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Best Moving & Storage Inc.

Best Moving & Storage Inc. reviews from real customers

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Company average rating Best Moving & Storage Inc. – 2.1 (calculated based on 47 reviews).

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Best Moving & Storage Inc.

   47 reviews

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  • Company: Best Moving & Storage Inc.
  • Location: 4800 W 34th Street, Suite 20, Houston TX, 77017
  • Website: www.bestmns.com
  • Email: info@bestmns.com
  • Phones: (713) 955-1900||(866) 295-9933

47 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Smooth Move.

    I recently had to relocate from Va to Tx for work. This thought terrified me because of all the horror stories I have read online. A friend of mine in Texas told me about the company that moved him from Victoria to Katy. Rick said they were honest and competitively priced so I have them a call on a Saturday. I spoke with Ray and gave him the details of my move. We went over all my inventory and he gave me a price of $2400 dollars. So the day was set. I got a call from their office stating that a pickup was cancelled and they wanted to come a day early. No problem so far. The driver arrived and walked through my house to look at everything. Now here is my error on why the price jumped 400 bucks. I forgot to list the things in my attic. I also needed some additional packing. The head guy explained everything with the additional charges. I signed off on the new estimate. The guys loaded everything up and drove off. That's when my panic set in. I got to Texas a few days later, stayed a few nights in a hotel and got the call from the driver saying he would be there between 2 and 4 pm. I was happy to see that all my belongings were ok when they came off the truck. The guys were super nice and very careful. The only hiccup in the entire ordeal was on myself for forgetting the stuff in the attic. All in all, everything went smooth.

  2. Scammed by Best Moving and Storage! Horrible Experience. AVOID!!

    My recent experience with Best Moving and Storage of Houston, TX was literally one of the worst experiences of mine and my family's lives.  This company is a complete scam. Do not use them. We were originally quoted $4000 and when the movers picked up all of our stuff they changed the price to $11,500.  Their original "estimate" was obviously designd to get us to hire them based on the low cost and then give us this new much higher price when they had already started to pack up our stuff.  They showed up over 12 hours late at almost 10 PM and forced me to stay up all night with them while they packed the truck.  I literally did not get to sleep and had to drive myself over 10 hours the next day to Michigan alone in my car.  One of the main parts of their scam is the boxing up of your stuff.  They charge a minimum of $45 a box to box up your stuff along with a minimum of $20 to do the boxing and they insist on boxing up everything, even when you have already boxed things up yourself.  They literally went through my house and threw everything they could find into boxes so they could continue to charge us this exorbinant fee.  They boxed up many things that we asked them not to take, including bedding that we needed for that nigt and 2 piles of clothes that we were planning to wear the next day. 
    The sad thing is all of this was just the beginning of our nightmare.  They promised us delivery on Monday and did not show up until Thursday.  My wife and I have 2 small children, ages 1 and 3 and they did not have anywhere to sleep, any extra clothes to wear, no toys etc.  Our original agreement called for us to pay with a credit card and when they arrived, they demanded $10,000 cash instead of a credit card to go along with the $1500 deposit we had already given them.  We did not have this amount of cash.  They said if we did not pay them they would take our stuff back to texas and auction it off.  The person we were talking to's name is Ray.  I believe is has somewhat of a higher up position in the company but I am not 100% sure.  I have never in my life delt with someone so rude, beligerent and completely and utterly unprofessional in my life.  At one point he was on the phone screaming so loudly at my wife that I could hear him clearly standing near her through the phone.  He had no regard for us as customers what so ever and was only concerned with fleecing us for as much money as possible.  He threated us to the point where we were forced to borrow $7500 in cash from my parents to get them to bring our stuff into the house and out of their truck.  Let me state this again clearly.  Despite agreeing to take a credit card when the company showed up and demanded cash from us or they threatened to steal our stuff and take it back to Texas. 
    Again this was only the beginning of our nightmare.  When they started to bring in our belongings we started to realize that there was a ton of damage to most of our stuff.  All of our furnature is scratched up badly and a good amount of it is broken.  They ruined my very nice kitchen table by scratching it badly and stripping the screws that connect one of the legs to the table.  The screws are custom milled for this piece and are not replaceable.  They lost the screws for my 3 year old's bed and we still have not been able to get it assembled.  They ruined a very nice dresser and nightstand that go along with my sons bed that were all bought by my grandmother when he was born.  She died a year ago so they are completely unreplacable.  They scratched up many of the picture frames that they charged us over $60 a piece to pack up, they broke expensive chairs, ruined my $1000 Temperpedic matress, scratched and gouged up a few expensive desks that I had, broke a few of my sons larger and expensive toys and broke a very expensive and one of a kind custom made golf putting green.  They broke and scratched and badly gouged a custom hand made blue pine bed room set that was extremely expensive.  There was a 4 page list with over 200 things that were damaged.  They also lost or stole a few things that we have yet to find.  On top of all of this they damaged my house in more than one place.  They put a huge dent in a wall, took a chunk out of a newly redone fireplace frame and ruined carpet that we had put in literally the day before they came. There are also missing items including a few hand made things that my wife's grandmother made for her when she was a little girl that we believe the guys from the truck stole or lost.  
    On top of all this, they did not even finish our job.  They abruptly quit and left before they were even done.  Our contract called for them to reassemble all of the furnature that they had to disassemble and put everything in the room it is designated for.  They left with atleast 2-3 hours more work to be done.  They specifically charged us $150 extra to move a fish tank that is somewhat large and they did not put it where it was supposed to go in the new house.  It is too large for us to move.  We will have to hire someone else now to move it to the right place.  The head person in charge of our move, whose name is Kevin, was also extremely rude and unprofessional.  He seemed to take joy in all of our broken and ruined posessions, often laughing at us when we pointed something out.  He would not allow us to inspect many of our things to report the damage before he left and again as I stated before left long before our job was even done, refusing to carry out his side of our contract and leaving us with a job that we are unable to finish.  We will be forced to hire more outside help to get the job done.  The 2 main people we delt with Ray and Kevin were the 2 most unprofessional people I have ever delt with in my life in any situation.   
    We have since tried to contact the company to discuss what we can do about the problems and damage but cannot get anyone to return our calls.   They seem contect to have taken our money and do not care abot our complately horrible experience. 
    All in all we could not have had a worse experience with Best Moving and Storage.  Avoid these people like the plague.  They are a complete scam. .

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