we had Hurricane Sandy. We had to move the date multiple times and Tekla was always there for  us. Truck arrived. The first thing they did was come in to our house and start itemizing every single item that we  had. The driver showed me what the initial weight of the truck was and they will weigh the truck after loading  is complete and he told me we will be charged some cent per lbs. These were never mentioned to me.    Tekla made me so comfortable that I was even moving all my weight lifting equipment such as Squad rack, Olympic Bar  and barbells.  There was no indication that it was going to be so detailed.   Anyways, on the way to Miami I received a phone call from the moving company that had nothing to do with  all you can move, the lady told me that the move is going to cost $6700.00 and if we don't pay the money they will not deliver the items to our home in Miami. In addition there will be $800.00 fee if the trailer can not enter the building.    I immediately called tekla who has been there all the time to help and she said she can not help and she is sorry.    I talked to the manager at all you can move and the manager said I should talk to the lady at the moving company  (Barbie) who has been the dispatcher all along the way.  I recommended that we should listen all the phone conversation that we  had with Tekla and she said they don't record phone conversations.    I was (am) extremely dissapointed. If I had known that it was going to be so detailed I would have shipped all the  boxes in pallets not using all you can move.    I got Mr. Isaacs email address too. Stay away.  All you can move is not a moving company they are just using Internet and the web to find people and trick them  to get their money. Yelp is the first place that I looked and I found matthew's review.I will do more. I will post this review everywhere.     I did call tekla and told her  that I was going to write this review.    I am sorry for all those people who work for Isaac.     Barbaros Ozdogan  .

  5. Name Changed to.

    I chose this company based on reviews and cost but I did not know that their sales team told so many lies. I chose to move between 8 and 11 am on a Saturday. I received a call around 10 stating that there was an issue with the truck (1st lie) and that they would call me back in 5 minutes (2nd lie) and let me know if that crew could make it or it they needed to send a new crew between 11 and 1. I did not receive a call nor did a new crew show up. I called and left a message at 1 and called again at 2 and left another message. I received a call back stating that I sent an email to the driver (3rd lie) stating that I wanted to cancel my move.I told the sales guy to forward me that email, well, of course, he could not b/c I never sent an email, so then he told me that when the driver called I told them to cancel the move. (4th  lie) he told me that he would send the next crew within the hour which would be around 4 pm. I received a call from the driver stating that they were 30 minutes away (5th lie). I waited an hour and then received a call from the sales guy telling me that they would need to cancel because the driver had a family emergency (6th lie). He said for the inconvenience that they would add a 3rd person to the crew (7th lie). They showed up the next morning with only 2 guys. Oscar was the foreman and he was great, but the guy that was with him used my bathroom in my new house, not a problem, but he did not ask (problem 1) and he did not wash his hands (problem 2). So not you are moving my items with nasty hands. I would not recommend this company to my worst enemy. I called and spoke to what they told me was the manager and he was not concerned at all with the hassle that they put me through. Warning: do no use this company as I have learned a lesson in that you get what you pay for. Btw the truck is an old (2 men and a truck) truck, next time I will pay the higher rate to get better service!

  6. Dishonest people.

    Stay away from this company.
    Horrible professionalism.
    DO NOT talk to people there named Krista, Phillip, and Javier; really bad communication skills. Cannot believe this company actually exists.
    This should be allowed in our great Country!! They have a F rating on Better Business Bureau. If you ask them though, they will say they have NO rating.
    watch out for this awful business!!

