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Simpsons Removals

Simpsons Removals reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Simpsons Removals from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Simpsons Removals – 2.2 (calculated based on 104 reviews).

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Simpsons Removals

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Service Areas

  • Company: Simpsons Removals
  • Location: Blue Hawk House, A1, Manor Way Business Park Manor Way, London
  • Website: www.simpsons-uk.com
  • Email: enquiries@simpsons-uk.com
  • Phones: 01322 386969

104 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Worst Company & Very Vindictive.

    This has got to be the worst ever shipping company in history. We moved from the UK to Cyprus in Oct 2017 & we stupidly decided to book with Simpsons to ship our stuff to Cyprus, BIG MISTAKE. As when we spoke to a guy in the office called ersin for a quote, he sent someone round who took photos of our property & then came back to us within 2 days with what we thought at the time was a very cheap quote & cheaper than the other shipping companies. Now ersin told us that based on the volume of our property, we would only require a shared container, not a sole container as we don't have enough volume for a sole container, so we stupidly agreed as he explained it was half the cost & we'd save money as we would be sharing the container with another person who was also having goods shipped to Cyprus & it would only take maximum 4-6 weeks tops for our property to arrive to Limassol. We thought ok no problem, but he then stole an extra £336 out of my pending refund of £1300 which was due back into my bank account as he claimed that when simpsons gave us a price it was based on 556cubic feet in volume & when they got our goods back to their warehouse and apparently measured the cubic feet again, we were over the agreed 556cuft that we had already paid for and agreed in writing , but no ersin was adamant that the extra £336 had to be paid or else Simpsons would not ship our goods at all, this we felt was blackmail & extortion , I didn't agree to them taking the extra money they just took it and fed us a BS story that we had to pay and regardless that we already paid them the final bill in the 1st place , they threatened not to ship our goods if we didn't pay the extra money. Now amongst our property was our deceased son's belongings aswell which they didn't care about as once they had stolen our money that was that. We left the UK in Oct 2017, it's now Dec 2017 & they still haven't shipped our stuff at all, if anything they kept making BS excuses that they were waiting for another consignment to load onto the shared container. We emailed them, & phoned them on numerous occasions explaining that it was a matter of urgency that our stuff is shipped immediately as it's been longer than the 6 weeks as promised & they have our late son's belongings & they couldn't care less about us or our late son as they saw fit to physically steal his property as they were refusing to ship it to Cyprus for no reason whatsoever & they were keeping it against our will. On top of that we've now had to fork out an extra £2700 to an actual shipping company to collect our property from Simpsons warehouse & ship it to Cyprus, something you'd think it was Simpsons job to do , after all that is what they were paid to do & failed miserably. Also we received an email from Simpsons explaining that they would be refunding money back into our bank account as they did not ship the stuff at all eventually. But they have failed to refund us the money they stole from us, as we are constantly emailing them on a regular basis quite rightly asking where our refund was , but they don't reply to any of our emails. Plus we believe that there is an element of racism towards us as we a Greek-Cypriot family & the person who was supposed to be our so called " Point of contact " is Turkish, now that shouldn't be regarded as an issue, but that's exactly what it turned out to be, as he deliberately stole money from our bank account, lied over & over again as to when our property would be shipped to Cyprus, ignored our emails & calls. Which makes us believe that the only reason he's treating us like crap is because we are Greek, now if we were turkish, then I 100% guarantee we would have been treated with respect. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS, SIMPSONS ARE THE WORST SHIPPING COMPANY EVER, THEY STEAL YOUR MONEY & LIE TO YOU CONSTANTLY . The Simpsons who live in Springfield are far more trustworthy than these lying, thieving, racist , heartless bunch of lowlife crooks. As of today's date 09/01/17 myself & my wife still haven't been refunded by the company, our money that we're legally entitled to as promised by tracy kench via email. Well done Steve & Melanie Simpson for single handidly robbing customers left right & centre thus resulting in flushing good old daddy's business down the toilet as that's exactly where it belongs with the way you treat your customers & the only reason your not in the dole queue is because of good old daddy dearest.

