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Special Ops Moving

Special Ops Moving reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Special Ops Moving from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Special Ops Moving – 2 (calculated based on 36 reviews).

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Special Ops Moving

   36 reviews

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  • Company: Special Ops Moving
  • Location: 100 Fillmore Street 5th Floor, Denver CO, 80206
  • Website: www.specialopsmoving.com
  • Email: admin@specialopsmoving.com
  • Phones: (303) 800-3303

36 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Do not use this company!

    I start off by saying, we used this company in the past and those movers did a great job. We decided to use them again a few years later (last week) and have had a horrible experience. I do not recommend you even try because apparently if there are issues, they will not resolve them. The movers were ill prepared for our move and did not have the appropriate equipment such as a furniture dolly for our refrigerator, which resulted in minor damage to our hardwood floors and front door. My husband and our friend had to help with all aspects of the move. The movers were pushy at the end for a tip and made us feel uncomfortable. (They were friendly during the move for the most part.) We did not get the 10% veteran discount. What we are most concerned with, however, is the movers ran over our newly laid sod 4 times with their moving truck, damaging the integrity of the yard. We have to get it refilled in with dirt and the sod must be replaced or our yard will permanently sit unevenly which has been verified by 3 different landscapers. When we sought resolution, Special Ops did not return our phone calls for days. Finally we were given a claims form but it did not match our claim since it was focused on damaged merchandise. When I submitted pictures to Special Ops requesting a resolution which includes compensation, they responded that grass grows back in 2 weeks, then sent another email saying they would come have a look. We re-explained that our concern was not with dead grass, but with our yard's integrity which has to be replaced and accepted their offer to come and have a look. The customer service email does not have a phone number or name attached to it, neither does the form. We asked for a contact name and number and time to expect them as we feel extremely uncomfortable having not knowing who to expect or when to expect them. We never heard back when asked this information, just "I'll come by in the am". We simply want compensation for damage directly caused by the movers. Their lack of response and contact information is concerning and extremely unprofessional.

  2. Did good.

    Did a good job on our move from Denver to Lakewood. The weather was not great but everything made it safe and sound. Would recommend.

  3. Did a good job.

    The company did a good job. the guys worked hard and the price was fair. not the lowest not the highest. id recommend special ops moving.

  4. Indifference and Silence.

    Indifference and silence. That is what you can expect from Special Ops Moving if something goes wrong with your move, indifference and silence. I hired them to move me three weeks ago. They failed to deliver all my property to my new residence. After bringing that to their attention I’m told I’ll be contacted by a manager or dispatcher by the end of business one day later. No one ever calls. I call twice the following Monday, no answer either time. I call Tuesday, reach someone and am told a manager will call me. Finally I get a call later that afternoon. Is it a manager like I was told would call me? Nope. It’s one of my movers, who chooses to just argue everything with me and never apologizes for their mistake. They located one of my items but he refuses to listen to me when I explain about a box full of my personal property that is still missing. He argues, dismisses me, but I push at him to locate it. Days go by without any contact from the company. I call multiple times and leave messages. Finally, over a week later an agent named Jessica reaches out. I explain my frustration at the company’s indifference and unprofessionalism. She assures me she’ll be staying in touch about this matter, that my property which they did find will be returned to me and that they will look for my still missing property. Then, later that night I get an email with a claims form to fill out. They are hiding behind their limited liability. Under the advice of a family friend (an attorney), I refuse to fill it out. I seek the return of my property, not a check for penny’s on the dollar of its value. Instead, I provide a detailed inventory of the missing box with pictures. I even provide a picture of the type of box they are packed in (I bought 5 of the same large box from a used box company in Aurora and still had the other 4). I also provide a detailed list of possible outcomes for the box to help them cross their T’s and dot their I’s in locating it. More days go by without any communication. Then, I’m back at it. Hounding them down to reach anyone. I’m frustrated beyond words at their indifference. Three weeks without resolution, without an explanation of anything going on, without the return of the property they did locate over two weeks ago, without the location of my still missing property and without an apology for their failure to competently perform the job I paid them for (delivering ALL my property from point A to point B). Indifference and silence is all I get from them. Three times now I’ve been told a manager named James would call me, being assured all three times like it was an absolute fact he would call. He has never called. Indifference and silence. No effort to return my property. No apology. No communication. Just indifference and silence. This is how this company deals with customers who’ve they’ve wronged, indifference and silence. Their treatment has been unreal. This is by far the worst company I’ve ever dealt with. Their actions speak for themselves. This company has shown a complete lack of integrity, professionalism or the faintest compassion towards me as a customer. I would recommend them to no one under any circumstance, friend or foe.