  7. The company is a big Lie & they stole my laptop.

    Well, I don't know where to begin. I can never get over their horrible service nor my laptop which was lost during transition, with tons of my baby's pictures in it. Will never forget and forgive them!   At the beginning everything seemed fine, I was dealing with an agent named Tekla, whom seemed to be very helpful over the phone and also gave me a great quote. Let me write in detail: I wanted to move from Plano to Frisco (exactly 7.45miles) from a 1st floor 2 bedroom apartment to a one bedroom apartment, for which Tekla mentioned she will send a large truck and also charge me by the hour (75$) without packing. On the day of moving (over the phone she mentioned only 2 men) 3 men showed up with a small truck which did not fit the things I had in my home and they had to make 6-7 trips and my final pay came up to 540$ as those men were the slowest, they started moving things at 9am (i clocked the hours they worked at my apartment) and finished moving everything by 4.30. Including a lunch break.   At the time we emptied the apartment, I still had my laptop on the kitchen counter to be taken with me before I leave.  We had one final bag which did not fit our sedan so had to keep the big bag along with my laptop in the truck with those men and that was the last time I ever saw it. They never pick the phone, never return calls and emails. I have been trying to get in touch with them ever since without any response.   Im not bothered about the immense charge, which is a very clever way of cheating, but I will never forgive them for the stolen laptop which had my baby's pictures, videos right from the moment she was born!  This company is a big lie, and their employees I dealt with are the worst of the worst lot! Shame on them.    Like everyone else, I did a lot of research and then decided to go with them, but I regret that! .

  8. Terrible experience.

    Do not use these guys or any of their subsidiaries! We were very lucky to receive everything they had moved for us. I had to get a local company in Florida to take over the move at the end because I knew our stuff would get stolen if they delivered it do not read any good reviews on this company. They are all fake reviews! Do your homework! Don't talk to guy, maria, Eric, Isaac, any of them.

  9. Best Movers Ever!!

    Excellent  service. They did a very good job. The price is very reasonable. I also found they are very fast. They really care about there costumers. they are very proffesional. They helped me threw the whole process & made sure my every question and concern was answered. I knew my things were safe and that they would do as promised They provided me with a Worry-Free Experience. Just love them. I would definitely recommend them to everyone.

  10. Great Job!!

    You made my move very easy!!I was very impressed with how easy everything was. The way the moving was aranged and taken care of within a couple of days blew my mind!!I received great help and it was all stress free which is a big plus!!I loved the great support and low cost.I would absolutely refer them to my friends and family. Any one who uses you will be very lucky. I will be a returning customer.

  11. Very Satisfied.

    I would recommend these movers to any of my friends. I have been in the military for 15 years and, been deployed and moved from location to location numerous times. I've had to deal with tons of different moving companys and, for me they have always been a pain to deal with. These guys were prompt and the service was exceptional. No missing or damaged items upon arrival and, even though I usually keep a checklist of the items I'm shipping I know with these guys I don't have to. Everything will arrive to its destination on time. I will use this service again. .

  12. Wonderful!!

    BEST MOVERS EVER!! ALL YOU CAN MOVE MOVERS was the best company I have used so far!! I move quite frequently and have used many different moving companys and this one was professional, polite, and hard working..I really love this company!!
    They helped me threw the whole process & made sure my every question and concern was answered. I knew my things were safe and that they would do as promised They provided me with a Worry-Free Experience. 100% Recommended!AAA All Around!  .

  13. Great Service!

    I was very satisfied with my moving experience. Of course moving is always such a major undertaking. The gentleman were very polite and respectful. They showed up on time and were experienced with understanding what needed to be done and got down to business. I would certainly feel comfortable using them again and I highly recommend them to anybody else in need of movers. .

  14. Great Service.

    All You Can Move does a Great Job! They went above and beyond to satisfy my needs.. They helped me threw the whole process & made sure my every question and concern was answered. I knew my things were safe and that they would do as promised They provided me with a Worry-Free Experience. 100% Recommended!AAA All Around!  
    Made my move between my old office and my new office as smooth as pie.  Had no worries at all.
    Great Job!

  15. Saved the Day!

    I was relocating to our New york office. Part of the relocation package included the company designated mover (not to be named). No name movers took the deposit and backed out a week before the move. All you can move was able to get everything packed and relocated to New York on a weeks notice. They really saved me the headache of driving up and back to get my things moved. Thanks, you guys were fabulous!  .

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