  2. The worst company ever.

    Moved from the UK to Canada. On the quote it clearly stated that we were getting the full unpacking service when the furniture was delivered to Canada and all boxes and paper would be removed from the premises. However, when they sent the paperwork to sign they intentionally took out this service and left a single mother and her 2 young children to do everything. They are liars and thieves STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY.

  3. Horrendous company in every way!!

    Where to start!!
    1 day late, turned up with 1 man and a sprinter for a European removal.
    Next day another guy turned up with a Luton van, they got half of our belongings in and said the rest would cost another £5000 on top of the £5000 already paid.
    It was contractors that they sent out, no shiny big Simpson’s truck.
    The manager and staff are absolutely full of lies and rubbish, customer service was appalling.
    My wife was 5 months pregnant and waiting for my return, with an empty house for an extra 2 days.
    Be extremely careful as they said they provided me with vans sufficient for what I asked for.
    I was not the one who worked out the cubic feet!!
    They were so far off the cubic feet it’s insane.
    I would never use this company and they deserve to go out of business!!
    I only gave 1 star because I had to to publish this review.

  4. Left me with nothing.

    Do not ever use this company.
    They will with hold your goods at there depot and charge you extra.
    I paid them £740 to move me over to Sutton-in-Ashfield from derby. They told me when they did the quote that they would supply rails for my clothes and they didn't. They turned up at 10.30 and they were aware the there had been problems with the exchange but we decided to go ahead in the hope that the money would transfer for the house that afternoon. All my stuff was packed on the trucks fine and the 3 guys they sent were lovely. They set off to the new house with my stuff. I drove up to Mansfield to get the keys from the estate agents. I got a phone call from their manager at 15.45 to say that they would need to charge overtime at £90 a hour. I accepted this. I got the keys at 16.30. I was walking back to my car with the keys to head back to the new house when I got a phone call from a very abrupt and rude receptionist who told me that the men were returning to the depot with all my belongings. I was very upset and told her I had nothing with me at all. She didn't appear to care and said that the men would leave a bed on the garden and that they would load my things into storage and redeliver in 4 days time. I was horrified. I told her that I had agreed to pay overtime and she said that nothing had been said to her and the men were leaving. I got back to the house to find a mattress left. No bedding no pillow nothing. I have a pituitary tumour and hypoparathyroidism and I realised that my life saving medication was packed on the truck. My gp had to order emergency medication because I tried to ring their office and nobody was answering. I had nowhere to go and no clothes food belongings at all. The following day I rang them up by this time very angry. The receptionist was adamant that they could not deliver for another 3 days right before Xmas day. I told her that I would get another company to fetch my stuff that day. She put the phone down on me. Then I rang her back and asked why she had put the phone down and she said it was because she had finished speaking. I explained that my medication was on the truck and she said that was my fault for packing it. I told her that I would contact the police because it amounted to theft. I got a phone call later that day and was told that they would deliver the next morning at a cost of a further £990 which included redelivery storage costs and 2 hours overtime for them having to unload my things into storage. I was contacted to give card payment over the phone otherwise they would not deliver. I was very distressed. I paid and made it clear that it was under duress. My belongings were delivered but so much in the boxes has been broken including a unique stained glass clock and many of my glasses and one of my picture frames. I still haven't found any of my remote controls for my TV etc. Also the attachments that hold my shelves in my glass unit are missing so it's rendered useless. I am now left with no money to buy family Xmas presents as a result. This company are fraudsters. If it took them 2 hours to unload my stuff at their depot and they knew I was 10 minutes away before they left the house they should have simply charged overtime to unload it at the house. But they wouldn't do that because they took my goods so that they could charge again for delivery in addition to the overtime. I will not stop until this company are out of business because they treated me so appallingly that day. I have never known such vindictive administration staff and such fraud should be punishable. I will be seeking damages and compensation having already spoken to trading standards. Apparently they are approved by Which. I will be informing every agency that endorses this company and ensuring that all people are, aware of their bad practices.

  5. The worst company ever.

    Do not use this company! My items were first on, last off a shared container. The boxes were 100% packed and full! Simpson’s didn’t ship my three seater sofa, washing machine, fridge and parts of my bed now left useless! Do not use them! Contact me if you need to hear the full story as they are poor!! UK to Cape Town. They didn’t have other options!