  5. Nightmare - AVOID THEM.

    Worst experience of my life. Wish I had just moved my self.

    If you're interested here's my nightmare with them this past Saturday. I had high hopes since my interaction with their receptionist was so pleasant, but that's where their competence ends. I had a scheduled arrival window for 12 - 2PM and I was told that they would call 30 minutes prior to let me know that they're on their way.

    2PM comes around, no call. So I called their office to make sure I still had my appointment which they took my $100 deposit to reserve. They said they were running late on their 'morning' job and would be another 90 minutes. By 4:30 I was becoming irritated sitting in my packed up house waiting for them to call/show up so I give them another call to figure out if they were close or if I should cancel and make other arrangements. I call them again and they tell me they are "finishing up the other job now and would be leaving soon".

    It wasn't until 6:15 that they finally call me back but this time they say that they are "at the shop and would be there in 45 minutes". They did finally arrive at 7PM..already 5-7 hours late and after being lied to repeatedly since 2:00 about when they were going to show up.

    Had they not lied to me I would have canceled and made other plans. But no instead I spent the entire day sitting around waiting for these guys to show and when they did it was no surprise that it took them the entire day to complete a 'morning' job because they must have addicts or high out of their mind on something. I never met two more brain dead individuals in my life.

    Around 8:15 I confirm they have the correct address of my new home and we leave. I drove slowly so they could even follow me just in case. I get onto the on-ramp for the highway but they just keep driving straight..right downtown into Denver. I was beside myself at that point. They call me a few minutes later asking if my new house was in Golden. It's in Centennial, not even close. They weren't going the right way even if it was. I had to hold these guys' hands for everything.

    So I get to the new house 20 minutes before them waiting for them to show up since they went the complete wrong direction into heavy traffic in downtown Denver. They charged by the hour by the way and refused to even give me a partial refund for any of this ordeal. The one mover was asking me personal questions such as how much money I make and what I pay for my home. He was browsing through my books taking pictures of my belongings with his phone. These guys didn't leave until 10PM, I was too exhausted to even set my bed up so slept on the couch. These jokers ruined my entire day and weekend.

    The Monday after this I tried to call their office and tell them about my experience and request the $100 back I was charged to 'reserve the time slot'. Receptionist said the manager would call me back in an hour. Never got a call back, no surprise.

    Called them again Tuesday extremely livid and feeling taken advantage of and this time the receptionist said the manager would call me back in "5 minutes". At this point I knew the games they play and laughed at her. I told them if I didn't get a call back today I would feel compelled to type this story up (one which needs no embellishment) and share it to others.

    Finally got a call from the manager and he brushed everything off saying their "margins are tight" and couldn't refund me any money and that their "arrival windows are only estimates". But when I brought up about how unprofessional the movers were he seemed a bit ticked off and said he wanted to talk to them and would give me a call back in an hour..go figure it is now Wednesday afternoon and never got a call back.

    Live and learn I guess. Do yourself a favor and avoid these people. I called my credit card company to issue me a new card as well because I do not trust them whatsoever.

    Save yourself, pay an extra $15/ hour for a quality mover.

  6. Lack of delivery services.

    Moving company was set to arrive between 1-3pm on a Saturday. The truck showed up at 7pm. No call to notify of delay. Once they arrived, they notified me that they didn't think all the items would fit in the truck. When I set up the move, I was clear about the amount of items I had (ONE bedroom apartment with couch, chair, oversized chair, dining room table with 4 chairs, bed, dresser, tall mirror, oversized dresser). They explained that they use a 26 foot truck - plenty of room. The truck they arrived with was NOT 26 foot and had no liftgate to assist the movers. The actual men that arrived were very polite. The management team was full of excuses. Apparently, the truck broke down and they had to rent another (NOT MY FAULT). They couldn't deliver the dressers (too heavy?) If they had the proper truck and moving supplies - it would have been no issue. The move was 25 miles and they partially moved my items at 10:30pm. They expected payment which I reluctantly paid (should never have), because I was promised they would return Sunday to "finish" the move. I have never heard back from them nor expect to. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. Leslie seemed nice enough on the initial set up of the move but got testy when I questioned the email address she used to contact me, then she claims I gave her the wrong e-mail address - I think I know my own e-mail address. If you use this company - buyer beware..

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