  6. Spain to England.

    Terrible after sales service - once they have your money in the bank.. forget it!! Even after appealing to the owner! They couldn't really care less if they tried hard!! Sad - very sad!!
    Here is my final attempt at obtaining fair justice from this firm:

    To: The Owner/Management of SIMPSONS REMOVALS & STORAGE LTD Dear Sirs,

    I am writing to you in relation to the disappearance of the central part of our wardrobe, measuring approx. 1.5 mtrs x 1.2 mtrs x 0.42 mtrs (the largest piece of furniture on the list), which item was clearly marked on the Atlantis documentation and copied onto the document you sent me. Its identification number being #13/2. I can now confirm to you that the Spanish company Atlantis, who stored our pertinences, have checked the container in which our belongings were stored and have assured us that it was they themselves who personally removed our belongings from the container using their checklist, and that they also personally placed them on board your lorry. They noted that the lorry already contained furniture from other clients of yours.
    There remains no doubt whatsoever that your Company collected all the items listed, including the central part of the wardrobe which was the largest item you collected. We entrusted you with our belongings and feel that you have a duty to explain to us why the largest piece of our furniture, which you
    undoubtedly collected, remains incomplete as you have failed to
    deliver the central part. The driver of the lorry used in the collection, and his companion(s), should surely be able to inform you of its whereabouts. Having paid 865 pounds for its collection and delivery we consider that we deserve an honest explanation. The wardrobe also contained items that are very valuable to us. We are asking you to perform a decent investigation on our behalf as to its whereabouts and politely suggest that you begin with those who were
    in charge of the lorry which collected it and those who were present at its unloading into your warehouse for storage until its delivery. Our furniture may not have any great value in monetary terms though they are antiques, but the missing wardrobe belonged to my wife’s grandmother and has in our eyes irreplaceable value. In the event of it having suffered damages on the journey, we would have preferred it to have been delivered to us in whatever condition. In fact, other items, (a gate leg table and a writing bureau), were severely damaged – the writing bureau was delivered in 4 separate pieces, but we made no complaint and I have been able to repair them satisfactorily.
    The most upsetting feature of this entire affair to us, is that we have good reason to believe that you are not being transparent with us.

    We fear that having received full payment in advance for the
    collection and delivery of our belongings, you now lack the
    motivation to investigate the disappearance of our wardrobe, or to invest the time necessary in discovering its whereabouts, its
    possible recovery, or at least finding out exactly what happened to it. For instance, could it have fallen over in the van and suffered such damage from bouncing up and down on its broken mirror, so that those discovering it decided not to report it? We wish to point out that your company was recommended to us through “ShipStuff.com”, of which you are a member and who are now waiting for a report on the way you have dealt with us. We hope that you will give our case sufficient time so that our report can still be of a positive nature.
    We do have physical evidence in our possession which would help any outside investigation should that become necessary, but rather than reporting this case to the various BAR associations of which you also are members we would naturally prefer to receive a satisfactory response from yourselves. Trusting that you are an honourable company and willing to rectify any negligent behaviour that has resulted in the wardrobe being damaged beyond repair, and your workers unwilling to report to you of its fate, I Iook forward to hearing what your investigations bring to light and still hope that we may recover the missing part of the wardrobe or at least be given an honest answer as to its fate and the corresponding compensation. Yours sincerely, Edward Laughlan

    Their response.. one phone call to my wife from the assistant manager Max Oughera, promising to contact myself (which never happened), and into "Forgetitlandia.. we've been paid" NOT an honourable company!!

    Oh and by the way.. the way this site has been set up I was not able to select correctly the town of pick up nor the town of delivery so I will tell you here. The pick up town was El Puerto De Santa Maria, Cadiz. The delivery town was Fairwarp, East Sussex.

  7. Liars , Cheats , and Thieves Describes Simpsons.

    In brief we used them to move from Derbyshire to Goa India, They lied about time scale , they packed terribly , they lied about customs costs , they allowed over 20 items to be stolen , they allowed 30 plus items to be broken , it took months longer than they stated , Washed there hands in communicating , refused to provide directors email details , Insurance claim took a further 3 months as information was withheld , All in all a disaster , they even stated it was our fault at one point for allowing it to happen . We paid £2700 incl insurance , Claimed £3700 on insurance , got paid £2300 . We feel like we have paid to be robbed . A complete bodge company , old man Simpsons name is in the toilet.

  8. Simpsons Removals and Storage.

    Very helpful pre-sales team who won the contract through excellent communication and customer support before the move. Movers themselves were extremely quick and efficient, seemed to take great care to look after and be respectful of personal belongings. Every box was labelled clearly with contents which was really helpful later on. On their suggestion, it's worth separating all essentials beforehand into a 'not to pack' area if belongings are going into storage as there is not always time on the day. Storage charges are very competitive. Delivery to a new house a few of months later was again extremely well managed with lots of supportive back-up contact. A nice touch: the same moving team leader (Paul - totally amazing superman!) was allocated which was really helpful as he actually remembered our belongings and this speeded up the move and furniture distribution. He also re-assembled our beds and 9 huge storage cratefuls were still moved in by early afternoon! Simpsons also refunded part month storage costs promptly. We would recommend Simpsons highly. We have moved fairly often and this is by far the best quality and most hassle-free and worry-free service we have ever had. A definite top star rating!

  9. Last minute request.

    I called Simpsons ask if they could help I needed to move ASAP. well from an agreed quotation emailed back a forward over a couple of hours as I had changed my mind and needed to add the glass ware and breakables packed for me. They came up with a date to move and I completed the move in less than Seven days. Yes I did not go for a quotation with anybody else. well with the service I received I am glade that I only went to them. Did use them about 29 years earlier and the same efficient friendly service. no items stolen damaged or dirty or wet. went entering the new house they put on over shoes supplied by me. Had to use London as It does not have Gravesend for pick up and drop off.

  10. Simpsons can kidnap your goods before delivery.

    I totally discourage anyone using Simpsons Removal services. My experience has been dreadful, with the company actually “kidnapping” my goods before delivery.

    Basically, I was told the day before scheduled delivery of the goods in Madrid (moved from London) that I had to pay extra GBP 600 to have the goods transferred into small vehicles, since there was a traffic restriction in the city of Madrid they never mentioned. They had a month to let me know of the issue, and they blame me of not knowing local regulation in the whole city of Madrid, which is something I did not agreed to.

    I had to pay the extra 600 GBP to get my stuff delivered, with Simpsons Removal claiming my goods would be send back to the UK if I did not pay.

    If you decide to use their services, please ensure you know every single transport law, as the company will blame you if you fail to do so…. and you would have to pay extra…

    Thanks for nothing Simpsons.

  11. Simpsons.

    I moved my belongings from the UK to New Zealand earlier this year and unfortunately decided to use Simpsons. The person who came and did the quoting was nice enough and I decided to get three quotes. One was way too expensive and Simpsons and one other were around the same price, so was a toss of the coin really, and boy did I lose that one!

    My belongings were collected on the day I requested, so all good there and I left the country a few days later heading to Australia first for a few weeks, then to NZ. A week after my belongings were collected and me already being half way across the world away I received an email stating that sorry we have under quoted you and now demand a further £293!! I complained and was told in no uncertain terms that if I did not pay the extra money my belongings would stay in the UK! I put in a complaint to the owners who refused to comment and said we have 15 days to respond as per the law. They took the full 15 days plus a few more to respond stating that they would not change their position, the person who took his sweet time was a Peter Turner who was also very and couldn't care less.

    I had no choice but to pay the money and try to pursue compensation later. My belongings finally left the UK about seven weeks later (about five weeks later than promised).

    When my belongings finally arrived, I was tracking the progress myself online, I received no advices from Simpsons at all and had to wait a further two weeks plus before they contacted me about delivery. The NZ company Conroys on the other hand were excellent and delivered everything on time and cleared their mess, plus also came back and collected old boxes and rubbish.

    After unloading everything I discovered my antique cabinet, the largest item I moved, was missing, and to my surprise was also not on the manifest. The cabinet came in two pieces and the small piece arrived only. Inside the cabinet were all my personal papers, some watches and photos and irreplaceable objects. Simpsons denied that there would be any belongings left in the cabinet as they always empty everything which was a bold face LIE! They had no idea where the cabinet was and all they could offer was a sorry, and speak to my insurance company. They managed to also smash up my glass antique cabinet, the glass and legs, plus upon opening all my belongings, smashed quite a few plates, bowls, glasses, and a very precious glass platter that was a gift from a late partner! Their packing was appalling, I am surprised I did not lose more.

    I eventually a week later heard from Conroys the NZ people saying they have my cabinet in Auckland and would get it to me. When it arrived it had someone else's name on it "Roberts" and a completely from customer number! It was also damaged and required repairs which fortunately insurance paid for. Insurance also covered breakages and repairs to other cabinet, an no compensation from Simpsons was offered or forthcoming when requested.

    The company a charletons really, I see from other reviews they regularly under quote and then demand more money when you have left the country virtually holding your items for ransom.


  12. Move July 2017.

    We moved from London to Lincolnshire
    We decided to have the packing service, this with hindsight was a mistake, we had some breakages and the boxes were so heavy we could not move them, even the removal ream had some difficulty with some boxes.
    There was not enough room on the van for all,our garden pots and these were delivered some weeks later.
    The customer service of the management team left a lot to be desired, on moving day I highlighted some of the problems - not least the “packers” had left at least twelve boxes to be packed by the removal guys - I was told it was not my concern!
    The lady in the office was lovely, and the guys on the ground were good, the packers could have done better but we had the feeling they had a set amount of time on the day after which they left the remaining stuff for the next day.
    We were told repeatedly by the packers that costs for any damages were deducted from their salary even though we had insurance!
    I e mailed a complaint to Steve - apparently the boss, but received a reply from Peter who was one of the people I complained about, he disagreed with me and informed me I would receive a response to my omplaint within 15 working days, that was July, it is now October and I am still waiting
    Needless to say I would not recommend this company.

  13. Terrible.

    I booked a removal from Scotland to Northern Ireland and was given a guide delivery estimate of 7 to 21 days.

    It took 58 days, so more two and a half times their estimate.

    While this in itself was bad enough they also failed to keep me informed about this situation, providing neither reasons for the delay nor updated estimates, which is in violation of their own T&Cs.

    In fact, they never even told me there was a delay.

    I have emailed them countless times, including official complaints which were not acknowledged. All I got as response were half hearted non-apologies ("we're dorry you're not happy"). The pressing questions of where my stuff was, why it was delayed and when it would arrive were ignored.

    When the items finally arrived they gave me all but three days notice despite originally promising me at least five.

    Overall this experience has been very stressful and time consuming and if I could give 0 stars I would.

    My advise is to avoid them at all costs.

  14. Great Service.

    Recently did an international move (UK to Sweden) with this company and it couldn't of been easier. We had a home visit for the estimate, and didn't end up paying any extra when the volume was again calculated in storage. The removal men were quick and well rehearsed with what the they doing on both sides of the job. Everything came out of storage in exactly the same condition it went in, I was expecting maybe one or two breaks with the nature of the move, but even with some glass furniture I have found no damage worth noting. The job was carried out by Simpsons throughout, no third parties for us, the process was four months including requested storage time. This was our first big move so I emailed a lot and always got a concise reply within a day or two. They seem a tad expensive in comparison to other companies but seeing others moving into our building with other companies I see why they are. I definitely recommend them, and will use them again if I ever need too.

  15. Our move - ruined.

    My family moved to Canada from the UK this summer. Our belongings were collected in June and almost three months later are still in the UK.

    They originally gave me an estimate of 6-12 weeks for completion. Had they been more realistic (I find it very difficult to believe that they have such a skewed grasp of their own operation) then I would have gone elsewhere.

    Communication is cursory. They do respond to emails but only with platitudes (just one more week . . . ) and there was a marked change in posture from the moment we paid them. When we arrived in Canada, they wrote telling us that they didn't know when they would be able to send our belongings, but for an extra £1700 they could send it straight away. We felt as if we were being held to ransom.

    There was a mistake made with our invoice, but this was an honest one.

    My wife is a piano teacher. Her piano - and our livelihood - is stuck in the UK. We have now had to rent one at considerable cost, to buy a complete winter wardrobe, and replace our son's toys and books.

    I don't think they are crooks, but they seem mercenary and defensive - once we paid, they stopped caring. I would advise extreme caution and to get EVERYTHING in writing. I wonder how many extra weeks this review will cost me. I'll keep posting updates here and on other review sites.

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